LGBT Parenting


Ava was seen by a few different specialists this morning and we walked away with no answers or plan.........yet.

The pediatrician says she has a gait problem and is concerned about her eating and vomiting problems, we will see her again in a couple weeks.  She also observed Ava playing and interacting with the nurse, myself, and Addie, obvious problems interacting with people she knows, very good interaction with strangers. Ugh.

The neuropsychologist did the Bayley Scales of Infant Development test on her and I saw her marking mostly zeros, meaning she couldn't complete the task she was asked to do.  Ava engaged pretty well with the neuropsych but wouldn't engage with me when I called her name.  The neuropsych said that she is easily overwhelmed by any stimuli and shuts down.

We spent a little time with OT, swinging and trying to sign and checking balance.

The next step is for all of the specialists to get together and come up with a plan and hopefully a diagnosis, I wasn't given a single hint at what might be going on.  I was told that she will need OT for sure and we need to get squeezed in for a hearing test ASAP.  They are also going to send another referral for neurology.

I'm glad the testing is done but now I'm ready for some answers.

Re: 10.

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    I am so glad you are able to start the process to getting those answers.  I know with JT it was a bit scary when we met with the first Developmental Pediatrician, she also did that test and he had a lot of zero's.  Some of the things she was having him do he had never done before so it was frustrating.  She was pretty quick to want to label him autistic, but he would need to go to SF to have a different team of specialist evaluate him during a 4 hour process.  We saw her through our medical insurance.  We had another evaluation with the state and explained that he was going to be having tubes put in and that should help with his hearing, in turn helping him with his speech.  We had a different team evaluate him and they agreed that we would revisit the autistic conversation when he is 3.  He goes to a WONDERFUL preschool now that has typical children as well as others that have various delay's 2 times a week as well as speech therapy 2 times a week.  His OT is now going to be prescribing a sensory diet (at our request) to help with his sensory overload he now experiences since his tubes have been put in.  

    Sorry if that was a bit of a ramble, It has been on my mind so much lately and I wanted to wish you luck in getting the answers you need for little miss Ava.  

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Not knowing can be so frustrating. Glad you have gotten the testing... hoping answers come quick for you!
    Iui #1 = unmedicated = bfn. Iui # 2 = clomid 50 mg = bfn. Iui # 3 = clomid 50 mg = bfn. Iui # 4 = unmedicated = bfn. Iui # 5 = unmedicated = bfp - miscarriage at 5 wks. Iui #6 = nov 2012 = gonal f 75, endotrim 100= chemical pregnancy/bfn
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    Letting you know that i'm proud of you! You've done a lot for your girls! "waving hands" I follow your blog and I wanted to share with you -- lots of hugs! 
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    hlkehlke member
    Was thinking about you yesterday, butterfly.  I hope this eval does bring some answers after the docs talk.  Even if you don't get a firm dx, it seems like the eval will help her access some services she needs.
    Same sex couple TTC with donor sperm.  I am 35 and carrying.  Endometriosis and DOR.
    AMH 0.5, AFC 5-8, FSH 7ish

    IVF #1 - antagonist.  Empty follicle syndrome.  1 retrieved, 0 fertilized.
    IVF #2 - antagonist.  Ovulated early.  3 retrieved, 2 fertilized, 0 blasts
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