October 2011 Moms

Organic fruit & vegetables or no?

Just curious what everyone feeds their LO's. Even before DD we bought organic meat, eggs, dairy and veggies (veggies for the most part anyway), but it's expensive and since we're trying to pay down debt it's been a struggle.

I've been contemplating on buying non organic fruit and veggies (minus the main ones that are loaded with chemicals), but feel badly knowing I'm giving them to her. What do you do?

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Re: Organic fruit & vegetables or no?

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    I do a combination of both.  If there is a really good price on something that isn't organic, I'll buy it without hesitation.  I figure non organic fruits and veggies are still better than happy meals at every meal (not that I'm anti-happy meal; I just think there should be a balance).  
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    LCassLCass member
    We don't buy organic.  I want to, especially for the dirty dozen, but right now the money just isn't there.  Maybe once I'm working pt next year we can do it, at least for the worst ones like apples.  I don't feel badly about it and I wash them as well as I can, but I know that I would be happier if we were buying organic.

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    I usually just buy the regular stuff. 

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    I try to stick by the dirty dozen rule w/ fruits & veggies but like pp if there's a good price I buy it. If I use jarred then I buy organic. LO doesn't eat meat yet so not sure what I'll do b'c that's expensive. Eggs I use brown organic as well as milk. And yes better any fruits/Veggies than none at all
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    I try to stick by the dirty dozen rule w/ fruits & veggies but like pp if there's a good price I buy it. If I use jarred then I buy organic. LO doesn't eat meat yet so not sure what I'll do b'c that's expensive. Eggs I use brown organic as well as milk. And yes better any fruits/Veggies than none at all

    I don't know if you have a Whole Foods near you (or maybe another store similar) but I can get a 3 pack of organic chicken breasts (usually 6 breasts all together) for about $18-20. It's an awesome deal. My ground beef I buy it's about $7.50, but I can split it up into 2 meals, sometimes 3 depending on how much there is.

    Thanks ladies for the responses! Maybe I'll look into what the Dirty Dozen is and only get those organic. It's expensive damnit!!!!!

    Congrats Starbuck :y & HHB on their sweet baby boys!
    Lots of love & luck to Mdluv & Zook
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    With a little girl, I'd be particularly careful with meat and dairy - early puberty and all. If money is tight, I'd buy organic milk, organic Dirty Dozen and then go from there. There are creative ways to eat organically on the cheap - farm shares, frozen organic fruit and veggies, farmers markets. 
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    Organic for the "dirty dozen," plus other produce when convenient/affordable, all eggs, milk/yogurt, and purchased baby foods/snacks.

    edited (typo!)

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    are there farmer's markets or CSAs available where you are? That's a much more inexpensive option. They might not have organic certification but you can ask about their practices. Many farms can't afford the certification (costly inspection required) but use organic practices. 

    We are a part of a CSA. So we paid up front around $30 a week and get a ton of fresh veggies from a farmer we know. There are a lot of greens, but DD has eaten everything we've given her from it.  

    We only buy ethical meat and that's probably where a lot of your budget goes. Swap beans or lentils if you can. Also consider buying an animal from a good farmer. We buy half a pig every year from a farmer who uses no hormones or antibiotics. It's incredibly reasonable, works out to less than $3 a lb, and we always have meat in the freezer.  You can do the same with a cow and whole chickens, which are MUCH cheaper than just buying breasts.

    We buy local produce whenever we can but do buy supermarket organic apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes because those are staples that don't grow here.  

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    I don't generally buy organic but I do buy local and we don't really drink cows milk or I would buy that organic. I hit puberty early (C cup at 9, period at 10) so I don't know if Lo stands a chance anyway lol.
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    I don't know if you have a Whole Foods near you (or maybe another store similar) but I can get a 3 pack of organic chicken breasts (usually 6 breasts all together) for about $18-20. It's an awesome deal. My ground beef I buy it's about $7.50, but I can split it up into 2 meals, sometimes 3 depending on how much there is.

    Thanks ladies for the responses! Maybe I'll look into what the Dirty Dozen is and only get those organic. It's expensive damnit!!!!!

    That seemed really high to me too! I can get 6 fresh, skinless, boneless breasts for around $8-$10 and 1 lb beef for $3.50 regular price. Less if I find a sale. I can't imagine spending that much, but wages might be higher where you are, too.


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    DH is a nut and likes to buy only organic when we have the choice. Since he is the cook I try to let him do what he wants.

    Andplusalso am I the only one who doesn't know what the dirty dozen are. Runs off to google ... 

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    Dang, I wish I could get meat here that cheap! If I were to buy 2 packaged organic breasts it would cost me about $8 Tongue Tied

    I actually just talked to MH last week about going to one of the farms closeby and either picking or at least purchasing fruit/veggies from them (but of course I have to find out who doesn't spray pesticides and whatnot). As for meat, I don't have room to freeze so much, otherwise I would 100% split it with someone and take home a bunch at a time!

    I do buy DD frozen organic berries so that helps. I will continue to buy organic meat, diary and eggs not only for the health benefits but for the humane practices (the brands we get anyway), but don't get me started on that topic.. just chaps my hide and makes me sick

    Congrats Starbuck :y & HHB on their sweet baby boys!
    Lots of love & luck to Mdluv & Zook
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    I don't buy the organic stuff.  However, the majority of the purees I buy are organic just because it seems to be all that's out there.

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    I only buy non organic fruit & veggies when the item is on the clean 15, everything else I buy organic. To me it is 100% worth it for LO especially because most of the pesticides cause cancer and you are putting that into a developing body. 
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    Hi Papps,

    How have you been? 

    I buy organic from the farmers market which I found is a lot cheaper than Whole Foods. I take E to the farmers market every Saturday to get his fruits and veggies for the whole week. If I see fruits or veggies I like that are not organic but the vendor say no spray or pesticide I don't mind getting them and feeding them to E.

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    We are on a tight budget but we do organic for the dirty dozen, other than that just the regular stuff.
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    All organic.  The only time he has not had organic is when he eats bites of our food, out to eat.
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