Trying to Get Pregnant

Husband with low sperm count

We are not 100% sure but we think there might be an issue because of a medication my husband takes.  He is waiting to get a SA done but his appointment is after my possible O date this monthTongue Tied  So to maximize our chances this month I thought I might ask for some suggestions if you and your husband have this same issue.  What did the dr. suggest?  Did the dr. recommend having sex every other day?  Thank you for your help.

Re: Husband with low sperm count

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    Have sex every other day around o time.
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    Are you temping, using OPKs at checking CM? We are dealing with MFI and we try to time it (but with long irregular cycle it can be hard).

    If you are regular, I wold get a CBEFM and time your sex to high and peak days.  

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    Yes, I am doing all three.  And throughout trying, I have ovulated based on all these indicators each month. I just didn;t know if low sperm count would be worsen by having sex each day.  Thanks, I will look into a CBEFM.
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    You should have sex every other day! HTH! Smile
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    We're not dealing with MFI (at least as far as we're aware at this point), but my Ob/Gyn still suggested having sex every other day.  I've read that everyday is fine if there are no issues, so I don't know if she suggests that to everyone or just because we haven't rule out those issues (she doesn't want to start any testing until at least Jan) .

    Sorry I can't help more.  GL!

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