My MIL is in her 70s. She is a very "rough talking" woman, to put it lightly. She curses like a trucker, and doesn't like or have anything nice to say about pretty much everyone. She has five children and only talks to 3 of them. 4 grandchildren, and "hates" (yes she actually uses that word) all of them except my son and he is 3. That being said, DH is well aware of all of her traits and warned me about them before I ever met her. She is not very involved in our lives and for the 7 years we've been together, we've made it through without any issues. I laugh off most of her comments, and never say a negative word about her bc it is his mom. I do think she's insane.
I'm just curious, for those of you with crazy/annoying MILs, do you tell DH what your real opinion is of her?
Re: How much do you voice your opinion about MIL to DH?
DS2 8/21/12
DD 9/26/14
Baby #4 edd 2/11/19
I think we may share the same MIL! She's as sweet as can be and so helpful at times but when she's crazy she is CRAZY! I've made various posts on her venting but then she comes and does something really sweet, I think she may be a sour patch kid.
I have a pretty good relationship with my MIL, so DH and I can talk pretty openly about her traits, positive or negative.
We actually lived with her for three years, and we only ever had one fight. She's a bit of a hoarder, and it resulted from us trying to help her clean out her rented storage building. We do not go near that topic any longer
All three of us are really easy going people with generally the same viewpoints on life, so there is seldom any issues.
We can talk about how she's flighty and absent-minded with a penchant for buying crap that she doesn't need just for the sake of it, and it's all good. He knows I love her and we have a good relationship, so all is well.
I feel like I have to now! MIL is one of those people who says, "That's how I raised my kids and they turned out fine." I think some of the stiff she does with my nieces is dangerous and I can't let her do the same with my child.
I'll comment on pretty much anything that I think about MIL because 99.9% of the time DH agrees. She is not a nice person, and, while that's sad, I'm glad that we share the same opinion of her. DS doesn't see her very often. Thankfully, DH has said many times how appreciative he is of my parents for being *normal* so that DSs can have one set of normal grandparents!
I have vented to DH about MIL before, and lived to regret it. He got defensive and annoyed with me and I felt bad afterward.
Lesson learned.
DH and i have been married nearly 8 years and together over 10. My mom is the crazy one (post menopausal and still nutz) and his mom is sweet, but a little nuttier lately with the menopause issue.
Regardless, we are both fully open about both moms. I am in complete agreement with DH that my mom is a horrible person more often than not. I also agree that his mom means well, but can't make a decision on anything, is killing herseft at work and really needs to talk to somone about her hormones being completly out of whack.
We never bad mouth either mom, but we are open and honest about their issues as well as their better traits.
4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
6/11-11/11 Non ovulatory cycles
12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
12/29/11 Beta 11264 1/30/11 Wiggler w/ HB 160+
Grow Baby Grow!!!! Please be our rainbow!
Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
I cant really form a real opinion of MIL. MIL is mentally unstable, so DH and I have both learned to shrug off everything she says. Some days, she is the nicest and most generous person you will ever meet, but that can very quickly turn into hatred and fit throwing.
And yes. She is on medications and has a therapist come see her twice a week.
All three of us might have the same MIL. Sheesh! It's like a roller coaster sometimes not knowing what's coming. I LOVE the sour patch kid comparison