I know I shoudn't be worried about multiples when I haven't been able to even have one... Its been an ongoing fear for years. I have so many lengthy conversations with my RE and her nurses about this.
I am going to start our medications/IUI next month. I can't decide which to do. DH and RE both are in favor of the IUI but I'm so afraid of multiples that I haven't scheduled it. I know I'm significantly decreasing my chances by doing nothing when I could be increasing the chances for one child by just doing something.
Re: is anyone else terrified of multiples?
My Blog
I'm nervous about multiples, but I wouldn't say terrified. If you are getting the proper monitoring then you will eliminate most of the risks for high order multiples. So it's just the risk of twins or maybe trips that would still be there. Although they do sound like a handful, I think I'll be able to make it just fine if that's how it works out.
When you talk to your RE does she talk through the percent chances of multiples? For me, knowing that getting triplets was X percent chance and getting twins was Y percent change, it helped me not freak out as much.
full time stepmom to SS1 and SS2 since 2010
married since 2011
TTC since 7/2011 (no planned bc since 2008)
HSG 11/2011: one blocked tube
S/A 2/2012 and retest S/A 3/2012: normal
Bloodwork: normal
2nd HSG 5/2012: clear
Femara cycle 5mg #1 7/14/12 + IUI #1 7/23/12 = bfn
New RE appt 8/14/12
IVF #1 meds 8/30/12. ER 9/14/2012: 7 retrieved, 6 fertilized. ET 9/19/12: 1 perfect embryo 5dt.
Beta #1 BFP! 97
Beta #2 234
Beta #3 4937
ultrasound #1 heart beat 127
10/20/12 graduated!!!
EDD 6/7/12
Team PINK!!
DH and i discussed and I was really nervous about the possibility of this happening. However, personally, for us, the more we discussed it, i think the more we are okay with the idea.
Deep down i have to admit, now im thinking it would be pretty awesome to have multiples! LOL
But i'll honestly just be happy with one!
4/12: HSG All Clear
5-1-12: DX of PCOS
5-4-12: DH S/A all normal.
5-16-12: Offically start IUI#1-->Clomid(50mg) + Trigger + IUI + progesterone supplements=BFN
IUI #2-same treatment-->BFN
July IUI#3-same treatment--->BFN
Aug 22, 2012-Laparoscopy Found/Removed extensive endometreosis.
September 2012-IUI #4-Same treatment as before. BFN
October 2012-forced break/Surgery to remove abnormal cells in left breast.
November 2012-First Injects Cycle (IUI #5)! 225IU Follistim CD 3-5, then monitoring appointment. 20+ follier & e2 >2000-Mild OHSS
December 2012-#2 Injects + IUI#6): Beta 1/18/13-BFN!
Jan 2013-Starting IVF!!! BC starts Jan 17/Lupron on Feb 13/Stims on Feb 18/ER on March 1 IVF Protocol: Lupron 10 units in am until stimms. Then 5 units of Lurpon in am, 150iu of Follistim and 1 unit of Menopur in pm. Holding dosage throughtout since response has been great. Thought we would be freeze all due to OHSS, but ended up getting more follicles then expected! 14 total!!! 12 mature and 11 fertilized. Dr calls for a 5 day transfer!!
With Love & Strength, Hope Grows!
WHEN, not IF!!!
I would say I'm concerned, not terrified.
I was talking to my dad about Clomid when I went on it, and I was like blah blah blah, yeah, it increases the chance of twinning by 15%... he was like "so, you ready for twins, 15% is a lot" and I was like.. "what? No"....
I think we could handle twins though, more than that would be a challenge though!
Oh my god. Please learn something about how twins happen.
Nothing about your husband's family's genetics can cause you to ovulate more than one egg.
ETA: OP, of course we're all concerned about multiples. However, the vast majority of REs consider a multiples pregnancy not a good outcome and they work very hard at making sure you are not taking risks that will get you twins or higher numbers of babies in one pregnancy. Explain your fears to your RE and BEFORE YOU TRIGGER have a serious discussion about how many follies you would be uncomfortable with. For me/DH, we decided we won't trigger with more than two mature follies, but that's due to some other underlying health concerns - my RE wholly supports this plan.
And MrsTowns, a 15% chance of twins from an unmonitored Clomid cycle IS significantly higher than the average population. Spontaneous twins occur at around a rate of 2% in the US. I'm sure you can do the math on that one.
never said it wasn't an increased chance, just was saying I wasn't planning on having twins, if it happens it happens, but that isn't the plan
but it can cause an increase in chances for identical. meaning she has an increased chance of both kinds with treatment.
You have missed my point entirely, and you are also wrong. Clomid/ovarian stimulation drugs used only with an IUI or TI increase the likelihood of fraternal twins bc the drugs cause you to ovulate more than one egg at one time.
IVF can increase your likelihood of identical twins. IUI does not.
None of this is impacted at ALL by the father's family having a boatload of twins.
I am only afraid of them for financial reasons. I honestly don't know how we'd handle the double cost of everything - but I"m sure somehow we'd figure it out!
Other than that I'd be fine with it!
"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th
Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!
Molly Mildred born 03/31/13
TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast
Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"
Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN
Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle
Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized
1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!
Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015
No kidding! If we had twins, our daycare costs would be $3420 per month. It's about $1800/month for a singleton and then they're "nice" and give you a 10% discount on a second kid.
The genetics involving twins is passed down from the mother's side, not the father's side. So if there are twins on your mother's side, you have a slightly higher risk of having twins.
My mom is a twin, my grandmother had twin uncles, and they had twin great uncles. I have a risk of twins based on that alone, but I don't mind it. I've been around babies my entire life and even babysat twin girls from the time they were 3 months old until they got into jr. high. I've even had four infants at one time, many times throughout my life. Multiples are not a scary thought for me.
TTC #1 since 3/2011
DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
DH is a testicular cancer survivor
IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal
IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.
FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216 Beta #2: 823
Baby Boy born 7/10/2015
This exactly.
July - Nov 2011: Testing with OB... OB said everything looks good
March - Sept 2012: Moved to RE.. 4 treatment cycles - responses of one or no follicles
09.03.12: Diagnosed Poor Ovarian Response.. DE IVF only option
Feb - Nov 2012: Pursued Adoption. That door slammed shut.
12.23.12: Surprise BFP (first ever)... 12.25 - 12.31: Natural M/C
I love you. Aside from that, you are correct.
Some people, ::coughmrstownsandmommabachcough::, need to go back to biology.
I've thought of this a lot in the past few months. I'm totally on board with twins, and so is DH. I'd be done after that though.
DH's best friend's wife is expecting twins in July, after Clomid + IUI. Apparently they had triplets, but they lost the 3rd one very early on. Not sure if it matters, but it wasn't her that had the "issues" - he had low motility. Would that make for higher chance of multiples - if the woman already ovulated on her own and quite well, that the Clomid just made her eggs go bananas? I don't know, just throwing that out there - I really know nothing about all this! Anyway, triplets would terrify me - I couldn't imagine caring for 3 newborns.
Dx: Feb '13 - HSG shows clear tubes but minor diverticulitis; Borderline DOR; Low DHEA and low testosterone.
Moving on to IUI or IVF.
We've got a peen.....it's a boy!
Little man born 11.17.2013 via c-section
"To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss
Me: 29, Mild DOR
DH: 31, SE mostly normal, 1st SE morph 5%, 2nd SE morph 15%...yeah!.
BFP July 2011, Natural MC August 2011.
3 cycles of 50mg Clomid = BFN
*New RE* Feb/Mar 2012 100 mg Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
*3rd RE* April-June -Break Cycles begin prep for IVF by doing 2 Heparin injects daily....fun fun!
IVF #1 - ER 7/19, ET 7/24, 2 beautiful embies transferred. Beta 8/2 = BFN
*New RE...yes again* FET Nov 2012 with our lone ranger = BFFN
RE Suggests Trying IUI Again, Jan. 2013 IUI #2 =BFN
Feb. 2013 IUI #3 = BFP!!!, Beta #1 (15dpIUI) = 90, Beta #2 (17dpIUI) = 210, U/S Scheduled for 3/18
I hope you don't mind me jumping in here, but as I was lurking and saw the title of this post, I felt compelled to read more.
DH and I did a Clomid + trigger + timed intercourse cycle. We had 4 mature follicles, two on each side, however we already planned on timed intercourse since we did not have MFI. The nurse reassured me that although they would never have us "try" with anything higher than that, that 4 mature follicles doesn't mean 4 mature eggs. We did get pregnant with twins that cycle, and they are most definitely fraternal.
As for the rest of the discussion, yes we're a little overwhelmed. But we're overjoyed that we were finally successful. And we feel like if 2 miracles were meant to happen, then so be it. Unfortunately many women experience "vanishing twin" and have one baby. I feel like whatever happens happens, and whether it's one, two or three I wish you all the best luck in the world. I'm cheering for my 3T'rs.
I see this sentiment a lot and it really bothers me. I've been thinking about how best to word this, and I can't really think of a better way. I realize that all of us would do ANYTHING to have children (this is potentially flammable) but I do not think we should go to such lengths that it will be at the expense of the children we're trying to create.
It sounds terrific to get a 2 or 3 for one shot at parenthood, but when that 2 or 3 for one results in premature birth, ROP, lifelong heart and lung problems, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, hundreds of thousands of dollars in NICU bills and weeks and weeks of time in the NICU, many surgeries, and even death - it just doesn't sit well with me. I really hate seeing this sentiment bc it totally diminishes exactly how dangerous a multiples pregnancy can be. The goal of infertility treatments is ONE baby per pregnancy, for the health of both mom and baby. We should all be pushing for that goal. HOM can be manageable, yes. But it's definitely not something to be taken lightly and especially not something to hope for or push for.
And knoll, please don't think this is directed at only you - I've actually been mulling over it for like a week since I saw a poster on IF who triggered for an IUI with 6 or more mature follies.
Twins run in my family so I know I can handle it...anything more than that I would def get worried!
Enjoy life, smile alot, and always be positive!
I often think this as well. From an after birth, everyone is healthy standpoint, I think I would love twins, but the additional risks scare me. The risks of HOM REALLY scare me for pregnancy and baby complications. I am not sure I could go through with selective reduction, and hope I never have to find out.
My first IUI, I was SO worried about multiples. Now, after 3 bfns, I think I am losing faith that one will work, let alone three!
Antagonist IVF 7 retrieved, 4 fert w/ICSI&AH, 2 blasts transferred. Beta #1 9/20: 367 Beta #2 9/22: 841
I do not have a fear of twins. Probably because I *know* so many ladies from this board that I became e-friends with that now have one year old twins. And I've seen how it's tough but at the same time, do-able and totally worth it.
I am afraid of triplets. The only gal from 3T that I *know* that had trips was Glow and while it's super tough, I'm sure (and from what I've read on her blog)...she is still surviving.
*Edit to add: as Debate said, I would not want multiples on purpose due to the health risks both to me and the babies. But I understand with treatments it's more likely, so I have faced the fear and accepted what I am afraid of. When I say I am not afraid of twins, I mean...once they are born healthy. As an IF'er I think all of us will be fearful during PG, no matter if one, two or more.
IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
My Blog
IVF #2- BFP!!! Beautiful baby girl became an angel on 2/6/13 at 17.5 weeks due to PPROM/IC
**PAIF/SAIF welcome**
Im not terrified. I would be worried about the pregnancy the whole time and go into it knowing that there is an increase chance of problems, but I think we can handle it. We have a great support system, I wont have to work, etc.
However, I have done IUI's with multiple follies and transfered 2 embryos with my IVF and have only been pregnant with 1. So I doubt we are at risk for them.
DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
I feel this way exactly. God doesn't give you more than you can handle and I feel I will get however many kids he has planned for me in whatever order or whatever time he feels. I feel that we can financially handle it if it comes. I understand debate this point as well. I do not wish it but will take what I can get.
I am overweight and have enough concerns with getting pregnant but I will face whatever comes my way head on and strong!!
No personal feelings here.. we all have opinions.. thats what makes this fun!
"To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss