Babies: 6 - 9 Months

2 Things...

1. I currently have LO eating one "solid" a day, while at daycare, which he usually gets around 1pm-ish (lunch). I want to add another when he is home with me around 6pm (dinner). But it just doesn't always work because sometimes he is sleeping from the car ride home (most of the time) and when he wakes up, its time for his night time bottle and bed. If he's up, then I feed him a solid while we have dinner. I guess I just want to know if anyone else has run into this problem and do I just feed him when I can and not worry about it? I guess I am worried about a "routine", I don't want him all over the place, sometimes eating and sometimes not.

2. Why am I so weird about switching out carseats? The poor kid is pretty squished in his infant seat so we have been talking about switching to the convertible but it scares me! The thought of unstrapping him every time and just having this loose baby out and about in the world...what do you do with him? Right from carseat to stroller or carrier? I guess it depends what you're doing? I feel like I have a fear of this! What is wrong with me?! I feel so freaking irrational!


Re: 2 Things...

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    1. I am totally with you on establishing routine, but I try not to think about solids as something that I "have" to do at any certain time. Sometimes I get to it and sometimes I don't. I think of it as an activity for the day. Because it's not her main source for nutrition yet, I'm not going to stress about it. As far as when to fit it in, if I feed DD a solid, it's about an hour or so before her last bottle. I SAH so I'm not sure what to tell you about the falling asleep thing. I wouldn't put so much pressure on the second solid though, but that's just me. :-)

    2. I LOVE being able to not have to carry her infant car seat around. She is starting to get heavy and she loves being in the main part of her stroller so she can see everything. We're not too close to buying a convertible seat yet. Baby isn't as "loose" as you think! They're still in the stroller just like before, just not in the carseat.

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    1. I wouldn't worry about this too much. Once your LO stops sleeping at that time, you'll be able to establish the routine. Besides, food now isn't for nutritional value, it's for exploring and learning. Just introduce food to him when you have time. Our DD does get solids 3x a day, but it's not much. She gets 2 Tbsp of oatmeal with 2 Tbsp of fruit in the AM, a veggie mid-day and then some dinner, which varies depending on what we're eating. Some days though, she doesn't get dinner, because of sleeping.

    2. Ditto to PP. If your LO hasn't reached the height/weight limit yet, I wouldn't switch them out. My DD is only 16 lbs, so we have lots of time. I'm going to use it as long as we can.

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    1. Are you doing purees or finger foods? I had the same scheduling problems as you at night. That's why I chose to skip purees. I just didn't have time after work to spoonfeed DD, so she eats what we eat for dinner. It saves so much time. I also plan really easy meals for the week so it doesn't take as much time to prepare. We get home at 6, eat around 7, bath at 7:30, bottle and bed at 8. As your LO gets older, he'll probably drop that last nap, so that should help.

    Purees and I have tried to give him finger foods but he just gags! But looking at all of the responses, it looks like I don't have to worry about it. I just felt like I would confuse the kid. I'll just take it easy breezey and give him what I can, when I can and worry about more of a routine later.

    2. Has your LO reached the height or weight limit for the infant seat? I'm not bothering to buy a convertible until DD reaches one of the limits just so I can get as much use out of it as possible. But we don't take the infant seat out anymore; she's just too heavy in it. We carry her in and out of the house, or put her in a carrier or stroller for shopping trips. It's way better than lugging around the heavy seat. Try it; you'll be fine!

    Sooooo I just cracked up reading these responses...yaknow why...I NEVER considered just unstrapping him from the infant carseat LOL It was either take out the entire infant seat every time, or put in the new carseat. I'm telling you, the whole carseat thing has me not thinking straight!!! I don't know what the height and weight limits are but I highly doubt he has exceeded them - he is 18.3lbs and 27". He just seems so squished when I put him in there b/c he's getting so big :(  I already have the convertible carseat and it looks so luxurious compared to the infant one...but I will hold off and just start unstrapping him and leaving the seat in to see how I like it.

     Phew. Thanks ladies. That stuff was bothering me!

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