It's my birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight. I also found out today via b/w that I'm surging, so I took my Ovidrel as instructed and have an IUI scheduled for tomorrow morning. My RE doesn't want me drinking in the 2ww, but does anyone know if there's anything wrong with drinking tonight after taking Ovidrel? I just want a glass of wine with dinner.
Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*

Re: Ovidrel + wine = OK?
Ask your RE.
But...since you aren't in the 2ww, I would enjoy the glass of wine.
Thanks all! I had called my RE's nurse but wasn't sure if I'd hear back before they closed. She just called and said enjoy the wine -- and I will!!
Good luck sunflowers!
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*
Good luck!!
Me: 34 Mild Thin PCOS DH: 36
5 Clomid & TI= BFFN
IUI-IVF coming Soon...