Pre-School and Daycare

*Cute lunch check-in*

Is it Friday yet? I'm tired!


DD's preschool was having a wedding of the letters Q and U, so this is the corresponding lunch. Boy and girl bears - sprinkles for the ears and nose, and itty bitty marshmallows for the eyes (the black dots are drawn with foodsafe marker) plus blueberries and a strawberry in the right side of this two-tiered box. On the left is half of a pear, the last lemon cakepop from DD's birthday party, ham on sticks and a Babybel cheese with the letters Q and U carved into it. 

Egg-themed lunch, but DD decided she didn't want the hardboiled egg I had in the little chick silicone container. So I swapped that out for leftover chicken and carried on! Chicken, cucumbers and blackberries on the right. Babybel cheese, yellow carrots, pretzel thins and a strawberry with adorable egg pick on the left. This is a divided Sistema container from Old Navy.

When all else fails, I go for a garden theme. Ham sandwich halved and a silicone butterfly sheet separates it from a Babybel cheese. Another piece of silicone separates the fruit and veg on the bottom half - snap peas, yellow carrots, blackberries and a strawberry, with a few little picks thrown in. There's also a mini colander of chips, which made DD gasp, "Are these for ME?"

A few healthy things to bring along with us to the zoo to supplement the chicken & fries. Strawberries in a big silicone container plus some mini forks to keep our fingers clean, string cheese, yellow carrots and a little container of cashews. This was packed in a Fresh & Fit container, which has an ice pack in the lid. Beware, the ice pack doesn't last long at all. We ate this an hour after it was packed and it was already melted, after being in my air-conditioned car the entire time. It would never keep perishable food cold until lunchtime at school.

Dino nest lunch. An egg cup with leftover chicken, blackberries and strawberries, celery and cucumber (cut in half moons, and then every other one is flipped over to make a pattern). In a little silicone are crackers and a Babybel cheese, plus an itty bitty container of "dino eggs" - chocolate covered sunflower seeds. She ate with the dinosaur chopsticks (from Target a few years ago), which is always a big hit.

No cute lunches for baby sister yet, but she did get her first taste of squash this week.

Post your cute lunches here! Have a great week!

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