
Awwwwww yeaahhhhhhh!!!!

Its my OBs policy to take multiple pregnancies out of work at 30w. I asked him if I might get out of it at 27w???

 He totally said yes. I am so happy, I feel like there's an end in sight- ish. I work three days next week and then my in laws are here so I took some vacation says... So this week and next snd I'm done. Thank the Lord. Because I'm done trying to look cute and act like I feel fantastic at work all day, lol. 

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Re: Awwwwww yeaahhhhhhh!!!!

  • Nice! I was sooooo ready to be out of work at that point! I stuck it out til 30, but I would have jumped at it if my OB had let me check out of work at 27!


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  • OMG in so jealous. I'm asking on Thursday
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  • Nice! :)
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  • ougrad1ougrad1 member
    I totally remember that feeling....Yyyyyaaayyyyyy!
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  • Im happy for you, I don't know how you do it mama!
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  • I commute an hour & 15 minutes one way to work, work 8 hours, then commute another 1 hour 15 minutes back home. My midwife told me at my last appointment she wanted me to stop commuting at 32 weeks. I'm really struggling to make it that far! I'm going to ask if they can stop the commute at 30 weeks instead. I think I can make it another 2.5 weeks. I'll still be working from home but at least I won't have to up & make the commute!!  Happy for you that there is a very bright light at the end of your tunnel! :) 

  • scorchscorch member

    Dang.  I worked all the way up to the bitter end of my pregnancy with the twins. It was only 4 hours a day  it I'm glad I did because it really helped with the recovery.  

    Enjoy the next 10 weeks !


  • ks3pinkks3pink member
    Good for you!  I was going to ask last week but the doctor I saw was so cray cray I didn't even bother.  Plus I felt great last week.  Now I'm just plugging along til the end of school.  3 more weeks!
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  • That's awesome!  Did those of you that went out early qualify for STD or did you just have to take vacation time?  I am not looking forward to the last couple months of pregnancy commuting, trying to get comfortable at my desk, etc. but don't think I could really afford to take a leave without pay. 
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