January 2011 Moms

Current favorite toys?

DD is outgrowing a lot of her toys. She only has a few things that will grow with her, but it's a bit boring playing with the same 2 or 3 things all the time. We're thinking about what other toys we should look for. Ideally they will be toys that she'll be able to play with now and for a while. What's your LO's favorite toy right now? For those with older kids, what do you think was a really good purchase?
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DD1: born 1/19/11. DD2: born 10/10/13

Re: Current favorite toys?

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    My LO likes dolls and balls and blankets and the doll stroller is one of her favorites.
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    You mean besides the contents of the kitchen cabinets...

    Joshua is really into his FP Lil' Zoomers Chase & Race Ramps - he loves to send the cars down the ramp & cheers each time he does it.  He also likes his Little Tikes Grill - I just put it together the other night & he has played with it a lot.  He has a couple of balls and he loves to roll those on the floor with us.


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    DD likes her activity cube (Zany Zoo), dolls (loves to spoon and bottle feed, stroll her doll, then throw her across the room), balls, cars (matchbox/ hotwheels), trains/ train track, mega blocks and wooden blocks and stackers. She also LOVES touch and feel books....

    And not a toy, but she walks around the house with her mini chair and tries to climb on it to get to stuff at higher levels. It also squeaks so she sits on it randomly and amuses herself.

    ETA: She plays with her magna doodle and kitchen (open/ close doors, rearrange stuff) but I wouldn't say they are her favorites right now, she does like them though.

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    -Sensory box (Currently ours is filled with dried black beans. Dry rice is up next).
    -Scribbling with markers
    -Anything he can push: roller toy, stroller, laundry basket, etc.
    -Books with pictures of animals or babies/kids

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    Kain's favorite toy right now are balls - any he likes to roll them, bounce them, throw them,  he is also very into toys that he can ride - we have a motorcycle rocking horse, a toy pirate ship, and a 4wheeler type thing, on or pull around. 
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    I think she's just about over her current toy collection. I need to get her a few new things (DH is going to kill me) before the new baby comes so she will stay occupied.

    She has a baby doll that she loves to carry around, but she doesn't really 'play' with it at this stage. She LOVES board books. She also has this: https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Little-People-Builders-Build/dp/B0044KN82E/ref=sr_1_87?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1337630195&sr=1-87 She loves stacking the blocks, taking them apart, and restacking them.

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    James loves his cars, anything that has wheels he makes car noises and drives them everywhere. Otherwise he loves balls, books and puzzles and his walking popper toy.
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    The little tikes basketball hoop my in-laws bought him. He looooooooves it!

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    legos, melissa & doug play food, her water table, board books and crayons.  She's also totally into squirt guns but she just likes to drink from them.
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