Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Will you redecorate LO's room into a toddler room?

I have been thinking about this and I can't really think of anything I want to do differently. I mean, obviously, we'll eventually move out the crib and move in a toddler bed or twin or something.  But other than that, I can't see re-doing her whole room.  Not until she's old enough to tell me what she likes anyway.

Re: Will you redecorate LO's room into a toddler room?

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    shakesshakes member
    No way. I'll take the crib out and the change table pad out and we're done. I designed his room thinking it would stay that way until we move, which is years from now.






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    I posted in the thread below, but I don't think its necessarily about redecorating as it is about making it more toddler friendly (and toddler proof!!) lol

    Here's a related UO - I can't stand when those surprise redecoration shows go all out on kid's rooms building all kinds of crazy furniture and decor in the room to suit the kid's current obsession. While building gigantic trees to recreate the 100 Acre Wood is neat, they won't be a baby forever. Have fun cleaning that crap up when they are 3 and want it to be princesses or cars.


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    We've talked about turning the guest room into a toddler room when we get KU and leaving his current room as a nursery. If LO#2 is a girl then we'll have to get new decor.

    My dilemma is that his crib is a convertible crib but I think the toddler beds are so adorable. Idk if I want to let him keep his bed or pass it down to the next kid and get him a toddler bed when he's ready  


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    We are because we are keeping her gender neutral nursery for baby #2 whenever that happens and moving her into a different room which I am decorating like Tangled...
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    I posted in the thread below, but I don't think its necessarily about redecorating as it is about making it more toddler friendly (and toddler proof!!) lol

    Here's a related UO - I can't stand when those surprise redecoration shows go all out on kid's rooms building all kinds of crazy furniture and decor in the room to suit the kid's current obsession. While building gigantic trees to recreate the 100 Acre Wood is neat, they won't be a baby forever. Have fun cleaning that crap up when they are 3 and want it to be princesses or cars.

    LOL. I totally agree!  Or when they do it for a 10 year old that will be humiliated by his totally awesome firetruck bed in about 2 years.

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    We are because we are keeping her gender neutral nursery for baby #2 whenever that happens and moving her into a different room which I am decorating like Tangled...

    I can totally see if you originally decorated the nursery to be gender neutral because you're team green.  We were team "couldn't find out fast enough".  lol

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    It's pretty babyish so yes I will have to.  My husband wants him to have his old bed from childhood which is dark wood and everything I have now is white.  Prob gonna have to get rid of the Peter Rabbit prints and stuff too.
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    We'll be moving her into a different room when we have the next LO and buying her a new bed rather than converting the crib, and leave the 'nursery' the way it is for the next baby, but move the curtain and lamp shade to the new room because I have a matching bedding set. We'll probably paint the walls in the new room to match.


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    No.  But mainly because we didn't decorate his room "babyish" to begin with.

    Ditto! His room is already toddler friendly. We will only have to move out the crib and put a single bed in its place. Transitioning from infant to toddler shouldn't be so cost consuming. I made that mistake with my older child when his room theme went from cutsie teddy bears to cars. Thankfully, my mother helped out with the decorations as birthday/Christmas gifts for him and someone was getting rid of a single bed so we got that free. When my toddler gets even older, then we may have to change out the wall clings, but that's about it. 

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    We are because we are keeping her gender neutral nursery for baby #2 whenever that happens and moving her into a different room which I am decorating like Tangled...

    LOVE. And your siggy is absolutely adorable. :)


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    skyejoskyejo member

    Oh no.  I spent too much time painting and prepping her room.  It's going to stay like it is for a loooong time.

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    Nope. I'll take the glider and change table out. I won't be redoing his room until we move next summer (hopefully).
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    We kept the nursery exactly the same and then gave DS a new "toddler room" before DD came along. He has a huge rocket mural on one wall that my sister painted. It's pretty awesome. 


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    Our nursery was never baby-ish, some all I really need to do is remove the changing pad and crib and add a twin bed, bed rails and a little table and chair for him to color and play on.

    And i couldn't agree more with PP about the hyper themed rooms they feature in Exteme Makeover. They seriously make cringe because they are soooo ugly, not to mention not practical at all for a family in financial hardship, or anybody, really.

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    I'm not repainting or anything, but I'm making some changes.  I replaced a changing table with a dresser, for example, and I'm adding a couple more colors in to her color scheme (it was white, pink, and green; it will now also include aqua and yellow). 

    Her room will look totally different mainly because there will be a bright pink bed where once there was a white crib.  The whole room in general will be more "fun kid" and less "peaceful baby."

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    And for the sake of oversharing, this is the olioboard of my kid's room. That's pretty much how it is now, some details, like different artwork, hamper and out not using the canopy/mosquito net anymore. Also, we went for a different lamp and toy bin and that rug ended up being too expensive.

     The rest is the same, with blue walls.


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    And for the sake of oversharing, this is the olioboard of my kid's room. That's pretty much how it is now, some details, like different artwork, hamper and out not using the canopy/mosquito net anymore. Also, we went for a different lamp and toy bin and that rug ended up being too expensive.

     The rest is the same, with blue walls.


    That is really adorable!

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    we purposely didn't make the nursery babyish so that once the kids personalities developed we could decorate their big kid rooms.

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    Aloe0lAloe0l member
    There isn't anything really babyish in DD's room.  So we'll probably keep the decor the same.  The only issue now is do I move DD into a different room (along with her decor) and reuse the nursery for #2, just chaning the stuff, or do we just move a different bed into DD's room and redo the other room as a new nursery?
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    I think we are going to. I have fallen out of love with DS's "theme" and would really like something else a little less baby and cutesy. I plan to sell all of his stuff though and hopefully offset some of the cost for that. We're not getting new furniture though, that's growing with him.
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    We were team green, not by choice, stubborn baby. So we have a green/ animal nursery. We will move though before we think about  #2. DD will get a big girl room in our new house, but I think I would still use the same stuff for number 2.
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    No. Her crib will be removed eventually and the changing table converts to a bookcase. We'll also take out the rocking chair once she's in a bed as we just use it to read to her before she goes to sleep and we can do that in a bed later on.

    If in the future she expresses an interest in having the tree/monkey decal removed, I'll do that, but not until she asks.

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    Redecorate-No, Repaint-Yes

    When we painted her room, we had just bought the house and didnt know how the light would come in so we painted it a very pretty blue.  It is nice, but in the winter it stays really dim in there, so we are going to repaint to a nice light yellow with a blue ceiling. 

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    DD is currently in the smaller of our two extra bedrooms, which we painted a gender-neutral mint green. When we have a 2nd baby, our plan is to convert what is currently our guest bedroom into DD's new "big girl" room and move her in there with a twin bed. The nursery will then become the new baby's room.

    The guest bedroom - which will become DD's room eventually - is a Robin's Egg Blue right now and hopefully she's okay with that for many years down the line ;-) Painting is a hassle.


    ::blink blink::

    Do you live in my house? B's room is smaller and mint green. Our larger guest room is robin's egg blue. If we ever have another we'll move B into the guest room and I hope she loves the color because it's my favorite room in the house!

    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

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    I'm not a fan of cartoon characters or bunnies/teddies/duckies as nursery decor so my kids nurseries were some-what sophisticated looking for babies, which worked out well because I didn't have to redecorate them when they became toddlers.

    We are planning to move in about another 2 or 3 years, so I will redecorate their rooms then.  DS will be about 7 or 8 and DD will be about 4 or 5.

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    His room isn't decorated right now at all.  Just pale blue paint and there's one themed coat hook hung up.  He's obsessed with Cars right now so if that sticks around for a couple months I think we'll get him Cars bedding and a couple decorative accents and probably those wall clings.  That's what we did in his playroom (Sesame Street) and they came out awesome.
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    We miced so he is getting a change but only reason. 

    Uh, what?

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    We did a very neutral nursery that I LOVE and am still not tired of.  So we'll just keep it that way until theoretical child #2 comes along...then C gets a moved new big boy room that I am excited to decorate and the baby will go in the nursery.


    This is our plan exactly.  I am definitely looking forward to decorating LO's big boy room.  I also do not plan to redecorate for the theoretical second baby.

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    We are definitely not doing anything to her room until she's old enough to whine that she doesn't want Snoopy on the wall anymore & knows what she wants.  I want to know who has the time to redo a kid's room with the kid actually around?!
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    abs05abs05 member

    Yes, sort of.  I never really got around to decorating the nursery, so I am slowly working on transitioning to a more toddler friendly room.  We also never got bedding beyond crib sheets, so when she shows can she sleep in one spot all night without rolling in 900 directions I'll buy toddler bedding as well. 

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    yes, but that is because we moved him right into the nursery of the little girl who used to live in this house. It's very babyish and kind of girly, IMO. LOL. But I'm not doing anything crazy, I will do new curtains, versatile paint, and a big boy bed.

    The other room is yellow, and I will likely leave it as is with the same intentions when #2 comes along. 

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    The nursery is staying a nursery, because it is smaller than our 3rd bedroom and the furniture works better that way. 

    DS has moved into the 3rd bedroom, into the queen size bed that was already in it.  Neither room is painted a special color (our whole house was newly & professionally painted beige when we moved in & I don't have a strong enough desire to change any room in particular yet).  I moved his orange curtains into his new room & the pictures of basketballs that were over the crib for him.  That's the only "theme" he really had.  No bedding set - he just had plain crib sheets before & has plain gray jersey knit sheets now.

    We're having a girl now, so I got pink curtains and put green & ivory accents on the bookshelf in the nursery and her initials over the crib.

    I'm very frugal, so I'm all about multi-purpose & long-lasting decorations, only enough to give the room a little character & keep the walls from being bare, etc.

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