Health & Exercise

Ankle swelling from exercise?

So a little background...I have never been too into exercise. I don't really like to exercise, I get bored, I lack motivation, etc.

But back in February when my son turned a year old, I decided that needed to change. I started incorporating exercise into my life with the goal that it would become regular and hopefully a routine and something I would grow to love.

So, I started off with walking. I push DS in a jogging stroller (he's 27 lbs so not the lightest stroller walk) usually around 2 miles a day. We strive to go walking 5-6 times a week and I've been successful with that since the beginning of March.

I added in the 30 day shred almost a month ago (I'm on Day 22). I did fine with level one, had no problems, sweating a TON and sore but that was a good thing : )

I moved on to level 2 after 10 days and about halfway through level 2, I noticed that my ankles starting swelling. I finished level two on Monday and have moved to level 3 as of yesterday. The ankle swelling continues : (

Is it possible that this is really happening from my exercise?? I know that I am doing each move in proper form, I am wearing proper tennis shoes, etc. But my ankles have been swelling for about 5 days now with no signs of getting better. When I wake up in the morning, they are back to normal but usually by lunch time they are back to swollen and PAINFUL. I have tried taking a day off from exercising, icing my ankles, keeping them elevated and things may help temporarily but then they're back. It's beginning to get incredibly uncomfortable and of course, painful. Does anyone have any tips? Does this even make sense?

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

Re: Ankle swelling from exercise?

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    I don't really have any advice. Maybe your ankles are swelling from the jumping you do during the cardio part of the circuit. I am a runner, but i can't do the jumping parts because it makes my shin bones hurt (not shin splints pain, but stress fracture pain). Maybe try to do low impact cardio during the video and see if that helps.
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    I don't have too much advice either.  Are you drinking enough water? I had a weird ankle swelling thing happen once when I ran too much....I decreased my weekly mileage and never had trouble again.  
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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