Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Tell me about your nap schedule!

I think I created a monster with my LOs naps...she is almost three months old and we start daycare in two weeks. She has been STTN since about six weeks and honestly I never cared much about her nap schedule because she just slept wherever - carseat, stroller, bouncy, whatever we were doing that day. Our daycare provider will have her napping in a pack n play. She is swaddled at night which is why she sleeps so well. Our daycare provider would prefer not to swaddle her because she feels it's just continuing a habit we will eventually need to break. I sort of agree, but I also am not sure DD is ready to lose the swaddle. So this week I started to try to nap DD in her crib on a schedule to mimic what she will be doing in daycare, without her swaddle. She flails her arms and can't fall asleep. After 15 minutes, I get her down and she only sleeps for an hour max. She wakes herself up and is still exhausted because she is not getting a good nap. Any suggestions? When did your LO get on a good nap schedule? Should I push our daycare provider to keep swaddling her for naps? If we do that I feel like I'm just prolonging the inevitable.

Re: Tell me about your nap schedule!

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    I think it might take a few days to a week, but she will learn to sleep without it...we are about face that same issue. DS is just 4mo, breaking out of his swaddle most times and it is time to switch to a sleep sack.... it will just take a few rough nights :( but we will get there!I think better to do it now then have to do it later when it might be tougher
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    My LO is on a loose nap schedule, but it changes depending on his needs.He takes an early am (between 9 and 10), a nice long one at 1, and another short one around 4 or 5. This started around 3 months.  He also had the flailing arms and would hit himself without a swaddle. However, he is now 5 months and has naturally grown out of the swaddle. He does not flail around anymore and sleeps well without it. I say swaddle her for naps too. When she is ready she will stop needing it. The daycare needs to do what you request!
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    I think the DCP needs to listen to your wishes.  It's not her child, and if you want your baby sleeping swaddled so they sleep well, then do it.  DD's never been a swaddler, but ds was majorly.  I had visions of him being 5 and us swaddling him in a bed sheet lol.  He broke himself of it and was done by about 5.5 months. 
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    I think after a few days of your LO sleeping badly due to being unswaddled, she may change her tune :)
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    I'm surprised your DCP is trying to get you to wean. Two months is pretty early to start trying to do that, IMO (and obviously if baby is still flailing arms, they're not quite ready yet). Tell them that that's what works for your child, and you don't want an overtired baby when you get home.

    We really got on a great nap schedule when we transitioned DD to the crib (4 months). She naps for 2 hours in the morning (we put her down no later than 2 hours after she's woken up for the day) and roughly 2 hours in the afternoon (put down around 1 or 2pm).

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    That sounds early to break the swaddle unless the baby does it on their own. My DD started breaking her arms out at 4 months so we started swaddling with arms out. I tried a sleep sak and she didn't sleep as well. She naps about 90 minutes after waking up in the morning and then every 2.5ish hours. Usually that's 3 naps but sometimes 4 if they are shorter naps. The "schedule" developed at about 4 months, before that is was more random.
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    I would think if you wanted her swaddled then they should swaddle her. Our LO is 4 months today and last night was the first night he slept without both arms swaddled (yay!). BUT he has been sleeping without arms swaddled for naps for a couple weeks now. We started with one arm out (mainly due to the fact that he started sleeping on his tummy). So we have taken baby steps to unswaddling - first one arm out, then both arms out for naps only and now finally bedtime (all while reswaddling if he just wasn't going to back to sleep). I think it's important for baby to get long comfy naps!

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    I think you are the mom and if you want your daycare provider to swaddle, you should tell her so.  It is silly for her to tell you what she thinks you should do.  She's not the parent, you are.  If her concerns were safety or something, that would be one thing but if your baby isn't rolling over while swaddled, then she should just follow your instructions.  When you are ready to break the swaddle, you will.  But, it won't be less difficult now vs later.  
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