High-Risk Pregnancy

SUA/2 vessel cord question

Were you allowed to go past your due date?  I have my follow up with the peri on Monday so I'll ask then, but just wondering if anyone else was.
To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew

Re: SUA/2 vessel cord question

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    I wasn't.  My original due date was 11/8.  They moved it to 11/3 because if the SUA.  I was induced on 11/4.  Also had marginal, but stable fluid, measured 7-8 from 37 weeks on.  Good luck!
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    I went three days past my due date.  Was induced at that point for other placenta reasons though.
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    I probably will not be allowed to go to/past my due date, but this is because my baby has IUGR in addition to the SUA. At this point, we're taking it one day at a time. As long as she keeps passing her NSTs, BPPs, and is still growing, she gets to stay in. My peri originally said he was going to induce me at 37 weeks, but because she had some really good growth last week, she gets to keep cooking! Basically, SUA is only a problem if it causes other problems. You'll have some extra monitoring, but unless your baby has other issues, it's basically like a normal pregnancy.
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