Success after IF

ok, now I'm freaking. polyhydramnios, anyone have this- sixres?

I was so focused on my contractions yesterday that I didn't think much about the fact that they need me to come back for another scan this week for excess fluid. I asked if it was a problem and the NP said no....but today I googled and did not like what I saw. Causes could be birth defects, infection, or diabetes. I'm a littler freaked since I had that weird virus back in november. Anyone else have this? Thanks.
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Re: ok, now I'm freaking. polyhydramnios, anyone have this- sixres?

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    I did.  I found out right around 36 weeks.  My dr. told me that the majority of the time it comes without those other causes.  It just sort of happens for no reason.  I didn't have diabetes or any infections.  My daughter is healthy.   I did have high blood pressure and ended up with pre-eclampsia, but the dr.s swore they weren't related.  

    I did have a TON of water when it finally broke.... but that was it.  My daughter is perfectly healthy (knock on wood).  I know it's nerve racking.  I think it's just a fluke most of the time.

    Hang in there, you are almost done! 

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    My BFF's mom had it with him... And he is perfect and incredibly talented :) his mom said that when her water broke on the way to the hospital it filled the wheel well of her car and then overflowed it... Eww!!!  I hope yours ends up being another story of no big deal besides the mess :)
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    Ava always had a ton of fluid, and at the end of my pregnancy, it was bordering on abnormal.  I was freaking out, but my doc basically told me that *someone* has to be on the upper limit of average.  Ava was perfectly healthy.  Sorry you have to even think about this!  I'm sure everything is just fine!
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    I was leaking fluid with Penny for a few days before I had her...and when they broke my water the amount was insane!  They had to use a vacuum to get it all off the bed and floor! 
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    Wow. How did you remember that, from over 3 years ago?! Yes, I had it. I freaked out too after googling it. There HAD to be a reason, right? Well, everything was fine and he was peeing ok and didn't have any problems. We found it earlier at like 30 weeks. I was so worried about my water breaking and a prolapsed cord. However, even with ALL the fluid, they had to break my water at 9.5 cm. Are they saying you have poly b/c of how you're measuring or they already did an u/s? I'm sure all is fine and everything will be perfect!
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    Ava always had a ton of fluid, and at the end of my pregnancy, it was bordering on abnormal.  I was freaking out, but my doc basically told me that *someone* has to be on the upper limit of average.  Ava was perfectly healthy.  Sorry you have to even think about this!  I'm sure everything is just fine!

    This was true for me with Luke too.  My OB pretty much explained that it could be bc he was on the larger side or he was larger and therefore needed more water (kind of chicken or the egg).  Step away from dr google though.  You're 37 weeks so I would imagine that if there was some underlying issue they would have seen 'somethning' by now and if the baby were at any risk from infection or something like that thu would deliver at this point and since they're not I'm sure there's no reason to be alarmed.  

    Oh and yes when my water broke there was a TON of it!! 

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    I had it.  Discovered around 32w at my NSTs.

    I had GD (very controlled with diet)

    no other issues.

    Funny thing:  at my c/s, when they cut into me - apparently I squirted like a fountain.   I just heard them all go "Woah!"   and them the splat of water hitting the floor.   Then everyone laughed.

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