Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

what to expect...

I was 10 weeks along and went in for my 2nd ultrasound this afternoon.  We had seen the heartbeat at the first ultrasound at 8 weeks, today, there was no heartbeat.  I'm scheduled for a D & C early tomorrow morning...what should I expect?  Will I be in pain afterwards? 

DS born 7/4/2007 TTC#2: 01/2012 | BFP: 02/07/2012 | EDD: 10/18/2012 | MMC: 03/22/2012 (10w0d) D & C: 03/23/2012 Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Re: what to expect...

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    when I had my D&C I was already dilated and started the process of miscarrying naturally so that may play into the experience.  However, in my experience I actually felt much better afterward (no more cramping/contractions) and really had almost no pain.


    ((Hugs)) So sorry for your loss.  I just had my third miscarriage and for me, getting the physical part over was the beginning of the healing and moving forward.


    Again, I am sorry for your loss.

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. My D&C physically was not that bad. I had a missed miscarriage and did not have any cramping of bleeding before the surgery.  I was put under general anesthesia so all I remember is being wheeled into the surgery room then waking up in recovery. As far as pain afterwards, I was mildly sore with cramping that same day then it went away. I had really bad gas pains afterwards so that was actually the most painful part. PM me if you have any questions. ((hugs))   

    BFP 12/25/11 , 1st U/S @ 8wks diagnosed BO, 2/6/12 D&C,
    2/13/12 Partial Molar Pregnancy diagnosed
    Forced break for two cycles
    TTC June 2012

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    I did not have a D&C, so I can't tell you what to expect.

    I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for you loss. 

    *BFP 11/3/07*J born 07/06/08*
    *BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
    *BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
    *BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)
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    Hello- I'm so sorry for your lost. I had sort of the same situation as you, I was under going IVF treatment, so I was able to see the baby every week via U/S and everything look good, strong heartbeat. Got discharged to OB at 9 weeks, saw HB again and everything was good, he had me come back at 11 weeks and baby was still measuring on target, but no heartbeat. He told me I lost the baby within hours, this was last Thursday. Since I was not bleeding or cramping, I scheduled a D&C this past Monday. The D&C itself was fine, I really didn't have much pain besides some cramping and minimal bleeding. As of today, still have little but not much. I do really wish it would go away because it's a constant reminder of my lost. Good Luck today, I again I'm really sorry for your lost. I too have found comforter in these communties and talking to other people who have had the same experience as me.


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    Thanks everybody, everything went ok this morning.  I had been an emotional mess all last night, crying at anything and everything, but today has been a lot better.  I started crying when I woke up after the procedure and realized the baby wasn't inside me anymore. 

    I'm glad to get that behind me and start healing emotionally  I know it's going to be a long road.

    DS born 7/4/2007 TTC#2: 01/2012 | BFP: 02/07/2012 | EDD: 10/18/2012 | MMC: 03/22/2012 (10w0d) D & C: 03/23/2012 Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    This is also my third, I was measuring almost 11 weeks, after light bleeding for 20 days I made my apt for a D&C, well 2 days before I starded the process, Today was my procedur, and it went well, my doc said he was glad i still went through with it because the amount of stuff still in there was great and it would of taken my body upto 4 weeks to get it out.  I got home at 10am and now its 5 and im having slight minor cramps and slight bleeding.  My Dr. said it should be like a light period over the next few  days and thats it.  But for me so far so good, and Im so glad I had it done.  

     Good luck and let us know how it goes tomorrow!  sending prayers! 

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    This is also my third, I was measuring almost 11 weeks, after light bleeding for 20 days I made my apt for a D&C, well 2 days before I starded the process, Today was my procedur, and it went well, my doc said he was glad i still went through with it because the amount of stuff still in there was great and it would of taken my body upto 4 weeks to get it out.  I got home at 10am and now its 5 and im having slight minor cramps and slight bleeding.  My Dr. said it should be like a light period over the next few  days and thats it.  But for me so far so good, and Im so glad I had it done.  

     Good luck and let us know how it goes tomorrow!  sending prayers! 


    I guess it went as well as could be expected.  As soon as I woke up in recovery (still drugged and halfway sedated), I started crying.  The nurse (male) started talking to me and told me that his daughter had gone through the same thing.  Yesterday I was crampy and grumpy, but I didn't cry much.  Today has been a different story.  I'm crying at the drop of a hat, over anything and everything.  My husband wants me to open up to him but I don't want to talk about it.  I lost my mom to cancer about a year and a half ago, and it took me a while to get to the place where I wanted to have a baby knowing she wouldn't be there to experience it.  I have a son who is 4, who has helped take my mind off things, but now to have lost a child I never knew, and to not have my mom here to help me through it, is terrible.  I feel like I'm grieving her loss again along with the loss of my baby.  

    DS born 7/4/2007 TTC#2: 01/2012 | BFP: 02/07/2012 | EDD: 10/18/2012 | MMC: 03/22/2012 (10w0d) D & C: 03/23/2012 Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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