Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

It's been 1 week

Hello All-

Today is one week from when I found out that my baby at 11 weeks had no heartbeat. This past week has been challenging, but I'm trying to look at the positives and move on from this experiences and look foward to the future. The one question I have is should I be concerned that my doctor is not tracking my HCG levels? I had a D&C on Monday and he followed up with me on tuesday to see how I was doing and I asked him when do I need to come in for blood work to track me HCG levels and he said I didn't need them tracked. It seems that everyone elses doctors are tracking them. Should I push him more to tracking them for me?


Re: It's been 1 week

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    My dr didn't track my levels post d&c either. I was just told to wait the 4-6 wks for AF after my positive follow up. For me, honestly, I'm happy she didn't want me in for blood work because I sort of just needed a break from going to her office constantly. 

    If its something you feel would help you emotionally or mentally, definitely request they do it for you. 

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    My doctor didn't track mine either. I questioned it as well but he said it wasn't necessary.
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    My Dr. doesn't want to track mine either she just said to come back in a month and they would test then to make sure I was at 0. I am so sorry for your loss
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