Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Thoughts on Trying Again?

I was just curious what every one's thoughts were on trying again. Personally I have very mixed feelings. My m/c was physically very painful and it's left me reanalyzing whether I really want to try to have another baby.

I feel like maybe in 3 or 6 months time may have smoothed things over a little and I'll be ready to ttc, but I'm really on the fence.

imagelogan and ruthieLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Thoughts on Trying Again?

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    I didn't even pass it yet and still don't even know if it will happen naturally or not but I wish I could try again today. I'm ready to move on but everyone has their own timeline. 
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    I've had two m/c's, and I'm sure we'll try again once AF comes.  I actually feel more sure about that now than I did after my first loss.  I had all these thoughts last time about how maybe we shouldn't keep trying, we already have a wonderful DD, etc. But I don't feel like our family is complete, and I really want to give DD a sibling.

    If we have a third m/c, I would really need to reevaluate.  I kind of feel like 3 losses would be my limit emotionally, but maybe would change my mind if I was ever in that situation?  Hoping it never comes to that. 


    TTC #1 since 6/08. Cycle #6 - BFP 12/22/08, EDD 9/3/09, DD 8/14/09 at 37w1d
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2 since 6/11
    me=36 - low AMH, DH=38
    BFP #2 - 8/31/11, EDD 5/10/12, M/C 9/23/11
    BFP #3 - 3/4/12, EDD 11/14/12, CP 3/11/12
    BFP #4 - 5/9/12, EDD 1/19/13, CP 5/11/12
    BFP #5 - 8/22/12, EDD 5/5/13, CP 8/24/12
    IVF#1 - January 2013 - EPP/Antagonist - 7R, 3M, 2F, 3dt of 2 8-cell embies
    BFP #6 - 2/3/13, EDD 10/15/13, DS 9/18/13 at 36w1d
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    The only way to guarantee you'll never have a child is to never try (well, kind of). For me, the question really isn't "if", it's "when".
    Married My Love on 6/18/2006
    BFP#1 10/1/2011. Our perfect little girl, Her heart stopped @ 12w1d. D&E 11/23/11
    BFP#2 3/13/12 Weird CP/Possible EP @ 6w0d
    BFP#3 5/28/12 CP @ 5w0d
    BFP/WTF#4 10/26/12 CP
    BFP#5 12/10/12 EDD 8/23/2013
    <3 Baby Boy Born 8/22/13 <3
     photo ellie.gifPhotobucket
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    We just had our 3rd consecutive m/c but we also had 2 healthy kids before that.  So we definitely want another one.  We do plan to try again at this point.  For me, the hope, thought, dream of trying again and having another baby is what has helped me through it.
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    The only way to guarantee you'll never have a child is to never try (well, kind of). For me, the question really isn't "if", it's "when".

    This. Elplocho, you have to understand that a lot of us here haven't had a child yet.

    BabyFruit Ticker BFP #1 - 1-25-2012. Missed M/C discovered at 9 weeks 3 days. D&C 3-9-2012

    BFP #2 - 10-11-2012 Beta 38, 10-15-2012 Beta 518!.
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    Yes, I for sure want to try again...we have no children and this is our first m/c. I want a baby so bad.
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    I was going to wait to try.  But then I had residual hormones, and I thought I was pregnant.  I realized I was never going to feel ready and safe, so why not try.  I can not imagine never having another child. 
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    I've had two m/c's, and I'm sure we'll try again once AF comes.  I actually feel more sure about that now than I did after my first loss.  I had all these thoughts last time about how maybe we shouldn't keep trying, we already have a wonderful DD, etc. But I don't feel like our family is complete, and I really want to give DD a sibling.

    If we have a third m/c, I would really need to reevaluate.  I kind of feel like 3 losses would be my limit emotionally, but maybe would change my mind if I was ever in that situation?  Hoping it never comes to that. 


    I feel a lot like this, just with DS. The miscarriage also made me think a lot of the postpartum period after having my ds, which was not my best time. I guess time will tell, because I do also feel strongly that I want a big family, and I think DS will be a great big brother.

    imagelogan and ruthieLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    The only way to guarantee you'll never have a child is to never try (well, kind of). For me, the question really isn't "if", it's "when".


    Katharine, you have to understand that a lot of us here haven't had a child yet.

    I understand - I don't have a child - I'm 2 for zero. I think your wording as directed towards me is a bit confusing.

    Married My Love on 6/18/2006
    BFP#1 10/1/2011. Our perfect little girl, Her heart stopped @ 12w1d. D&E 11/23/11
    BFP#2 3/13/12 Weird CP/Possible EP @ 6w0d
    BFP#3 5/28/12 CP @ 5w0d
    BFP/WTF#4 10/26/12 CP
    BFP#5 12/10/12 EDD 8/23/2013
    <3 Baby Boy Born 8/22/13 <3
     photo ellie.gifPhotobucket
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    The only way to guarantee you'll never have a child is to never try (well, kind of). For me, the question really isn't "if", it's "when".


    Katharine, you have to understand that a lot of us here haven't had a child yet.

    I understand - I don't have a child - I'm 2 for zero. I think your wording as directed towards me is a bit confusing.

    My goodness I'm out of it today. So sorry Katharine... In all my confusion I was trying to quote you and say i agree with you but tell the original poster the second portion. Im going to edit and if I can't figure out how, I'll delete that post. 

    BabyFruit Ticker BFP #1 - 1-25-2012. Missed M/C discovered at 9 weeks 3 days. D&C 3-9-2012

    BFP #2 - 10-11-2012 Beta 38, 10-15-2012 Beta 518!.
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    This is exactly what I am feeling today. I just found out I had a cp not even a month ago (second loss)And up until this point I have felt that we were going to try again after the next cycle started. Already seen an RE too.but I feel like I am in the process of postponing ttc. I feel like I am acting like these losses are a test I have failed and I am trying to rush to "fix" it. I don't feel I am emotionally ready to be pregnant again. That, and I really cherish my alone time when DS is sleeping. Makes me wonder if now is the right time.
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    We just found out yesterday that we lost the baby, so for me, it is still too early. I'm not sure if I want to try again or not.  I'm so scared of going through this again.  I guess we will see how we are feeling in a few weeks/months and go from there.  I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decided. =)
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    After my first M/C I was terrified to try again and we waited almost a year. Now with the second one the 2 weeks from my D&C are taking forever and I can't wait to hopefully get answers of what we can do different and go for it again. We don't have a baby and we can't wait to have one. My DH is just as eager we are just waiting for our ok to go.

    BFP: 01/08/11 EDD: 09/15/11 Natural MC: 02/03/11
    BFP: 02/14/12 EDD: 10/26/12 D&C: 03/09/12
    BFP: 04.05.12 EDD: 12.17.12 Born 11.18.12 Jackson Kane 6lbs 5ounces

    BFP: 06.08.13 EDD: 02.13.14 Baby Girl.. 2U2 Here we come



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I had a missed m/c at 9 weeks and its one month today that I had my D &C. DH wants to try right now and I feel differently each day. I am completely exhausted but I wanted nothing more than to have a baby.. I will just wait for AF and let it happen when it happens....

    "If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again." Anniversary Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker Stick Baby Stick!
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    I'm with DutchKatie, I know that I was meant to be a Mom and have confidence that it will happen. But having a MC really did take the innocent excitement out of TTC. We are getting ready to try again and I am excited, but also terrified to go through another MC. In the end though there is no way of knowing what will happen and I would rather try again then let this one experience define the rest of my life.
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