Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

I just want to crawl into bed

I just can't seem to focus or get anything done. DH and I own a business and I run our showroom- I don't have the option to stay home but all i want to do is crawl into bed. I have so much work to do- so many estimates that i promised customers this week. I just can't do it. I have been telling them that i had food poisoning to give myself a little extra time. 

I hate waiting and being in limbo like this. I have another appointment tomorrow night to see if my levels dropped. They were at 350 on monday... i pray that they went down and that this will pass on its own. They don't even know yet if it's ectopic or not because they couldn't see in the sono. Did i already mention, i hate waiting?

I have to see my in laws tonight because MIL got knee surgery today. I just don't want to see anyone especially after some insensitive comments that they've made. I just want to put a note on my door and go home. I've never not cared about my business until now...


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Re: I just want to crawl into bed

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    So sorry!  I did that whole waiting game this weekend.  My levels were slowly climbing but it was ectopic so I had Methotrexate yesterday.  I did manage to get out of the bed today but I only made it to the couch.  Fortunately I can work from home if I need to.  Although all I did was turn on my out of office message on email.  We didn't tell many people (both sets of parents & our pastors) but now I'm wishing we had at least told my husband's grandma & aunt because all morning I've been getting texts like crazy because DH's cousin just had her baby today.  I knew she was going in but I just don't want to get texts all day.  

    I'll keep you in my prayers.... 

    Suzanne T-TTC 3/27/12 Ectopic For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Thanks sweetie. I'm sorry you're having a rough day as well...all those texts can't help. I lied to my best friend cause we were supposed to go out to dinner last night- told her i had food poisoning. She responded by saying you sure you're not preggo. I broke down and ended up telling her. It's a lot to hold in when the subject comes up. 

    If you don't mind me asking, how long are you going to have to TTA after getting the metho shot?  I find out friday if i will need one or not. 

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    I wasn't 100% truthful w/ other people either.  Some knew I hadn't felt well - found out I was pregnant at same time I found out it was probably ectopic.  I just said it was related to cysts (which I do have a couple).  Wanted until I knew for sure.  And honestly I didn't ask a whole lot of questions about next steps.  I've just been so overwhelmed.  I have an appt Friday morning so I'm trying to get my thoughts together before that.  I had never been able to get pregnant before so we had pretty much given up on really trying.  Now that I was able to, I want to try a little harder I guess ;)
    Suzanne T-TTC 3/27/12 Ectopic For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I'm sorry to hear you had trouble ttc before... i know that must have made this a whole lot harder :( But, the good news is that you did get pg... which is awesome. Hopefully next time it will happen quickly for you. GL at your appointment friday & keep us posted.
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    I am just so sorry. I understand how you feel---I am off of work this week but can not even fathom going back next Monday and being okay. 


    Maybe you should skip out on your MIL tonight? Take care of yourself first.

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    It is really hard.  Unlike you I was able to take a week and a half off of work, since I ahd the time and I had nothing important going on.  Take it one step at a time, and do what's best for YOU right now. 
    Cycle 7: BFP 1-17-12, Missed Miscarriage at 8w6d (measured 7w2d, no HB), D&C 2-29-12
    Cycle 9: BFP 5-3-12:EDD 1-24-13 It's a girl! Born 12-27-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I am so sorry.

     I just went through all this.   They didn't know if it was ectopic.   My numbers never rose more than the 300s and were going up and down at that range.   I refused the Methotrexate and it turned out my numbers just went down by 200 when my progesterone dropped.    I just miscarried naturally.    Hang in there.   I know the waiting is terrible.   I went through this for over three weeks and then all of a sudden, it all happened fast. 

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