Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

First pregnancy ended too soon!!!

Not sure where to start.

Feb 2 my husband and I discovered that I was pregnant through a home pregnancy test. The earliest my dr could see me was Feb 9. Well, on Feb 7 I started to spot. Being my first pregnancy I wasn't sure if that was normal but decided not to call the dr. I was told to stay off the internet because of the horror stories that I was bound to come across. By the time my dr appointment came around I was bleeding heavily like a normal cycle. The nurse at the dr took a urine sample and some blood work. She said from the urine sample that I was pregnant. I had an ultrasound later that day. The tech didn't say anything to me or show me the screen so I became concerned. The nurse said they couldn't determine if it was just an early pregnancy or what until they got the blood work back the next morning. When noon rolled around the next day I was becoming more upset. I finally called the office and the nurse said that it appeared that it was a threatened miscarriage and that I needed to get some more blood drawn the next day. So the next morning I went to the hospital and had two more vial of blood work done. An hour later my dr called and said that it appeared I was going to experience a miscarriage within the next 7 days. My progesterone level had dropped from two days prior and was at a level of 1.0 when it needed to be at an 11. Because I was only just a few weeks (early enough to not have been able to see anything on the ultrasound) I would naturally have the miscarriage. He said about 2-3 weeks later I would experience my next cycle and physically everything would be back to normal. From the time the bleeding started to when it ended was a total of 3 weeks. For some reason I didn't call the doctor to see if that was normal. I think I was still in shock and just assumed that two weeks worth of the bleeding was the miscarriage and the last week was my cycle. It has been  3 weeks since the bleeding ceased but I have had a couple days of spotting in between. This past Sunday, March 18, I thought my next cycle was starting but that bleeding only lasted 1 1/2 days. I finally called the doctor this morning and I have an appointment for next Monday, March 28. They want to do some blood work and an exam. I don't know if there could be something wrong or if I am over-reacting. I have my moments of getting upset and shutting people out. My husband has been EXTREMELY supportive during this time and he can tell I'm not the same person right now. I think I need to hear from the doctor 1) that the miscarriage occurred and is over with and 2) if anything is wrong. Something just doesn't feel right and I'm praying that I am just over reacting and in due time that I will have my next period. I never thought that after I was married I would pray to have my period!! I just want some answers, whether good or bad, just SOMETHING!! 

BFP #1 2/02/2012! Natural m/c 2/11/12 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="D

Re: First pregnancy ended too soon!!!

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a similar experience with nothing on my US and my levels dropping. I am still waiting (i just found out monday that this was happening after and US on saturday showed nothing.) I hope that your body has taken care of it naturally. I will pray for you and YH. 
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    I will keep you in my prayers! The waiting game is the worse!! I was hoping my waiting would be over with but I am right back to where I started over a month ago!! Please keep us updated on your results! These boards have kept me as sane as I can be for the past month!
    BFP #1 2/02/2012! Natural m/c 2/11/12 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="D
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    So sorry :(

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    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you get some answers at your doctors appt.
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