
Concerned about nutrition for my preemie (toddler now)

Cam is now 19 months older and I'm concerned about his weight/nutrition.  We have always been very careful with his nutrition but now that he is 19 months it seems his weight gain is slowing.  He is only 20lbs!

We have talked to the doc over and over about it and he doesnt' seem too concerned because of the rate of growth for his age has a sharper curve than average.  We took him to the doc last week and he hasnt' gained any weight in a month.

Cameron is a VERY picky eater and has been that way since we started solids.  He went from stage 1 foods to solids.  He will not eat anything with a "mushy" avocados, no mashed potatoes, cooked carrots etc. He really just started eating bananas!  I feel like I am torn between him not eating at all or giving him the same things (with very few veggies) over and over.

Any recs for a picky toddler or advice??


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Re: Concerned about nutrition for my preemie (toddler now)

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    Hi. My almost 19 month old only weighs 18lbs so I understand your concern. My dr is not concerned either and she is picky. You probably already know to add butter and oil to everything. I make her full fat yogurt smoothies. You could add bananas since he likes that taste. I also supplement with milkshakes and Carnation instant breakfast! GL!
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    My 27 month old is pretty tiny for her age and extremely picky. At 1yr old she was only 18lbs and at 2 i believe she was 22 1/2lbs. She is extremely picky and just never seems hungry. She never really asks for food or says she is hungry.

    Her pedi was and still is not concerned. I, on the other hand have been very concerned. Not only at the slow growth but the way she eats her "approved" foods. She takes a VERY long time to chew her food and many times will sit with chewed food in her mouth without swallong and eventually spitting it out. With that being said, I took it upon myself to get her evaluated for feeding therapy. She qualified but barely according to early intervention. She was approved for 6 sessions and just requalified for another 6. I have seen some improvement but she is definitely behind in eating compared to her peers (even adjusted age).

    I have kind of just learned strategies with her and ways of dealing with it. This has been going on for so long! I know the foods she likes and I offer those on a consistent basis and I do throw in a new/old food that she resisted every week. I made the mistake of making mealtime a battle for a very long time and I have finally just learned to let it be.

    Sorry this was so long. HTH and good luck!

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    Thank you both for the information that you've shared...Im glad I'm not the only concerned mama out there!

    Dinner/Lunch is always a battle if we don't offer things that he already knows he likes...if it is something new, it's an instant rejection, crying, and head turning fight.  At that point I get so frustrated sometimes!  I worry he's not getting the proper nutrition.  

    I have tried (sort of) the tough love and after his initial rejection taking him out of his highchair and saying ok, he'll eat when he's ready.  It works occasionally, but I can't just not let him eat.

     I've looked into the PediaSure nutritional supplement powder (1.5 cal I think) but I don't know if I want to give it to him since he drinks milk fine...I feel like that is just un needed sugar for his body.  In addition to, he has a slight cows milk allergy so i'm afraid his eczema would flare up if we gave it to him.  I feel like we are in a lose lose situation.

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    I just happened to pop on this board for advice for a friend and came across your post. Neither of my kids were preemies but I want to tell you that its normal for us to worry about our babies growth but if your dr isnt too concerned, try to trust him/her.

    My first son was a chunker and about 26 lbs at 1.  (born 8lbs)

    My second was a monster, he weighed 24lbs at 6 MONTHS!!!!  (born 7lbs13oz)

    My third was born the smallest ((born 7lbs3oz) and at 19 months is barely 21lbs. He is SOOOO tiny he even wear 6-12months onsies still. I was so worried abotu his weight, even our pediatrician was (but thankfully he gained a bit last appt).

    I have breastfed all of my kids the same, gave them solids the same , etc... each kid is just going to be very different. Just make sure to offer everything and anything to your child, even things you do not eat.

    My little ones loves tomatoes, salad, pickles, beets and sauerkraut (no wonder he is so skinny) but that is what he eats and at least I know he is eating something :)

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    I hear you! DD is 21 months and is almost 20lbs. Her doctor's are fine with it since she's going with her curve, but it stresses me out sometimes!

    I have a hard time getting her to try new things if I just put it on her plate but if I'm eating it she always wants to try it. Also, if it's something she can't eat by herself she doesn't want anything to do with it. Ex. Mashed potatos are a no go, but if I bake them into home fries she'll eat them.

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    I understand that we are 6 months behind you, but I've got texture issues with my two as well. if it's slimy, slippery or mushy when they pick it up, they just won't eat it. They love and will eat anything "bread" - crackers, bread, english muffins, muffins, etc. I've started making my own breads/muffins and shoving food and fat into them. Look up no sugar pumpkin bread, banana bread, etc. We also do spinich cheddar rolls, etc that I double the veggies on. I freeze it all in half loaves and muffins and take a couple out to put into the fridge every few days to dethaw.
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    DD is right at the 20 lb mark now and is super picky. I'm especially concerned now that she's barely drinking any milk (maybe half a sippy in the morning). I add yogurt to her oatmeal, put tons of butter on her veggies and add brown sugar to her carrots, and put cheese on or in just about anything I can think of, and offer BBQ sauce, ketchup, and other condiments with many, many foods. DD is all about breakfast foods and most fruits, but vegetables and meats are a battle to get her to eat even though she used to eat them without a problem. I give her beefaroni for lunch once a week and add blended carrots and cauliflower to it. I think my biggest thing is that if she sees us eating and wants part of it I'll give it to her even if she's just eaten; taking advantage of anytime she wants food is what finally got her to the weight she is now.
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    We just are dealing w/this with Scarlette. She is 16 months and weighs 16.5lbs. 

    She is having to see a feeding and occupational therapist for sensory/feeding issues. She won't eat anything w/texture or a mushy feeling either. It's purees only or she gags and makes herself vomit. She won't finger feed herself anything but puffs either and she can't chew :/

    Our GI doctor said he may put her on Pediasure next month if her weight gain isn't any better. Both her drs did say that between 15-20 months babies become picky eaters and burn more calories b/c they are more active. 

    It's so tough to know what to do! They told us to mix things like avocado into foods she does like to pack in some calories.

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    I understand your feeding and weight gain issues.  One of my guys is a year old and weighs 15 pounds and will not eat solids.

    This blog was written by a preemie mom whose daughter was FTT and she had great ideas on how to increase calories.  I hope there's something on the blog that will help you.

    Good luck! 

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