TTC after 35

Ok I know I said I was "giving up" and I still am but can you tell me what your costs were

I feel like such a failure and I know that after TTC all this time, that feeling is never going to go away unless I end up with a baby.

Dh has never been on board with the idea of IF treatments hence the 30 months of TTC with no intervention.

But I am thinking I need to do some research on "options" so I can make a valid argument when/if the subject "just happens to come up".  Wink

So if you would be so kind as to share your costs I can get an idea of what to expect.  I think my insurance covers 50% of SOME treatments but I am not sure.

Thanks in advance! 


Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image

Re: Ok I know I said I was "giving up" and I still am but can you tell me what your costs were

  • We have Aetna Open access HMO, and IVF is a covered benefit.  It cost us about $3-4k for everything IVF with ICSI, but meds.  Meds for us was covered at 50%, that cost us about $3k.  YIPES! We should've asked for some donated meds.  We did not do IUI.  for our FET, it's costs us about $1800.  Our insurance does not cover FET, but our fertility clinic is giving us a break since we're paying 100% oop.
  • Well it's fresh on my mind since I just found out about the costs this morning.

    I've been led to believe my insurance covers mostly everything, however I was told the OOP costs as well. The IUI procedure costs $300. The total costs for the medication is $1,800, and that's supposedly discounted (ouch). Ultrasounds run at $325 each, and I'll probably need at least 5 of them. I'm not sure what the cost of the bloodwork will be. I imagine if I paid OOP for the entire cycle it would run approx $5K.

    Oh and by the way, a women in my class this morning said she was OOP for everything, but the nurse said they'll double check on that and see what they can submit. Sometimes they can work around things and get the bloodwork and ultrasounds covered. 


    nate and teddy
    Me 41 DH 46  Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. TTC #2 **5th cycle 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy is due 04/28/13!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Sorry you've reached this point.

    At our consultation, we were quoted $500 IUI w/ Femara or Clomid, $2500 IUI with injectables, and $14k for IVF.  IUI's aren't back to back due to MFI.  These estimates included drugs and any labs.   

    Good luck. 

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  • Sorry you've reached this point.

    At our consultation, we were quoted $500 IUI w/ Femara or Clomid, $2500 IUI with injectables, and $14k for IVF.  IUI's aren't back to back due to MFI.  These estimates included drugs and any labs.   These prices are if we were 100% OOP.  Insurance covers some of it and requires that we do a 3 Femara IUI cycles before injects.

    Good luck. 

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  • DH asked for a breakdown of costs today.  I also pay 50% so I will give you what my share but does not include meds:


    Day 3 bloodwork   $142.77

    Clomid Challenge test (I did not do it) $6.22

    Semen Analysis  $4.72

    Mock Embryo Transfer/Fluid Sonogram $534.89

    Injection Class (they did not make us do that because I was a nurse in my past career and DH was a medic in the Army)  $17.98

    HSG $451.91 or $685.96 (I had to go to the hospital and pay the higher cost because of my shellfish allergy)

    Follow-up visits $31.27 - 99.34


    IUI Cycle

    Pre-Med  $119.16

    Monitoring Cost Per visit $129.66 (I had 5)

    IUI/Sperm Wash $370.21

    Post Cycle Labs (Beta) $6.22 (they did not charge me for my BFN)


    IVF Cycle

    IVF Treatment Cycle two charges both with LE (I don't know what that is) and 5 days monitoring $3026 and $2760

    Then there are a bunch of other charges for things like ICSI, Assisted Hatching, and cryopreservation. 

    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm entirely OOP.  My injectables and b2b IUI cycle cost us about $3000. That didn't include the meds, b/c we were lucky enough to get into a study where those were provided for us.

    Do you think your DH is open to seeing an RE for diagnostic testing at least? Having that information was really helpful for MH and I to make the decision to move forward with treatments. 

    Me: 38, PCOS/ DH: 37

    DD born 12.21.09, conceived w/ injects and IUI

    TTC#2 since Nov 2011

    BFP 2.6.12 m/c 6w5d | BFP 5.25.12 c/p

    -Back to the RE-

    3 medicated IUIs, all BFN

    -Taking a break from treatment-

    BFP 11.20.12 ~ EDD 7.28.13

    image image

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    My Chart
  • Wow.  Thanks all--now I am off to check the bump glossary to see what all that stuff means.  :)
    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • I think you might scare your DH more than convince him if you start gathering  costs for a wide variety of IF treatments. Maybe you want to start with calling your insurance, and finding out exactly what they cover in terms of diagnostic testing, including semen analysis, and an HSG; IUI; IVF; and fert. medications.

    If they cover diagnostics, then you can pitch a visit to an RE as, "what do we have to lose just doing some testing?"

    Honestly, I was scared sh*tless when we went over the price list at our first RE consult, and have only gradually and begrudgingly come to accept the financial burdens of IF. So, I'm just thinking if your DH is financially conservative (like me), then a sampling of prices for a bunch of procedures you might not even need or want from around the country might overwhelm him unnecessarily. Good luck!

    TTC #1 since June 2010
    Me: 36, DH: 42
    Dx: DOR and MFI

    DH: low count + very low motility; hormones all normal; Sperm DNA Frag. test = poor to fair; male karyotyping normal
    Me: FSH 13.4 + AMH 0.26 + hypothyroidism; Scratch the hypothyrodism (?); Blood clotting and immune panel all negative; endometrial biopsy normal

    IVF #1 (MDLF - Jul/Aug 2011): BFN (9R, 5M, 3F with ICSI, 3dt of 1 10-cell grade 2, no frosties)
    IVF #2 (EP-antagonist - Sep/Oct 2011): BFN (6R, 4M, 3F w/ ICSI, 3dt of 1 6-cell, 1 7-cell, grade 4s, no frosties)
    DE IVF #1 (shared cycle - June 2012): c/p (6R, 6F w/ICSI, 3dt 1 8-cell grade A- and 1 7-cell grade A-; no frosties)
    DE IVF #2 (shared cycle with new donor - Nov/Dec/ 2012): - BFP!!!!! 12/14/12. U/S on 12/27 shows twins!!!!!

  • imagemtlaurel:

    I think you might scare your DH more than convince him if you start gathering  costs for a wide variety of IF treatments. Maybe you want to start with calling your insurance, and finding out exactly what they cover in terms of diagnostic testing, including semen analysis, and an HSG; IUI; IVF; and fert. medications.

    If they cover diagnostics, then you can pitch a visit to an RE as, "what do we have to lose just doing some testing?"

    Honestly, I was scared sh*tless when we went over the price list at our first RE consult, and have only gradually and begrudgingly come to accept the financial burdens of IF. So, I'm just thinking if your DH is financially conservative (like me), then a sampling of prices for a bunch of procedures you might not even need or want from around the country might overwhelm him unnecessarily. Good luck!

      I was actually thinking the same thing--but mostly I wanted the quotes for my knowledge.  He is more against the participating part.  He is all for me doing what I want to do but just the mere mention of a SA makes him want to run away.  It's not likely that any of this will happen but at least it is giving me something to look into...
    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • imageLlamamama:

    I think you might scare your DH more than convince him if you start gathering  costs for a wide variety of IF treatments. Maybe you want to start with calling your insurance, and finding out exactly what they cover in terms of diagnostic testing, including semen analysis, and an HSG; IUI; IVF; and fert. medications.

    If they cover diagnostics, then you can pitch a visit to an RE as, "what do we have to lose just doing some testing?"

    Honestly, I was scared sh*tless when we went over the price list at our first RE consult, and have only gradually and begrudgingly come to accept the financial burdens of IF. So, I'm just thinking if your DH is financially conservative (like me), then a sampling of prices for a bunch of procedures you might not even need or want from around the country might overwhelm him unnecessarily. Good luck!

      I was actually thinking the same thing--but mostly I wanted the quotes for my knowledge.  He is more against the participating part.  He is all for me doing what I want to do but just the mere mention of a SA makes him want to run away.  It's not likely that any of this will happen but at least it is giving me something to look into...

    Every time DH has to give a sample, I remind him that it is something that people do just for fun.  My part involves putting my feet in metal sturrups and then pushing a watermelon size baby out of a very small opening.  The I jokingly call him selfish.

    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageCountry Girl in the City:

    I think you might scare your DH more than convince him if you start gathering  costs for a wide variety of IF treatments. Maybe you want to start with calling your insurance, and finding out exactly what they cover in terms of diagnostic testing, including semen analysis, and an HSG; IUI; IVF; and fert. medications.

    If they cover diagnostics, then you can pitch a visit to an RE as, "what do we have to lose just doing some testing?"

    Honestly, I was scared sh*tless when we went over the price list at our first RE consult, and have only gradually and begrudgingly come to accept the financial burdens of IF. So, I'm just thinking if your DH is financially conservative (like me), then a sampling of prices for a bunch of procedures you might not even need or want from around the country might overwhelm him unnecessarily. Good luck!

      I was actually thinking the same thing--but mostly I wanted the quotes for my knowledge.  He is more against the participating part.  He is all for me doing what I want to do but just the mere mention of a SA makes him want to run away.  It's not likely that any of this will happen but at least it is giving me something to look into...

    Every time DH has to give a sample, I remind him that it is something that people do just for fun.  My part involves putting my feet in metal sturrups and then pushing a watermelon size baby out of a very small opening.  The I jokingly call him selfish.

    Ha Ha.. SO true!
    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • Here is a good ballpark reference for fertility diagnosis and treatment costs:

    We just finished up IUI this month.  No one from the insurance CS department could give me a straight answer on what my insurance covers so we are just submitting the claims. Thus far they've paid for a couple of monitoring visits submitted (I had around a $50 copay plus some of my deductible, left). 

    I do know that I am completely OOP for injectible fertility meds.  For this IUI cycle, I used Femara (generic), the 900 iu gonal-f pen, Ovidrel and crinone.

    Femara and crinone can be used for things outside of fertility and were covered by my plan with a minimal co-pay.  I bought the injectible pen from my RE's office for $250, and they donated the Ovidrel to me.  So, my meds for this IUI cycle were less than $300. 


    DOR and AMA
    2/12-5/12: 4 IUI cycles = all BFN;
    7/12: DE IVF # 1 (with ICSI)- 20R, 16M, 14F, 5DT of 2 blasts; 6 frosties = BFN;
    Lupus anticoagulant initially high, then found to be normal on hematology consult;
    Follow up testing in September all clear;
    Started synthroid for "high normal" TSH;
    FET # 1- late October 2012- BFP on FRER; beta # 1- 21(low), beta # 2- 48 (still low), beta # 3- 132, beta # 4- 1,293; beta # 5- 5,606; last beta- over 100,000. First u/s 11/21- heard heartbeat
    12/12- Officially an OB patient!
    Level 2 ultrasound at 20 weeks shows vasa previa and VCI
    Referral to MFM and mandatory c section for delivery
    Beautiful baby girl born at 34 weeks
    Finally home after 15 day NICU stay!
    Trying for sibling: FET # 2- May 2014; beta 5/31, BFN
    FET #3, early July 2014; beta 7/14, BFN
    DE IVF # 2- August 2014; 14R, 13M, 11F, 5dt of 2 blasts (3 AA), 5 frosties = BFN
    FET #4- December 2014, yet another BFN

    Dr. KK work up shows borderline uterine blood flow, elevated NK cells, and MTHFR mutation (homozygous for c677t)

    Added baby aspirin, prednisone, supplements, Metanx, and intralipids

    Switched to large clinic for final attempt; had endometrial receptivity testing in January; FET March 2015 = yet another BFN

    Likely OAD- NBC

  • imagechicagobride_07:

    Here is a good ballpark reference for fertility diagnosis and treatment costs:

    We just finished up IUI this month.  No one from the insurance CS department could give me a straight answer on what my insurance covers so we are just submitting the claims. Thus far they've paid for a couple of monitoring visits submitted (I had around a $50 copay plus some of my deductible, left). 

    I do know that I am completely OOP for injectible fertility meds.  For this IUI cycle, I used Femara (generic), the 900 iu gonal-f pen, Ovidrel and crinone.

    Femara and crinone can be used for things outside of fertility and were covered by my plan with a minimal co-pay.  I bought the injectible pen from my RE's office for $250, and they donated the Ovidrel to me.  So, my meds for this IUI cycle were less than $300


    That sounds like a bargain.  I used Braville, Ovidrel, and a generic progesterone that I don't remember the name.  I paid about $800.

    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
  • My husband is sort of resistant to IF treatments. However, if we didn't get a semen analysis and a semen culture done on him, we would still be dealing with clumping sperm and not knowing it. In the semen culture they found a bacteria that was treated with antibiotics and his sperm improved greatly with our first IUI. Has he at least had these simple tests done?

    I'm in Beverly Hills so my RE prices are out of control and not the norm. I have Cigna PPO that covers 50%.


  • You have some great numbers here for reference. I am 100% OOP so if you ever have any questions, definitely PM me and I am happy to share my costs. I've done unmedicated IUI, medicated IUI and now IVF. And I am today rpicing all the drugs. Fun, fun!
    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • imagechicagobride_07:

    Here is a good ballpark reference for fertility diagnosis and treatment costs:

    We just finished up IUI this month.  No one from the insurance CS department could give me a straight answer on what my insurance covers so we are just submitting the claims. Thus far they've paid for a couple of monitoring visits submitted (I had around a $50 copay plus some of my deductible, left). 

    I do know that I am completely OOP for injectible fertility meds.  For this IUI cycle, I used Femara (generic), the 900 iu gonal-f pen, Ovidrel and crinone.

    Femara and crinone can be used for things outside of fertility and were covered by my plan with a minimal co-pay.  I bought the injectible pen from my RE's office for $250, and they donated the Ovidrel to me.  So, my meds for this IUI cycle were less than $300. 


    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • Sorry your husband's reluctant to do the SA.  We lived close enough to the clinic that my husband made his deposit in a specimen cup at home and I took it in.  Maybe he'd be receptive to something like that?  
    Me: 38, PCOS/ DH: 37

    DD born 12.21.09, conceived w/ injects and IUI

    TTC#2 since Nov 2011

    BFP 2.6.12 m/c 6w5d | BFP 5.25.12 c/p

    -Back to the RE-

    3 medicated IUIs, all BFN

    -Taking a break from treatment-

    BFP 11.20.12 ~ EDD 7.28.13

    image image

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    My Chart
  • Llama, looks like you got some great info!  I don't have much to add except GL with all of this.  Hopefully you & DH can come to some sort of middle ground.
  • I think that you also got some great info!  IF costs money and the further you get on the journey the more expensive it gets.  Just be aware that once you start with treatments, it's really difficult to walk away without taking home a baby.  We started out just trying on our own.  Did a consult, RE recommended IVF.  We had a deadline that we would try with IVF for one year (we had insurance), but if not success we were done.  That one year is over, and I found it impossible to just walk away from everything after all that we have been through.  That continually having a plan to hang onto/move forward with, has been my coping mechanism throughout this whole process.  These are just some things to think about.  I agree that overwhelming DH with too much about treatment costs right now might scare him away from all treatment.
    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • imageLlamamama:

    I feel like such a failure and I know that after TTC all this time, that feeling is never going to go away unless I end up with a baby.

    Dh has never been on board with the idea of IF treatments hence the 30 months of TTC with no intervention.

    ((hugs)) If you feel like this, I really think you should get testing. Even if the results are bad, it could help you get closure. 

    RE: costs. Reference your benefits handbook. Mine clearly laid out what was and wasn't (most) covered. Others have given you similar cost ranges to what I've paid. 

  • imagesofamonkey:
    Llama, looks like you got some great info!  I don't have much to add except GL with all of this.  Hopefully you & DH can come to some sort of middle ground.

    ***This here*** Good Luck!!! 

  • I'm just here for humor relief but my DH actually ranks the various RE's we been to based on their "deposit" room... Any new place we go to, he gets to check out their set up in that area...  I get stir-rups-- he gets p.orn....

    TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
    DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
    5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
    OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
    DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
    DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
    CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
    DE IVF #3 1/14  ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d

    DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
    First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!

    K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days


    SAIF/PAIF Welcome

  • imageAbeille:
    Sorry your husband's reluctant to do the SA.  We lived close enough to the clinic that my husband made his deposit in a specimen cup at home and I took it in.  Maybe he'd be receptive to something like that?  

    You can also use a collection condom, so he wouldn't really have to do anything different at all! 

  • imageMrs.McIrish:
    I'm just here for humor relief but my DH actually ranks the various RE's we been to based on their "deposit" room... Any new place we go to, he gets to check out their set up in that area...  I get stir-rups-- he gets p.orn....

    Giggling..  Thanks for the laugh McIrish!

    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • imageMrs.McIrish:
    I'm just here for humor relief but my DH actually ranks the various RE's we been to based on their "deposit" room... Any new place we go to, he gets to check out their set up in that area...  I get stir-rups-- he gets p.orn....

    Mine too, hahaha 

    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • I haven't even brought it up (again) with dh yet and I am already feeling like it will not be in the cards for us.  :(  It IS really hard to walk away after all this time with nothing to show for the effort and if I end up spending thousands of dollars and STILL have nothing--well that will be VERY hard.

    As for dh's tests--he has had nothing tested.  He is not fond of doctors, hates hospitals and the THOUGHT of going into a special room with little cups freaks him out.  AND he thinks that even if given the opportunity to "produce" at home he would not be able to do it.  In other words he is a big excuse making baby.

    He is not motivated at all to have another baby--he would be happy if we did/he would be happy if we didn't so I am in this desperation boat all alone.  Thanks to all of you for the support--it is so nice chatting with those who "get it".  

    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • My hubby wasn't keen on giving a sample either until they told him we could bring it home and I could "help him". Then his normal guy instincts kicked and he thought of what he would get from my "help" and said yes. 

    Honestly, he didn't even really see any point in this until we ran into my best friend's mom and she mentioned how she didn't think she'd ever be gram. He decided that was just tragic. Every woman should get to be a grandmother! It's just inconvenient to have to be mom in between I guess. 

  • It really depends on your insurance and copays. The drugs cost me the most for IVF- around $2000. But for IUI more like $500. Everything else but copays was covered for me, but looking at the final IVF bill it looks like the took my insurance co. For $20K. GL you should totally try an IUI to start. To me IVF was better but more invasive.
  • imageMrs.McIrish:
    I'm just here for humor relief but my DH actually ranks the various RE's we been to based on their "deposit" room... Any new place we go to, he gets to check out their set up in that area...  I get stir-rups-- he gets p.orn....

    Ha ha!  I keep telling my husband that if we go on to an RE, there will be all kinds of "aids."  (We are currently doing our IUIs with my OB/GYN since it is marginally cheaper OOP, and his office doesn't have anything!)

    Good luck to you, llama, as you try to navigate where to go next!

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  • imageLlamamama:

    I haven't even brought it up (again) with dh yet and I am already feeling like it will not be in the cards for us.  :(  It IS really hard to walk away after all this time with nothing to show for the effort and if I end up spending thousands of dollars and STILL have nothing--well that will be VERY hard.

    As for dh's tests--he has had nothing tested.  He is not fond of doctors, hates hospitals and the THOUGHT of going into a special room with little cups freaks him out.  AND he thinks that even if given the opportunity to "produce" at home he would not be able to do it.  In other words he is a big excuse making baby.

    He is not motivated at all to have another baby--he would be happy if we did/he would be happy if we didn't so I am in this desperation boat all alone.  Thanks to all of you for the support--it is so nice chatting with those who "get it".  

    Llama wishing you lots of luck! My DH was never on board and it was always more my dream. I told DH what Mtlaurel had said..lets just do the testing..what do we have to lose? It took many months to get used to the idea of spending all that $ and maybe end up getting nothing to show for it. Finally DH caved because he couldn't stand seeing me cry days upon days and being so sad. I'm just bummed that after we felt comfortable moving forward my damn mamm resutls messed everything up. Hope you two can figure this step out :)

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



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