
Transient Synovitis

DD2 was diagnosed with this a couple of weeks ago. I'm only now getting around to posting my question.  Her case was an inflammation of her left hip joint, caused by a virus, that caused her to limp, then not be able to walk at all.  I hear that this condition is more common in boys than girls. She's all better now but at the time, it was very stressful.

 Anyone else's child ever have this?  Did you have trouble getting a diagnosis?  How long did it take your child to recover?  DD was better within about five days but she missed a week of preschool.


Re: Transient Synovitis

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    I think my oldest had a mild case of this last year.  It was really strange and I had never heard of it.  About a week or so after having a virus, she started crying and complaining of hip pain.  Since it was a Friday evening I couldn't get her to the pedi but we were close to going to the ER.  I talked to my mom who is a PT, and she felt like that's what it was.  I gave DD a long warm bath and motrin, and she was comfortable enough to sleep although it was in that bent knee out position.  The next day she felt better, so it was never actually diagnosed but I do think that's what it was.  I mentioned it to the pedi at our next visit and she didn't have much to say about it. 
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    We'd never heard of it either, so when DD started limping over the weekend we assumed it was because of a fall or something.  We did end up going to the ER where they did an X-Ray of her entire leg then blood work.  But DD couldn't really indicate where the pain was so they thought her knee was sprained.  Her x-rays were normal.

    After the ER visit we ended up taking DD to our neighbor at his clinic.  He's a family medicine/sports medicine doc and he diagnosed it right away.  He said her labs did show a slight infection, which I think was the deciding factor for him in diagnosing it.  My pedi was useless - she referred us to an orthopedist!  After all that I felt like we finally got a correct dx but it took persistence.


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    Thanks for posting this bc it will probably help someone in the future. 
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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