June 2011 Moms

BM Providers (of ANY amount) - how's it going now?

Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

How's it going overall?

How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?

New/old problems?

How's your stash?

What's your goal now?

Anything else you'd like to add?

Re: BM Providers (of ANY amount) - how's it going now?

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    Audrey has completely weaned herself from the boob.  It started a couple of weeks ago.  She just started refusing our one and only morning nursing session.  I was sad about, but have come to accept it.  She is still getting 100% breast milk.  So I just feel very fortunate I am still able to pump enough for that!

    Stash: about 1100 ounces I'd say.  I may give a couple hundred to this one girl I have been donating to just to keep it current, but I have decided yet.

    Goal: Keep pumping until 1 year before weaning off the pump and finishing out my stash.  At one point, I considered going longer (18-24 months long), but my nipples are so cracked and pumping can be so painful that I just don't know if I can do it.  When the pedi gives the go ahead for cow's milk (after 1 year?), then I will probably start supplementing that in.

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    I am actually pumping right now.

    How's it going overall? Ok, I am having a decrease in supply so I am starting Fenugreek again.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? I used to get over 12oz at work, yesterday I got 6 and LO eats 8-12 oz a day. I have somehow managed to only dip into my supply a few times for an oz here and there.

    New/old problems? My supply is dropping.

    How's your stash? Still around 100oz, I haven't really added more in the past few months but haven't taken much away.

    What's your goal now? Still pump to 12 months and morning and night nurse until 18 months.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Keep it up mamas!
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    Audrey has completely weaned herself from the boob.  It started a couple of weeks ago.  She just started refusing our one and only morning nursing session.  I was sad about, but have come to accept it.  She is still getting 100% breast milk.  So I just feel very fortunate I am still able to pump enough for that!

    Stash: about 1100 ounces I'd say.  I may give a couple hundred to this one girl I have been donating to just to keep it current, but I have decided yet.

    Goal: Keep pumping until 1 year before weaning off the pump and finishing out my stash.  At one point, I considered going longer (18-24 months long), but my nipples are so cracked and pumping can be so painful that I just don't know if I can do it.  When the pedi gives the go ahead for cow's milk (after 1 year?), then I will probably start supplementing that in.

     I am in awe of your stash...was this just from monster pumping in the beginning and creating an oversupply or are you super boob!!  I am working like crazy to build up just 160+ounces for a trip. How often do you have to pump now?  So amazing!!!! Go You!!!

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    New/old problems? My supply is dropping.

    Oh how could I forget.  Mine is too.  I did drop to 3 sessions a day and was getting 26-30 ounces a day.  Lately, it's been like 20-24.  I have been a little under the weather though.

    I'm sorry your supply is dropping.  I hope the fenugreek helps!  Sending supply dust your way right now!

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    Stash: about 1100 ounces I'd say.

     I am in awe of your stash...was this just from monster pumping in the beginning and creating an oversupply or are you super boob!!

    I went back to work early...like at 1 month early.  So I started pumping at 3 weeks.  I pumped 4 times a day until A was 6 months and my nipples were in such bad shape that I had to drop one.  When I was pumping 4x a day, I was getting 35+ ounces per day and Audrey only takes about 20ish.  I was quickly able to build up a supply.  If I had not donated any, then my supply would be closer to 2000 ounces. 

    I feel very blessed that I have so much milk, but at the same time, I will try to keep a stronger nursing bond with the next one.

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    How's it going overall? Hayden stopped taking my breast about 2 months ago so she has been getting milk strictly from the bottle. She makes a face and turns her head when I try to give it to her... (tear...)

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing? Because of this refusal and my work schedule, my supply has tanked. I used to make 28-32 oz in 3 pumps at work... I am now down to 12 oz total. I am leaving the country next week for 8 days so instead of relying just on my stash, we started to introduce Gentlease... she doesn't taste the difference. I am leaving H with my mom (DH has a free 10 days as a bachelor) and am taking the rest of my stash (100 or so oz to her house in Houston)

    New/old problems? Supply tanking :(

    How's your stash? 100 oz of which should be depleted upon my return.

    What's your goal now? I am going to pump while I am out of the country to keep my supply up, but not putting too much pressure on myself. She is happy, so am I.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Proud of myself for making it this long, but I feel like I have a bunch of pressure to keep it going and build it back up... I think its all in my head though.

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    How's it going overall?

    Each day is a new challenge. Avery has not nursed in 2.5 weeks. From everything I have read it seems to be a nursing strike, but I fear he may have weaned. He nursed 2-3 times a day and now screams bloody murder when he sees my boob....

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?

    He takes 27-30oz a day. I am only producing about 27. We tried 3 different formulas all of which have made him sick. We will eventually have to start supplementing with Elecare or Neocate, which is $40 for a tiny canister...I found a donor who I picked up 300oz from last week. It should get as another 2 months before having to supplement with formula

    New/old problems? Still Dairy Free. I have to make sure I eat and drink enough. I used to have a crazy over supply, but have now been battling with my supply for the better part of 4 months....

    How's your stash? Donor stash of 300oz

    What's your goal now? As long as A is Dairy Free, I would love to be able to continue to BF/EP. The formula options are super expensive. From what I have read we can use Rice Milk from 18 months on, so I would like to make it until then. I have to say it is doubtful as we intend to TTC this summer, which may kill my supply.

    Anything else you'd like to add?
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    How's it going overall?  Overall, fine I guess, but M only gaining 1 pound in 3 months has me a little worried (pedi isn't concerned at all though).  On the bright side, we haven't had any issues with her tearing up my nipples again.

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing?  Still EBF, no supplementing.  Once and awhile, I give her a couple ounces from my stash before bed, but she still doesn't like bottles at all.

    New/old problems?  Still paranoid about my supply, especially from ovulation through AF.  Still taking Fenugreek, oatmeal, calcium/magnesium. 

    How's your stash?  I still have my stash dated from ~June-Sept.  I'm trying to use some every day to mix with her solids because 1.) We're moving 2.) It's on the older side and needs to be used.  I have no clue how many ounces I have - I have about 3 1/2 gift bags full, and I don't pump any new milk. 

    What's your goal now?  I WILL make it to one year, I WILL make it to one year....

    Anything else you'd like to add?  Lately I've been thinking about how the heck we're going to stop nursing??  It's such a part of life now, I can't imagine not doing it :(

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    How's it going overall? Oh, fine. LO is getting downright violent while nursing (hair-pulling, flailing) so that's not pleasant, but I don't know that bottle feeding would be any better. He's starting to cut back a little bit, which I thought I would be sad about, but I'm not at this point.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? All BM still.

    New/old problems? Just the thrashing, and I'm getting over an illness which impacted my supply, but I think it's starting to return today.

    How's your stash? About 100 oz, the same as it's been for several months. I dipped into it a little during this illness

    What's your goal now? I definitely still want to go to a year. I planned on nursing at night and the morning for a few months after that, but I'm starting to think I might just stop entirely at about a year. I don't know, I'll probably change my mind if we have a more relaxing BFing session tonight.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I'm usually not this crabby about BFing. This may have been a bad day to take this survey.

    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
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    How's it going overall? Going Great!How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? I almost exclusively BF...DD did get a bottle this weekend and drank 9oz.....which seemed like a lot.New/old problems? nopeHow's your stash? I am donating my whole stash because DD is dairy free.  I just started pumping again a bit to make a dairy free stash for when we want a date night and such.What's your goal now? 1 year....well 1 year and 1 monthAnything else you'd like to add? 
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    How's it going overall? OK right now, AF was giving me a bit of a dip last week, but we seem to be back on track

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? All BM right now- as long as I pump 4 times a day, I can keep up with daycare, and she nurses 3 times at home, although might be dropping one session.. :(

    New/old problems? I usually feed her as soon as she wakes up- 6am, then I nurse her at daycare when I drop her off at 8-- lately she doesn't seem interested in the second session-- she just wants to start playing. If the time change makes her sleep later, I might give that one up :(

    How's your stash? growing!! I pump before bed whether weekday or weekend, so those little bits of extra have been adding up-- I think I have about 150ish oz

    What's your goal now? still all BM to one year, then I'll start decreasing pumping sessions, use up my stash, then start introducing cow milk to make up the difference. I'll nurse nights and weekends as long as she wants. I need to set a goal for the freezer stash.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I'm on 5 pills a day of the domperidone-- I was going to decrease to 4 on March 1st, but now I'm scared and debating pushing it back..

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    How's it going overall? Good still.  C is strictly at the breast pretty much all feedings but she does get one bottle a night 3 times a week or so. 

    How much bm are you providing now?  I have no idea... the nights when I do pump once it is so all over the place I don't really know how much she gets.

    New/old problems? her teeth kind of suck.  For awhile she was biting me at the end of every single nursing session... now she only does it about 1/2 the time.

    How's your stash? I have like 5 bags of 5oz... and they are dated Sept so I need to use them in the next month. :(  Once I start working I hope I can get somewhat of a stash built up.

    What's your goal now? Make it to a year plus.

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    1100 ounces!! Whoa mama!!


    How's it going overall? So far, it's going great.

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing? I have no idea. I'm a SAHM, so she gets it straight from the tap all the time.

    New/old problems? None that I can think of, other than the fact that DD assaults me every time she nurses. My poor neck and face. It's like she just can't keep that arm/hand still.

    How's your stash? Hard to tell. DD finally started STTN, so I guess she is filling up more during the day. I am paranoid about my stash, so I am going to order Fenugreek.

    What's your goal now? I'll let her self-wean, or I'll stop if I get pregnant. I don't want to BF while pregnant.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Great job ladies!!

    Lilypie - (eo79)
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    BOOO I hate this post!

    How's it going overall? Supply tanking

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? No supplementing but I am going through 180 caps of fenugreek every 10 days or so...do the math

    New/old problems? no longer adding to my stash

    How's your stash? stagnant

    What's your goal now? still 1 yr

    Anything else you'd like to add? BF sux

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    Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

    How's it going overall? Really good. She is still 100% EBF. We still are not really doing solids yet (bad mama, I know).

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? 100% BM, no supplementing

    New/old problems? N/A

    How's your stash?  I donated the last of my milk stash so I dont have any in the freezer now. She wont take a bottle anyways so it was kind of useless to hold onto it.

    What's your goal now? I am thinking 18 months.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Her first tooth cut through this week and the second one is close behind, but we havent had any problems with biting (yet...hopefully never). 

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    How's it going overall? As well as it ever has.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? I have always had supply issues and have always had to supplement. In the past month or so I started eating stee cut oats for breakfast every day and did notice an increase in my supply. Once I accepted that I would never be able to EBF with Max, I was less stressed and that seems to have helped, too. Since then, he takes less formua, but probably still about 18 oz/day. We BF 4 times a day and he tops off with a bottle after each of those sessions.

    New/old problems?Same as always, just have become more zen about it.

    How's your stash? I have no stash.

    What's your goal now? Still 1 year. If I have anything left and he wants to continue, I would be very comnfortable going beyond that.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I love BF and I am so happy I am able to continue, even if I cannot supply all he needs through breastmilk. I am lucky to have access to formula and clean water to provide the rest of his needs.


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    I still EBF which Im very proud of since we had a rough start in the beggining. I want to continue to 12 months but Im missing my body. :). My stash isnt much and I hate pumping so Im glad I SAH. 
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    How's it going overall?  It is going well.  Preston has started loving my boobs again (after quite the nursing strike) so I am not pumping as much which is lovely.

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing? I pump around 15-20 oz. a day, he usually eats that during daycare.

    New/old problems? Well, AF is back as of today, so I am wondering if that will start to affect my supply?  We will see...so far today has been fine.

    How's your stash? Probably around 100 oz.  I haven't counted.  I have been using about 3 bags of frozen milk per week and sometimes do not pump to replenish the stash...so it is dwindling.

    What's your goal now? Still a year.  I only have about 3 months left, so I think I can hang!

    Anything else you'd like to add? I said it before, and I will say it again.  I don't think without the advice and support of this board that I would have stuck with it this long!  Thanks ladies!!!

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    Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

    How's it going overall? It's still going well. I have had to increase my pumping time by a few minutes over the last week or two.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? I still get about 45 - 50 ozs a day. No supplementing at all. I donated all of my extra.

    New/old problems? Only problem I have is when it's time for AF I get clogged ducts and my supply decreases by a few ounces. (I don't get AF, it's just once a month when she should come)

    How's your stash? About 300 oz. I donated recently.

    What's your goal now? 18 months. I plan on dropping one pump at 12 months, then 14 months and start weaning out the last two around 18. That is if my supply keeps up enough when I start dropping.

    Anything else you'd like to add? This has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. To know that my body completely sustained Avery's life up until this point. Life is so beautiful!

    ~ Cassie ~

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    How's it going overall? Going great

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? N is still strictly on BM and 99% of it from the boob

    New/old problems? The only real problems I've had are frequent clogs.  Funny you brought this up because I had been doing well for the last  weeks but sure enough, I just developed another one.

    How's your stash? I have no stash to speak of.  I rarely pump - only if I know I'm going to be leaving N for several hours.

    What's your goal now? Same as always - BF until N weans

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    ETA: Gah! I didn't mean to write a novella... 

    How's it going overall? Great. This little girl loves nursing- I think we're going to have trouble getting her to give it up Wink

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? We nurse on cue when I'm home and she doesn't really take any when I'm not. See problems below... No supplementing.

    New/old problems? It was a problem last time you posted, too, so I guess an old one- LO never took a bottle. She can drink from a sippy, but doesn't like to drink much milk when I'm gone. Like, 1-2 oz the full day I'm at work (6-9 hours). We bed share, so I don't mind her reverse cycling on those days, but I feel bad that she doesn't really eat when I'm not there. New approach to the problem- although we do BLW, I've started making purees with BM for her to eat while I'm gone. Still, she doesn't eat much, but it makes me feel a little better.

    How's your stash? I kept donating it because, like I said, it's not really getting used, and also our freezer is small. We don't have a deep freeze. I was sick in February, though, and I don't remember the exact dates, so I think this month's milk will all be for LO. Which means it will go bad or be poured out. It's only, like, 30 oz any way. Since it's pretty much extra, I'm going to see if she drinks more out of a full sippy. I've only been leaving 3 oz defrosted, since she won't even drink that. So, we'll see!

    What's your goal now? For her to self wean. But, like I said, I don't see this girl ever giving up nursing! Ha ha. At this point, I don't want to tandem nurse, so if she hasn't weaned by her 2nd birthday, we'll probably do mother led weaning then, since we'll be TTC.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Even though I don't like that she doesn't drink much milk when I'm gone, all in all, her not taking a bottle has been much less of a burden than I anticipated. I really want to just skip the bottle next time, but MH is -not- on board. I also want to SAH for awhile after #2, which he is fine with, so I don't see why we need a bottle. It was a huge stress to pump and try and get this LO to take it; I don't want to bother next time, and I'd rather EBF than have nipple confusion. So, we'll see.

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    How's it going overall?  eh, i'm keeping up with it.  I pump twice at work and once before bed. Other times I nurse her.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?  100% BM.  I rotate my stash.  Brie drinks 14-19oz at daycare,  she normally gets a mixture of fresh and frozen bottles.

    New/old problems? My supply has leveled off.  I was pumping 10-12 oz and now I'm lucky to get 5-8oz.  Occasional grazing with teeth, she bit me twice and the second time she scared me and I yelled, haha she hasn't bit me since.

    How's your stash?  I think I have close to 500oz.  

    What's your goal now?  I still say a year.  Although, the thought of quitting makes me sad. 

    Anything else you'd like to add? Keep it up mamas!

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    How's it going overall?  It's going well.

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing? We still exlusively on the breast feed.  There has been zero luck trying to get her to take bottles or sippy cups. 

    New/old problems? My infection cleared up and no new issues with my nipples thank goodness.  However, I see her top two teeth about to break on through so I'm unsure if that's going to cause a whole new slew of issues.

    How's your stash?  I still have about 40oz.  I don't pump to add since she won't take bottles anyway.  I just keep enough in the freezer that if something happened to me that pulled me away from her, my husband would have enough to attempt to mix with formula and/or he'd have a full day of BM.

    What's your goal now? I have always and am still just taking it day by day.  Now that she's almost 9 months I'm more concerned with getting her weaned at some point around a year.  I have a trip minus her planned when she's 14 months that I would love to be able to do but obviously she would need to be fully weaned.

    Anything else you'd like to add? Great job everyone still pumping.  It's so difficult and you deserve mad props!

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    How's it going overall?
    It is going relatively well.  She is showing no signs of wanting to stop anytime soon and I am trying to just follow her lead.

    How much bm are you providing now? Any supplementing?
    She is refusing the bottle for the most part and has reverse cycled so that we are up every 3 hours at night feeding.  I still pump during the day while I am at work to keep my supply up.  I am terrified of losing my supply since she seems to hate the bottle.

    New/old problems?
    We still use the nipple shield, other than that things are good.

    How's your stash?
    I have tons in our freezer chest.  I am sending bags from September to daycare still, and she only takes a few ounces during the day.

    What's your goal now?
    As long as she wants to nurse, I am okay with it.  I am hoping she will take some of my freezer stuff from a sippy cup soon and we can just comfort nurse.

    Anything else you'd like to add?

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    How's it going overall? Pretty good actually. Pumping is really hard at work, hard to make time and hard to pull away, but I'm really trying to stay committed.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? Still all that DS needs for a day, with a litle extra.

    New/old problems? Work is chaos lately, it is really hard to step away twice a day.

    How's your stash? Ugh, in a different freezer. I need to do something with it by Easter (under threat-of the freezer owner who wants to bake lots of bread for Easter)

    What's your goal now? To keep going as long as I can. I love nursing DS to sleep, but I really need to stop that. =(

    Anything else you'd like to add? I'm tired of pumping at work!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Rainbow baby, EDD 7/8/14, missed miscarriage 12/5/13. 
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    How's it going overall?

    It continues to be a struggle. Last week I thought my supply was going to drop to the point that I would not be able to BF anymore, but this week I am back up again.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?

    I am only able to pump 3-6 ounces per day while at work, so we supplement all other daily bottles with formula. My supply at night and in the mornings has improved again.

    New/old problems?

    Nothing new, same old supply problems. It's always been stressful. I am just glad to still be doing it.

    How's your stash?

    My stash has was depleted last week.

    What's your goal now?

    My goal is to continue until the end of May when we move to Colorado. I want to wean him after we move so I don't have to deal with pumping  at a new job.

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    Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

    How's it going overall? Overall, pretty good 

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? 100%

    New/old problems? New issue is M's refusal to nurse any time except when he is very tired. The rest of the time he take a few sips and then pushes away yelling so he can get back to playing. He also wont nurse anywhere except at home. i have tried going to a dark quiet area and if he's not tired, he not interested. He's only eating a small amount of solids twice per day so I know he's not full. Also, my pump is about to die. Ive replaced parts but the motor is laboured and sometimes does not work at all. Its from when DD was a baby and Im not interested in buying a new one at this point since DS is our last. 

    How's your stash? about 150ozs. 

    What's your goal now? 1 year. I go back to work 3 weeks before DS is 1 and thats what the stash is for but Im not sure if it will be enough. After that I will introduce WCM during the day while I am at work and possibly still nurse in the evening and morning but I will see how I feel about that. 

    Anything else you'd like to add? GO MAMAS! 

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    How's it going overall? very well 

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? still breastfeeding on demand; never supplemented

    New/old problems? no problems

    How's your stash? I stopped pumping and storing extra milk after I left my job in Dec. to become a SAHM. I have a ton of milk in our deep freezer that I've never had to use. I'm looking into donating it.

    What's your goal now? extending BFing to around 2 years

    Anything else you'd like to add? nothing else to add

    BabyFruit Ticker

    DH: 34/Me: 35
    Married: Feb 2008
    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!! :)
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    Over all, bfing is going well.  I was short a while back, but for some reason my supply is going up.  :-)


    I am pumping 4x a day, but don't really count the oz.  It is enough to give LO four bottles a day. 

    No new problems.  We are starting to do Ferber and cut out night feedings so i am a tad worried about my new found supply dipping.  I am hoping  that by pumping in the am and pm that it will help keep it stable. 


    Non existant.  Such a bummer.  DH split 10 oz, so that was a big set back.  I know that you aren't supposed to cry over spilt milk, but I will admit that I did shed a few tears.  I worked hard for that milk!

    My goal is still to make it to a year. 

    I am surprised about my recent feelings about bf'ing.  I am determined to make it to a year, but pumping 4x a day along with feeding DS is getting to be a lot.  I'm more ready to be done than I ever thought I'd be.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How's it going overall? Pretty well

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? No idea how much he's getting from me, but I BF 5-6x a day, except the days I work. Those days, he takes 2 bottles while I work, and I pump 2 times, then BF 3-4 times. I get almost exactly what he needs from pumping (~8oz). Sometimes I'm an oz or 2 short and I will either pump before bed to make up for it, or I'll dip into my stash.

    New/old problems? I do feel like I'm constantly battling with my supply, especially now that AF has returned. I think I'm making exactly what he needs, but nothing more. I've taken Fenugreek, but haven't noticed a difference. I'm going to try Motherlove more milk blend next. I'm always paranoid about supply since he doesn't gain fast (about 8oz/mo), but he doesn't take any more than 4oz from a bottle ever, and I know I produce that much. Otherwise no new problems, except an occasional painful nibble (new teeth).

    How's your stash? I have about 60oz, which is what I've had since he was a couple months old. I'm pretty good about replenishing if I take from it (by adding an extra before-bed session if needed.

    What's your goal now? 1 year. At that point, I will probably stop pumping, but keep BFing when I can/when he wants at home and supplement with cow's milk.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I had a rough first few weeks (sleepy feeder/bad latch, etc, so I had to pump/syringe feed for 2 weeks), and I'm so glad I've stuck with it and have made it this far. Congrats to everyone else for making it this far also!

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    Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

    How's it going overall?

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?

    New/old problems?

    How's your stash?

    What's your goal now?

    Anything else you'd like to add?

    I'm a little late, but here goes! Things are going well. Caleb is down to nursing only 3 times a day, but each time drains at least 1.5 boobs. At dc we are lucky if he will take 2 oz from a bottle (this from a little guy who used to take 12 oz in the same amount of time). He is only at dc for 4.5 hours. No supplementing! No problems either! I have 1000+ oz in my stash, but am trying to donate most of it since Caleb doesn't like the bottle. I still pump in the morning after he eats (only getting about 2 oz) and before I go to bed (getting 4-6oz). I do use bm in his purees. I am scared to drop the last session because I don't want my supply to drop. I do plan on stopping pumping at the start of June (when school gets out), but hope to continue bf until 18 months or so, even if only once a day.
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    How's it going overall?

    I can't complain....

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?

    I SAH so she's still EBF on demand...usually she nurses 4-6 times a day...and she's doing both boobs now (she used to do only one at each feed)

    New/old problems?

    She had a nursing strike a few months back and I don't think I've ever fully recovered from that. 

    She has to do both boobs to be really finished but she seems full once she's done.  The girls are definitely "soft" so I always feel like they are empty until she starts nursing and then I feel the let down and I can't figure out where it's coming from! haha

    AF causes some serious dips in supply.

    How's your stash?

    I have no stash...I knew I wasn't going back to work for at least a year---turns out she'll be 15 months when I go back--so in the beginning I kept about 30oz in the freezer at a time but now I only pump if I'm leaving her with someone for a few hours...

    What's your goal now?

    I will probably start introducing her to milk at around 11months because we are traveling overseas in mid-may and I want her to be able to have that while she stay with my parents when Jeff and I go to London for the day.  I hope to continue to nurse her morning and night until she refuses it or I decided to do IVF again.

    Anything else you'd like to add?

    I also had trouble in the start...she was very sleepy in the beginning, she had a lot of trouble latching on so we did finger feeds and bottles all the while I was trying to nurse.  I used a nipple shield while nursing for the first three months cause they were bleeding and hurt so bad.  I'm so happy I didn't give up though...and am proud that we made it this far.

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    How's it going overall? Pretty good! Still hanging in there.

    How much bm are you providing now? She drinks 13 - 14oz while I'm at work during the week. I get that by pumping 4 times a day. The rest of it is from nursing.

    Any supplementing? No

    New/old problems? Not getting as much from pumping as I used to. Having the newly added stressor of an upcoming divorce to deal with Tongue Tied We haven't dealt with any biting yet, thank goodness! She has her two front bottom teeth.

    How's your stash? It's been dead for a while. It was never that great.

    What's your goal now? Provide only BM until a year. Not sure how much longer our nursing relationship will last on a part-time basis after that, but it will be goodbye to the pump! I long to go Office Space on that b!tch.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I felt really ambivalent about bf'ing before DD was born. I had no idea how long it would last, and I couldn't be bothered to learn much about it until she came out. It's mind-blowing to me that she hasn't had any formula in her life so far. I'm so grateful that we've been able to make this work, even while I've been working full time since she was 12 weeks old.

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    How's it going overall? Great.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? No supplementing, but I'm not sure how much she's eating since she breastfeeds directly about half the time.

    New/old problems? Not really. I'm not producing extra anymore, but that's okay.

    How's your stash? Same as ever - 600ish ounces. It hasn't grown in a while, but I don't need it to.

    What's your goal now? My only real goal is to make it to one year, when I'll stop pumping. She can BF morning and night for as long as she likes.

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    How's it going overall? Eh. I'm no longer EBFing and I was super sad about it but I think the mommy guilt is fading.

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing? I'm nursing in the morning, at night and on weekends but DS is getting formula at daycare.

    New/old problems? DS has three teeth so he is biting the crap out of me.

    How's your stash? Nonexistent. I used the last of my frozen milk.

    What's your goal now? The doctor said we can start him on whole milk at 10 months so if possible I'll keep doing this part time BFing thing until then.

    Anything else you'd like to add? I really wanted to make it to a year but pumping 3 times a day at work was getting to be too much. I'd get stuck in court or meeting with police officers and miss a pumping session and then my boobs would be out of control and I'd be playing catch up by pumping in the middle of the night. I'm pleasantly surprised that my supply has adjusted and I have no problem nursing him when I'm at home.
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    Just thought I'd do another check-in.  I think it's been over a month since the last. So...

    How's it going overall? just ok...I love the nursing and cuddling, but am burnt out with pumping at work because it eats into my planning time at school (I am a teacher) and it means I have to stay later to get that work done.  Of course, I could eliminate this problem if I stopped bumping while pumping and did work, but I can't exactly do bulletin boards or photocopying or planning with coworkers while pumping, can I?!?!

    How much bm are you providing now?  Any supplementing?  All BM for my boy. :)

    New/old problems? We are trying sleep training and it is killing me...I know if he could just nurse, he would be much better...I am weak!

    How's your stash? Getting old...I have added a few ounces to it, but most of my stash is from September/October.  I had to use 10 oz this week because I was naughty and didn't pump over our winter break because LO nursed. 

    What's your goal now? One year or until he can have WCM as per the pedi.  I might nurse at night only after that if my body will cooperate and I don't get pregnant.

    Anything else you'd like to add?  I am proud of us all for making it as far as we have. My supply took a hit from my lazy lack of pumping over break...I should have learned my lesson from Christmas break, but no...  So, I am an oatmeal eating, Fenugreek taking mama again...

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