Stay at Home Moms

LO's surgery tomorrow- sleep question

Ok my LO is having surgery tomorrow it's a direct larenscopy and bronchoscopy and we have to leave the house at 5am. He won't be able to eat or drink anything and won't go under anastesia till 8 so it's going to be a long morning! What I'm trying to Figure out is if I should keep him up or just put him to bed like normal. I hope he will sleep on the way over there but there is no telling either way if he will. And he has issued sleeping anyway so I'm worked about messing up his schedule too but I thought staying up later he could eat and drink more and then might sleep more on the way. What do y'all think?

Re: LO's surgery tomorrow- sleep question

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    My first instinct is to say let him sleep and keep on schedule but on the other hand, how the sleep situation goes tonight won't make a difference because his sleep will be disrupted with the surgery and recovery.

    I guess, I wonder how old your LO is.  If he's still a lil' guy I would probably feed him and hope for sleep in the car.  But if he's older I would probably hold out and let him sleep because I don't know if a 12 month old will really want to get up and eat in the middle of the night... 

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    He is 2 years old. I just can't decide and I don't want it to backfire on me.
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    What time does he normally wake up?

    I'd put him to bed as normal.  In the morning, I would just pick him up out of bed and put him right in the car.  Don't wake him up too much, don't change his clothes or diaper or anything.  Bring clothes with you and change him when you get there.  At the hospital, keep him busy playing so he's not thinking about eating.

    I think trying to keep him up late will just make a cranky kid.

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    Well he wakes up different all the time but usually between 6 and 7. I think your right.
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    I would put him to sleep at his normal time. If you try to keep him up he might get over tired and not sleep well at all. Also, I know it sounds silly because he will be sleeping during the surgery but it is better to go into surgery well rested. Good luck, I hope everything goes well!  
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    I'm pretty worried about the hungry part too and that was my other thought that he could eat another snack later on but my LO has feeding problems and doesn't eat well so he may not eat anyway. So not sure what to do? We have an hour drive so it's going to suck if he is awake and hungry the whole time :(
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    DD has had surgery twice, and DS once, so I will share with you my experience.

    DD was 4 months old and 14 months old at the time of her surgeries. Both nights, we put her to bed at the normal time. Since she was still having bottles at night at both ages, I woke her up at 11:30 and gave her a bottle.

    DS was 2.5 at the time of his surgery. The night before, I made sure to make him a meal that he really loved, he got dessert, and then he got a snack right before bed. He went to bed at his usual time of 7:30pm. I did not wake him up to feed him.

    For all three surgeries, nobody made a peep about about wanting food. And we had about 2-3 hours between when we had to leave the house and when they finally went into the operating room.

    It really is one of those things where you worry so much more about the what ifs. DH and I were exhausted from entertaining and distracting them, but they were fine. Just make sure that you are well rested, because you might have to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider 20 times in a row or play peekaboo until your hands fall off. GL!

    ETA: I agree about just putting him in the car straight from bed, in his pajamas. And I personally would not keep him up late...a normal 2 year old will be just fine without food for 12-14 hours. His body needs the rest to help him recover. 

    Also, when at 14 months, DD's surgery was for her ear tubes. Her ears were hurting, so the night before surgery she woke up at 2 am and didn't go back to sleep. At all. She went from  2 am until her surgery at 8 am without food or water, and she never fussed or anything. She watched a lot of TV, and was kept entertained and distracted, and she was fine.


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    No advice here just wanted to say T&P that all goes well and a speedy recovery for your LO.


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