Houston Babies

Recommend your toddler's tricycle

My parents want to get Evan a tricycle for his 2nd birthday in a few weeks, but aren't sure which one to get. Evan is a biton the samll side (about 33 inches tall) and has short legs.

We know he will use it more as a ride on push toy at first and that he will grow into it, but I don't want it to be a few years before he can enjoy it fully.

So, any suggestions?

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BFP #1 6/22/09 EDD: 3/2/10 DS born: 3/8/10

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Re: Recommend your toddler's tricycle

  • Are you set on a tricycle? We got my son a balance bike just before he turned 2 and he LOVES it! We got a Strider, but there are other brands, and I think REI carries some as well.  Basically, its a bike without pedals, and they just walk it at first, holding the handle bars, then take longer strides as they get some speed, and they learn to balance so they go straight to a big bike without ever needing training wheels.  My son just turned 3 and can already balance for a good distance.  He didn't know bikes have pedals anyway, so he thinks he rides a "big boy" bike.  :)
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  • I didn't feel the need to rush to a balance bike, especially as all the riding she does is on our patio/driveway or around the cul de sac because we don't have sidewalks. Tracey got the Schwinn Roadster for Christmas right before her 2nd birthday. She couldn't quite reach the pedals right away on the highest setting, but it fits her fine now and has lots of room to grow. I like that it is low to the ground, so she's less likely to turn it over on sharp turns. 


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  • Even if he can reach the pedals, it might still be awhile before he has the strength in his legs to actually pedal his body weight.  DS is almost 3 and he still doesn't understand the pedal concept of his bike (but we aren't trying it often, either). 

    I would suggest one that has the long (removable) parent handle.  That way, they can "ride" by you pushing even if they're not up to it, yet.  Otherwise, you have to hunch over to help them.

  • My parents got Joshua an old school radio flyer.
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  • We have a radio flyer fold up trike https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3155376

    My kids are fairly tall, and by the time DD could pedal it (around 3yo), her knees were brushing the handlebars. And we've never once folded it up.

    I really really wish we'd had the one with the parent handle so she could have gotten more use out of it when she first got it.

    The former jen5/03.

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  • imageJena503:

    We have a radio flyer fold up trike https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3155376

    My kids are fairly tall, and by the time DD could pedal it (around 3yo), her knees were brushing the handlebars. And we've never once folded it up.

    I really really wish we'd had the one with the parent handle so she could have gotten more use out of it when she first got it.

    We bought DS the same one for Christmas. He loves it. He hasn't gotten the hang of the pedals yet so pushes with his feet. He also really likes the storage in the back of the bike.  

  • We have the Schwinn tricycle that was DS1's, and while DS2 enjoys it, he far prefers the Strider balance bike Santa brought him for Christmas (from Amazon).  I think DS1 was about 3 by the time he really got the pedaling down with the tricycle, and DS2 just scoots with it.  He has a lot more flexibility to move around with the light Strider bike and is already coasting some with both feet up sometimes.  I still really like the Schwinn, since it is so low to the ground and a great tricycle, but I now wish we had gone for the balance bike with DS1 from the beginning.
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