November 2011 Moms

I judge...

The parents of kids at my school who pull up to pick up their kid while smoking; let 6-year olds sit in the front seat and/or drive off with the kid on the lap of the adult in the passenger seat. 

Who do you judge? 

Re: I judge...

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    The parents of kids at my school who pull up to pick up their kid while smoking; let 6-year olds sit in the front seat and/or drive off with the kid on the lap of the adult in the passenger seat. 

    Who do you judge? 

    Yeah I don't understand smoking around your kids. With all of the facts about second hand smoke out there, why would you subject your kids to it?

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    People at stores with their kids crying while they're texting / talking away on a cell phone. I was at Target yesterday and chick had 3 kids, one was screamign crying saying "Mommy! I hurt my finger!" And the other 2 tugging at her shirt saying "____ smashed her finger!" And the mom was totally ignoring them texting. She was also stopped in the middle of an isle so I was stuck waiting her her to pull her head out of her a$$ and move.
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    The parents of kids at my school who pull up to pick up their kid while smoking; let 6-year olds sit in the front seat and/or drive off with the kid on the lap of the adult in the passenger seat. 

    Who do you judge? 

    I tell the kids to wear seatbelts. Make sure you sit in the back. And I always tell those parents that this is a smoke free zone. Even if they are only in the car lane. I sure don't want to smell their smoke. I could go on and on.

    I will add one more. Those student of mine that come in talking about watching family guy or paranormal activity. Or even better the hangover. Really parents teach your kids to read! Ugh 

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    In CA, it's a law that you can't smoke with a child in your car. 
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    In CA, it's a law that you can't smoke with a child in your car. 
    Well it's certainly against the law here to have a kid ride on your lap in the car but people do it anyways. 
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    In CA, it's a law that you can't smoke with a child in your car. 
    Well it's certainly against the law here to have a kid ride on your lap in the car but people do it anyways. 

    I can't even comment on that, because it's so insane that someone would actually do it. 

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    I went out to lunch with a friend yesterday, and I couldn't help but judge one woman who was there with her kids. The baby couldn't have been much older than mine, and he was shrieking his head off and she was just ignoring it. It was obviously making everyone in the restaurant very uncomfortable, and when the person with her tried to comfort the baby she said, "oh, he's fine. He's just hungry. He has to learn to wait." I nearly lost my ***. I mean, this baby looked like he might have been 4 months old..maybe. Urgh.

    I then made it a point to appreciate my well behaved baby who just watched people while I ate and then fell asleep.

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    I cannot stand people smoking around kids either.  It is like they want to give their kid cancer/asthma etc.

    Also, as PP said, people who ignore their kids when they need something.  I completely understand that kids cannot be quiet/controlled 24/7, but if you are at least trying to help them with whatever is bugging them then I think you are a good parent.  If you ignore them then I judge.

    "Read the books, don
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    I judge on almost everything people commented on in here.  I hate when parents smoke around their kids.  I also hate going to a restaurant and having the parents just let their kids run wild.  You wouldn't let them dance on a table at home don't let them do it at a restaurant either.  And the parents that ignore their kid or tell them wait until mommy's done.  Kids don't know how to wait.
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    I judge the moms with 4 kids at the WIC/welfare office who are texting on their freaking iPhone's while their children are running wild.

    If you can afford an iPhone, you should not be there.

    If you haven't figured out after the first couple of kids that you can't afford them, you are dumb. 

    If you are going to just let your kid run around jumping off of chairs and being a menace, while you are playing angry birds, you are an unfit mother.


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    I judge people who don't correct their children when they are acting up in public. Don't let your kid run around a store screaming, knocking stuff over, and running into people. It's rude and it makes you look like a bad parent. 

    I also judge people who ignore their children whether they are just talking, throwing a fit, or just plain being a rowdy child.

    My mom said when my sisters and I were little and we were acting up in the store she would leave right then and take us home and discipline us. I remember her doing this a few times and it was not fun!  

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    I judge parents giving their kids soda any time under the age of maybe 10 or 12

    I judge any unsafe car behavior including flipping the seat forward facing the instant the kid turns 1

    And judging from this post, no one here is a fan of the French method of parenting, lol


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    I judge passive parents who ask their children to behave instead of giving them a command. I had a super passive mom with a really quiet voice at my office.  Her son, who was about 3, was opening the exam room door and slamming it repeatedly.  I think she finally saw the look in my eyes telling her to make her child stop and she said "can you please sit down".  The boy looked at her and said "stick your hand in there".  That kid is going to walk all over her for the rest of his life and get whatever he wants. 

    There are times when a polite request will do, but if my DD is not cooperating I am not going to ask her to doing something, I'm going to tell her. 

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    I live in NE Ohio and we got blasted with snow this weekend. I was just at target and saw a mom with 3 kids who were completely underdressed for the weather we are having. The kids were probably between 8-3 years old. The older children had on no coats and crocs shoes. The youngest child was being carried and had no shoes on, just socks and a rain coat. It blows my mind...hello! Its like 19* outside!
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    I judge people who tell their kid if you don't stop acting like that your not getting this toy/candy/etc and then the kid keeps yelling/running around/whatever they were told to stop and the parent buys the item anyway and says well you can have it this time but next time your not getting it. -- Hello you are teaching your kid that they don't have to listen to you because they will get what they want anyway!


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    I judge people who's kids walk around stores, sit in my WW meeting, or are at restaurants that have video games in their hands.  It's as if the child needs to be occupied but some stupid game rather than just behaving and interacting with their parents.  Or better yet, give the kid a book.  What happened to reading?
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    While I have opinions about most parenting situations, I usually only judge parents that are jeopardizing their child's safety. I understand that sometimes my kid does things that aren't the norm, but, refuse to "bend" the rules when it comes to car seats, smoking, etc. 

    For example, DS1 had sprite at dinner tonight and that's not something he usually gets, most of the time it's milk, juice, or water. Tonight he had sprite, meh, whatever. Or last weekend I let him take his leapster in the restaurant.

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    Parents who can't afford to appropriately feed their child but they smoke....

    If you can't afford food for your child you have NO RIGHT to be spending $7.00 on a pack of cigarettes!  When I worked at a day camp in college we had a mom like this.  She sent the boy with just  PB&J sandwich for lunch, when we approached her about it she got angry and said that's all she could afford...yet she came to pick him up everyday with the smell of smoke wafting around her.  She disgusted me!

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    ...Morning people.  I don't understand them.  Why wouldn't you want to sleep as long as you can?

    ...Mismatched couples.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  The fugly girl with the David Beckham look alike/the 10 with the kid from shop class.  I always wonder what kind of magic the other person has, then I started wondering about their physical atributes, pretty soon it's all about sex.

    ...People who don't take care of their animals.  If you can't do it, don't have a pet!

    ...People with phantom disabilities that prevent them from working.  Mind you, nothing has been diagnosed or no treatment that has been sought.  Like...I'm bipolar, I can't be around people.  Or, I'm OCD really bad and it kicks in when I'm at work.  Mmmmhmmmm.  SURE you do.

    ...People obviously living beyond their means.  Can you really afford that new car when you're working PT at the Easy Come Easy Go?  I would love to go on that trip with you to Italy but I'm living in reality.  I can't afford it, and neither can you.

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    I judge people our age who register for outrageously priced items from expensive stores for their weddings, especially if you have been on your own for years and are only registering to replace the stuff you already have. I'm not anti-registry, but if you can't afford it yourself, you shouldn't be asking others for it. 

    Can you tell I was just looking at a registry like this? WIth a $170 frying pan, $850 saucepan set (for 7 pieces!) and $120 cutting board, I'll be going off registry for that gift.


    Toddler Turtle - November 2011
    Baby Turtle - November 2014

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    I judge people our age who register for outrageously priced items from expensive stores for their weddings, especially if you have been on your own for years and are only registering to replace the stuff you already have. I'm not anti-registry, but if you can't afford it yourself, you shouldn't be asking others for it. 

    Can you tell I was just looking at a registry like this? WIth a $170 frying pan, $850 saucepan set (for 7 pieces!) and $120 cutting board, I'll be going off registry for that gift.

     me too!  we went to a wedding last fall where the couple had TWENTY-ONE pages of ONE of the FOUR stores they were registered at!!!  seriously???  they registered for 3 sets of bathroom stuff at that store alone...and they live with her parents.  they don't even OWN a bathroom.  one of the things they registered for was a $30 toilet plunger!!!  i was so overwhelmed i got them a gift card...begrudingly! 

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    I judge people our age who register for outrageously priced items from expensive stores for their weddings, especially if you have been on your own for years and are only registering to replace the stuff you already have. I'm not anti-registry, but if you can't afford it yourself, you shouldn't be asking others for it. 

    Can you tell I was just looking at a registry like this? WIth a $170 frying pan, $850 saucepan set (for 7 pieces!) and $120 cutting board, I'll be going off registry for that gift.

     me too!  we went to a wedding last fall where the couple had TWENTY-ONE pages of ONE of the FOUR stores they were registered at!!!  seriously???  they registered for 3 sets of bathroom stuff at that store alone...and they live with her parents.  they don't even OWN a bathroom.  one of the things they registered for was a $30 toilet plunger!!!  i was so overwhelmed i got them a gift card...begrudingly! 

    Ok, my first reaction was to laugh....followed by WTF!? Who registers for a toilet plunger in the first place and why on earth would anyone need one that costs $30 when a $7 one will do the job just fine?


    Toddler Turtle - November 2011
    Baby Turtle - November 2014

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    I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!  why spend $30 to clear the crap out of your toilet??  it's not like you want to display your toilet plunger, either! 
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    I should have registered for toilet paper. The really super plush kind. Just something nice for my special 

    My BFF registered at Target--for mostly normal stuff--and on our way out she said hey, I'm gonna register for Twinkies! So she scanned the box and had Twinkies on her registry. I bought them for her and wrapped them up very nicely for her wedding :) 

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    I should have registered for toilet paper. The really super plush kind. Just something nice for my special 

    My BFF registered at Target--for mostly normal stuff--and on our way out she said hey, I'm gonna register for Twinkies! So she scanned the box and had Twinkies on her registry. I bought them for her and wrapped them up very nicely for her wedding :) 

    I had a friend that put condoms on her baby registry :)


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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    In CA, it's a law that you can't smoke with a child in your car. 
    Well it's certainly against the law here to have a kid ride on your lap in the car but people do it anyways. 

    I can't even comment on that, because it's so insane that someone would actually do it. 

    i've definately seen people get out of cabs in nyc (where i live) clutching their child, no car seat.  it freaks me out, especially with all the stopping short one does in a high traffic area. 

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    I judge the moms with 4 kids at the WIC/welfare office who are texting on their freaking iPhone's while their children are running wild.

    If you can afford an iPhone, you should not be there.

    If you haven't figured out after the first couple of kids that you can't afford them, you are dumb. 

    If you are going to just let your kid run around jumping off of chairs and being a menace, while you are playing angry birds, you are an unfit mother.


    Yes  i judge them too.

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