Washington Babies

Intro and Question (Swedish or Salish)

Hi, Seattle Bumpies (I'm usually a Nestie),

We just found out that we are having a baby, with an EDD of October 9th!

I talked to my family doctor who recommended either Salish Women's Health or the midwives at Swedish in Ballard. The doctor he recommended up at Salish is on maternity leave so is not taking new patients, Dr. Kurachi, so I wondered if anyone had heard of or had experience with any of the other doctors at Salish. Or the facility in general at Northwest Hospital (like birthing suites, rooms in general, comfort for spouse, noise level, busyness (it's up near Northgate so I worry), and whatever?

(A friend delivered at Swedish Ballard a few years ago, so I have a fairly good idea what it's like there but any feedback on that would be great too.)


imageLilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Intro and Question (Swedish or Salish)

  • CONGRATS!!!!!! I do not know about Swedish Ballard BUT I am having my trip's at Swedish First Hill and have had NOTHING but GREAT service from ALL of my Dr.'s!!! I have 2 younger kiddos and there seems to always be a rare oh my gosh he wont stop screaming at 3 am and pulling at his ears kinda of fiasco in our house so when I do have to use the E.R. I take both of them to Swedish First Hill or Swedish Issaqah,  I am in and out and they normally send me home WITH the medication so I don't have to track down a pharmacy at 4 a.m.!!! SOO that being said I have GREAT faith in Swedish!!!

    Again best of luck!!! Super exciting!!!!

    Pregnancy Ticker image
  • I don't have any insight for you on Swedish or Salish, but I wanted to say congrats! Welcome to the board.
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  • I've heard good things about the midwives at Swedish Ballard.  Didn't all the UW midwives move to Northwest recently?  I think one of the midwives from Evergreen ended up in the new midwife group at Northwest.  So you might look into that too if you like Northwest, but want midwives.

    Good luck.

    (I delivered #1 at Evergreen and will likely be at Swedish Issaquah for #2)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker

  • I delivered at Swedish Ballard with a Family Practice OB and can't say enough good things about the nurses there who helped me achieve a natural med-free birth. A midwife on top would just be icing ;)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I work in the Childbirth Center at Northwest and I delivered there. I really love all of the women OBs that deliver there. My OB is moving to another state in April so I can't recommend her. Let me know if you have any questions.
    Hannah born 4/5/11
    TTC #2 since 1/14
    Miscarriage d/t blighted ovum 8/14
  • I'm no help, but congrats and welcome!
  • hello! Before my MC I was going to Salish Women's health and I was not happy with them at all.  The girls at the front desk are fine, but the medical staff was awful.  The ARNP/MW is fine but she seems very distracted when you are talking to her almost like she is having a convo in her head.  I saw Dr. Jordan and I did not like her personality at all.  A little background on me is that after I had my MC I was going in to their office for weekly blood draws and I was still spotting one month after the MC and would repeatedly call the office and tell them about it and they would just tell me to take a pg test and see if it was pos or not and come back for more blood draws.  3 mths later I am still calling them going in to their office STILL spotting and they still do nothing.  3 mths and 1 day after I MC I passed retained tissue and the spotting miraculously stopped the next day.  I actually had a preconception appointment at Swedish Midwifery Ballard during this time and they were appalled that Salish did not do any f/u US to make sure I didn't have any retained tissue the month after the MC.  I don't know if you are doing the OB or MW route but I really liked Swedish Midwifery and my previous OB was at Swedish Cherry Hill who I loved but had to find someone else because she wasn't taking any new patients.  Good Luck to you.  My story is probably unique but I just thought you'd find my experience helpful!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Congratulations! I don't have any advice, but you totally just made me realize that I found out I was pregnant almost one year ago! Woah it's been a whole year! I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!
    photo 2d6f681a-40e8-42e5-a771-5a26c7ad29fe_zpsdce5d654.jpg Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagemisteezagirl:
    hello! Before my MC I was going to Salish Women's health and I was not happy with them at all.  The girls at the front desk are fine, but the medical staff was awful.  The ARNP/MW is fine but she seems very distracted when you are talking to her almost like she is having a convo in her head.  I saw Dr. Jordan and I did not like her personality at all.  A little background on me is that after I had my MC I was going in to their office for weekly blood draws and I was still spotting one month after the MC and would repeatedly call the office and tell them about it and they would just tell me to take a pg test and see if it was pos or not and come back for more blood draws.  3 mths later I am still calling them going in to their office STILL spotting and they still do nothing.  3 mths and 1 day after I MC I passed retained tissue and the spotting miraculously stopped the next day.  I actually had a preconception appointment at Swedish Midwifery Ballard during this time and they were appalled that Salish did not do any f/u US to make sure I didn't have any retained tissue the month after the MC.  I don't know if you are doing the OB or MW route but I really liked Swedish Midwifery and my previous OB was at Swedish Cherry Hill who I loved but had to find someone else because she wasn't taking any new patients.  Good Luck to you.  My story is probably unique but I just thought you'd find my experience helpful!

    Thanks for this! It was a little helpful and jives with some other reviews I've read. Since Dr. Kurachi isn't available, I think we'll probably opt for Swedish Ballard.

    imageLilypie Maternity tickers
  • I don't know anything about Salish, but just switched to Swedish Ballard midwives. I've only had one appointment, but loved that the midwife I met with took all the time necessary to answer my questions. I didn't feel rushed at all, in fact my appointment started on time and ran slightly over, and no one was pushing me out. I've heard that they can be hard to get ahold of by phone and may not return phone calls in a timely manner, but haven't experienced this first hand. So far my experience with them has been very positive.

  • Hey! Big Smile Congrats!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    #1-BFP 08-22-09 ~ M/C 08-31-09 at 5 weeks 6 days
    #2-BFP 08-6-11 ~ Due 04/18 ~ born via c-section April 22, 2012
    My Blog
  • My friend birthed at NW Hospital a little over a year ago and was very happy with her experience there.  I birthed at UWMC with their midwives, who just moved their practice to NW, and I loved, loved the care I received through them from my prenatal visits all the way through postpartum. 
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  • I delivered with swedish midwifery clinic Ballard in 2009 with my DD and I was happy until I went into labor and they had a new midwife working that night I had never met. I was very upset because I expected it to be someone I had been with during my pregnancy. Also another thing to keep in mind is if its terribly busy the night you give birth they could ask you to move to another room after delivering. They did that to us but we refused. I wasnt terribly happy and I think it was because of the new person coming on and throwing everything off. I too have heard good things about NW hospital. Be choosy about the midwifes or OB that you pick! I switched from an OB to midwifes at 20 weeks and Im still glad I did.
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  • imagemisteezagirl:
    hello! Before my MC I was going to Salish Women's health and I was not happy with them at all.  The girls at the front desk are fine, but the medical staff was awful.  The ARNP/MW is fine but she seems very distracted when you are talking to her almost like she is having a convo in her head.  I saw Dr. Jordan and I did not like her personality at all.  A little background on me is that after I had my MC I was going in to their office for weekly blood draws and I was still spotting one month after the MC and would repeatedly call the office and tell them about it and they would just tell me to take a pg test and see if it was pos or not and come back for more blood draws.  3 mths later I am still calling them going in to their office STILL spotting and they still do nothing.  3 mths and 1 day after I MC I passed retained tissue and the spotting miraculously stopped the next day.  I actually had a preconception appointment at Swedish Midwifery Ballard during this time and they were appalled that Salish did not do any f/u US to make sure I didn't have any retained tissue the month after the MC.  I don't know if you are doing the OB or MW route but I really liked Swedish Midwifery and my previous OB was at Swedish Cherry Hill who I loved but had to find someone else because she wasn't taking any new patients.  Good Luck to you.  My story is probably unique but I just thought you'd find my experience helpful!


    I too saw Dr. Jordan up till I was 20 weeks pregnant with my DD in 2009. When I told her I wanted a natural birth she laughed. I never went back to her after that,

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