Toddlers: 24 Months+

DS loves his toddler bed! Until it's time to go to sleep....

We converted the crib to a toddler bed yesterday, and he had a blast climbing up into it himself and jumping around, he loved it! When we went upstairs to go to bed he climbed right in and laid down.But when we finished the rest of his bedtime routine (story and paryers) and tried to put him back in bed he cried and kept wanting to go downstairs and wouldn't go anywhere near the bed. This went on for 2 hours (my H stayed with him the entire time, he won't leave him when he's crying) until he finally fell asleep on the spare mattress we have on the floor with DH and I laying next to him. Now DH wants to put it back into a crib so we "don't go through that again". I say we may have a few rough nights and then he'll get used to it. DS has gone up and played in the bed several times today, but when we ask if he's going to sleep there tonight, he says "No."

We've got a baby coming in about 8 weeks, and I've been having contractions since hitting a deer 3 weeks ago, and I'm supposed to lift as little as possible. My husband (a cop) works a lot of crazy hours so I frequently have to lift him in and out of the crib, and won't be able to lift him at all for a little bit after the baby is born (he's over 35 lbs!) That's my reasoning for having a bed he can climb into himself.

 Advice? Sympathy?

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Re: DS loves his toddler bed! Until it's time to go to sleep....

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     I just took the foot rail off of Hannah's crib last week.  Once we do the whole bedtime routine (blanket, baby, baba, night daddy, cuddle in mommy's bed), I found it helps if I whisper "Are you ready to go to your princess bed and go to sleep?".  For some reason I have to ask her and have to use the "majic word" (Princess). It works for Hannah anyway.  Nothing's really different other then the pink mesh bar to keep her from falling out of bed. :)

    Maybe say something about his "bull dozer" bed or "Lightning McQueen" bed (whatever he's into)?  OH!  She also request a night light in her room.  She claims she's scared of flying donkey's (Shrek), ghosts (Ghostbusters), dragons (shrek) and Swiper the Fox (Dora the Explorer)...BIG imgination!!!

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