Toddlers: 24 Months+

Sleep regression? (help!)

We switched DD to a twin bed two weeks ago.  Ever since then, her sleep has gone seriously downhill.  Here's what's happening:
1. At first, she'd wake up once a night, wanting to go downstairs - I made the mistake of rocking her for a minute and then putting her down (awake).  Last night, she was up three times (11:00, 2:00, 3:00).
2. She's also been getting up at 4:30, like clock-work every morning - absolutely refusing to go back to sleep.  During the week I'm up at 4:15 anyway, so it's (sort of) manageable, but it's brutal on the weekends.  
3. She also skipped her nap on Saturday - combine that with a 4:30 wake up, and the day was miserable.
4. She wants nothing to do with DH at night and screams for me if he tries to go in (which is frustrating because I'm effing exhausted and makes my heart hurt for him)

I need help.  I took the glider out of her room yesterday, so there was no rocking last night, but I'm wondering if that contributed to the two extra wake-ups(?).  I also ordered a toddler alarm clock that lights up when it's time to get up - it hasn't come yet, though.

Should we do CIO, put her back to bed without much conversation?  ANY suggestions would be SO appreciated! 
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Re: Sleep regression? (help!)

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    We were SO right there in November/December.  It was the worst for about a week or two.  Keep that in mind.  She is still probably in a transition stage with the new bed.  I had MANY a meltdown when he wouldn't go to bed/nap or stay down.  We had such a good thing going before switching him to his big boy bed.

    We also got a Ok to Wake clock and it worked okay-ish for a little bit.  Then it did not work at all.  He is finally starting to do better with it since I implemented a sticker reward chart for staying in bed all night long.

    GL! This too shall pass!!!

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