Cincinnati Babies

Midwife recommendations

Hello everyone! First let me introduce myself as I have never posted on the Cincinnati board. I am jocymamaSmile

My Dh and I have one daughter and I am currently pregnant with #2. Since my DD was breech we had a c-section with her and now I am looking into VBACS.

Do any of you ladies have a recommendation for a Dr. who is supportive of VBACs or a midwife? I will most likely be delivering at B-North.

 Thanks in advance!!!

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Re: Midwife recommendations

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    Dr. Bowen and Dr. Wall at the Bowen Center in Springdale! I love them!
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    Thank you! I have seen quite a few people on different locations posting about Dr. Bowen. I will be checking him outSmile

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    Ditto Dr. Bowen and Dr. Wall.  They are very supportive for VBAC mama's!!
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