September 2012 Moms

~*~ Monday Ticker Change Check-in! ~*~

Good Morning Ladies!

Hope that everyone had a great weekend.

What fruit week are you in?

What symptoms are you having?


What do you miss from pre-pregnancy?

Re: ~*~ Monday Ticker Change Check-in! ~*~

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    What fruit week are you in? Sweetpea

    What symptoms are you having? Limited. Sore boobs at night, and some nausea. Was just complaining to DH on the way to work that I'm not having enough symptoms! I know - they'll kick in and I'll want the no-symptoms days back.

    Cravings/aversions? Anything spicy.

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? Sauvignon blanc!

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    1. Appleseed or sweet pea.  We'll find out for sure Wednesday.

    2. Nausea, fatigue, sore boobs, the usual

    3. No cravings yet, but I used to LOVE food from a Thai restaurant in town and now I can't touch it.  Sad.

    4. Deli meat.  I never really loved sandwiches before, but DH and I went to Panera Bread for lunch yesterday and I wanted nothing more in life than a  Sierra turkey sandwich on cheesy focaccia bread.  I suppose you could add that to my cravings.  

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    Fruit: raspberry

    symptoms: waves of nausea, exhausted, spurts of energy

    cravings/aversions: basically if anyone says something about food, I want it! Current aversions are fish, Cheerwine, and Toaster Strudels

    I don't really miss anything from pre-pregnancy...I love being pregnant!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    What fruit week are you in? Sweetpea

    What symptoms are you having? Sore BB's and tired

    Cravings/aversions? I am craving spicy foods. No real aversions although most food does not sound good

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? A glass of wine at the end of a long day

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
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    1. Baby is the size of an appleseed! 5 wks :)

    2. Sore BBs, a little increase in heartburn, and some mild nausea earlier this AM.

    3. Craved carrots in ranch dip last night. Pulled pork DH fixed in the Crock Pot this weekend made me a little queasy.

    4. I only miss espresso. Other than that, I'm enjoying being pregnant. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage
    partial molar pregnancy : bfp 6.28.10, d/c 8.17.10, 7 rounds methotrexate, cleared 7.1.11
    alexander patrick : bfp 1.16.12, born 9.20.12 @ 39w1d, 7 lbs./11 oz./22 in.
    scarlett irene elizabeth : bfp 5.24.13, born 2.3.14 @ 41w2d, 7 lbs./13 oz./19 in.
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    I hope everyone has a great week!


    What fruit week are you in?  Blueberry

    What symptoms are you having?  Sore boobs, fatigue, bloat, and perhaps a touch of morning sickness (though it may be from the drainage from the stupid cold I have)

    Cravings/aversions?  Nothing really

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy?  Sushi, alcohol, and decongestants.

    ~ TTC cheerleader for the fabulously wonderful j&a09 ~
    ~ Much love and many prayers to Panderp ~

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    Baby Blog ..... BFP Chart
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    Morning! I'm a Raspberry! 8 weeks!

    I've got sore boobies, slight tummy and back cramping. Queasyness that comes and goes. and LOTS of bathroom breaks.

     I crave Mexican! True Story.

    I miss coffee..... :o) Other than that, I am happy my first appt is in 2 days! C'mon Wednesday!!!!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

                              ~~~ EDD for Baby #2  6/28/15~~~~

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    What fruit week are you in?

    Blueberry!! So excited. Last night we went grocery shopping and we bought blueberries! 

    What symptoms are you having?

    some m/s, sore bewbs, and fatigue, I took 2 naps yesterday :( 


    nothing specific, just if it doesn't sound good, I don't want it.  

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? Not missing much really maybe beer a little bit but that is all. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    Happy Monday, everyone!

    What fruit week are you in?  Blueberry

    What symptoms are you having?  Morning dry heaves if I wake up before my body is ready (aka by alarm), slight nausea off and on, hungry, winded from walking up the stairs.

    Cravings/aversions?  Seems like I'm mostly craving salty/greasy foods.

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy?  Feeling normal.

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    What fruit week are you in? Sweetpea

    What symptoms are you having? sore boobs, nausea, fatigue

    Cravings/aversions? the thought of any kind of dairy product makes me sick :( 

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? my energy

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    This week my baby is a raspberry!!

    Symptoms: Sore boobs, dry mouth, Crazy heartburn, and random gag moments.

    Cravings/Aversions? I'm craving Chinese food very very bad!!! Don't really have any aversions, but if I eat too much of something It makes me feel gross so I have to stop.

    I miss being able to drink alcohol... sad, but true... My mom just started drinking again and she lives in my house. I always sniff her wine when she's drinking it :-)

    BFP 12/28/2011! (My dad's birthday) ~Excited for baby #1~ 09/02/12 ~ Lukas Grady! 7 lbs., 15 oz., 21.5 inches long!
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    Good Morning Ladies! Hope that everyone had a great weekend. You too!

    What fruit week are you in? 6 weeks, sweet pea!

    What symptoms are you having? gassy, sore boobs, TIRED

    Cravings/aversions? None yet

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? Not thinking about what I am putting in my mouth before I eat it!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    What fruit week are you in? Blueberry (I think :), 7 Weeks

    What symptoms are you having? Just sore boobs...I'm just waiting for that m/s to kick in

    Cravings/aversions? Anything that "smells" too much I have an aversion to.  Been craving sweets.

    What do you miss from pre-pregnancy? My mom was visiting last week, and I really wanted to pop open a couple bottles of wine.

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    I would like to add "morning" sickness as my newest symptom! I kept thinking it would probably kick in around 6 weeks...

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