I'm making an activity for my students in which they draw photo cards from a pile and have to connect the pictures to make a story. I'm trying to represent as many races, ages, genders, etc as possible so I've been on Google Images searching for "white man, black man, asian man, native american man, etc...". I have a pretty big pile of photos of men so I move on to female characters. I typed in "white woman" and picked from photos of (mostly blonde) women of all ages. One or two were in a bikini top. Most were fully clothed. There were even many in business suits. I typed in "black woman" and in the first two rows, there were photos of women doing the "pigeon neck oh no she didn't" pose. A little tasteless, I thought, but chose my photo and moved on.
I typed in "latin woman" and O. M. G. I had to double check that I have safe search on and I do!! These women were virtually all in string bikinis and posed on motorcycles, etc.
How ridiculous is that???
Re: Wow, Google Images. Let's work on this, okay?
LOL. True.
Well, Google is not the one choosing what images come up in searches. It is much more complex than that. It is based on what sites get clicked on when hose key words are searched, the words each site has used on their site and in their meta data, which sites are most visited, etc.
Maybe try being a little more specific in the words you search, and also I'd make sure you are not taking copyrighted images off of websites.
Ah. OK. So, Google Images doesn't need a big slap in the face, it's the people googling Latina Women. Klassy.
Yes, we are careful about pics and make sure we always meet the copyright requirements specific to the field of education.
I'm a teacher as well and when I do activities like this I am very careful with the words I use. I'd probably search for "Latina politicians" or "Famous Latinas" or "hispanic female _________ (doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc)"