April 2011 Moms

Semi-Food Strike - Anyone else experience this at 9 months?

My twins just turned 9 months old and the last few days they both have been on kind of a food strike.

They do not want jarred or homemade pureed food and only will eat finger foods - crackers, bread, puffs, etc.

I have tried the whole variety of foods in my cupboard (fruits, veggies, dinner meals, oatmeal, mixed grains) and they will not eat anything off a spoon, even if I let them try to feed themselves with the spoon. They clamp their mouths shut, turn their heads, and refuse to open their mouths.  If I do sneak in food, they proceed to spit it out or let it dribble out the sides of their mouths.

I am worried that they are going hungry... but they have increased the amount of formula they are drinking.

They are both teething so I wonder if that has something to do with it?

TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Semi-Food Strike - Anyone else experience this at 9 months?

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    It sounds to me like they are getting enough food since they increased their formula intake.  During teething Chloe wouldn't let us spoon feed her at all, only finger foods.

    Chloe went on a food strike just before turning 7 months, she will very rarely allow us to feed her purees, she only wants to feed herself.  I've been making oatmeal cookies using purees and baby oatmeal and puree pancakes (along with many other creative uses).  I've even used purees as a 'sauce' for spaghetti.

    I wouldn't worry too much, they will keep eating if they need too. 

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    DS isn't 9 months yet, but he has been doing this for a couple weeks now. He will turn his head or literally push the spoon away as it is coming towards him. He is teething, I wondered if that was the reason. But it's hit and miss, one day he'll push it away, and that night he'll slam an entire container of food.
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    LO EXACTLY! he only drinks milk and eats finger food! i have to force a couple spoonfuls into him but thats it. he has  a bit of a cold now too so i think that could be wats making it worse....even though this has been going on for a coouple weeks now and hes 9 1/2 months
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    We've been dealing with this for the past couple of weeks too and I don't think it is teething in our case.  LO has definitely lost interest in purees and milk too for that matter.  I have started putting some purees on Mum Mum crackers as a spread.  I've also been transitioning to more finger foods, although this is difficult since she only has 2 teeth. 
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    Glad its not just my 2 kids!

    One has 2 teeth and other has no teeth, so its been hard to find finger foods for the one with no teeth.

    Thanks for suggestions on how to use the purees. Great innovative ideas!

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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