January 2012 Moms

whats your new years resolution?

I am patiently waiting to go into labor.....jealous of the mommies that have their babies already....

my new years resolution is to floss everyday (and once this LO is out---get my teeth professionally whitened!) Vain i know but it is what it is!

DC:#1 10/2006 born at 40 weeks (33 weeks PTL)
DC#2 born silent at 22 weeks 1.11.11
Dc#3 born vbac 1/2012 <bra DC#4 born VBAC 3/2014

Re: whats your new years resolution?

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    I'm waiting too! Not so patiently tho! 39w2d


    I get married this year and I'm having a baby. My resolution is to get my body back so I'm smoking hot at my wedding and to do something small every day to stay healthier. Make healthier choices! :) 



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    Last year I completed 32 of my 101 goals (not resolutions) which isn't TERRIBLY bad. This year I'll probably find more concrete goals, that are actually within my reach.

    I know that making it to 6 months with Breastfeeding is high on the list... also, getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight well before 6 months is on there as well. Anything else is secondary at this point!


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    I haven't actually decided on any new ones. The obvious:

    -Lose the baby weight and continue on my weight loss pass pre-BFP (I'd lost 35lbs between January and May)

    -Don't just survive, but thrive with this baby 

    DD 1.18.2012
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