Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Next baby... Anyone else feel this way?

I have always wanted at least 2 babies. And I know that I do want (maybe) 1 more in the future. But the thought of it right now terrifies me.

DS is such a sweetheart, but he's an absolute handful. He's very high need and before 4 days ago, was still up every 2-3 hours at night (we're doing Ferber now). I seriously cannot imagine taking care of another baby right now and while I had a great pregnancy, I am really enjoying NOT being pregnant. I work from home and take care of DS at the same time and I'm exhausted. (Happy, but really worn out.)

The thought has absolutely crossed my mind that maybe I'm just good with 1. Smile And I can't even believe that would have ever occurred to me. Anyone else feel this way?  

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Re: Next baby... Anyone else feel this way?

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    The idea of getting pregnant right now scares me lol. I love my son but one is enough right now. I haventmhad a pp period yet and dh is paranoid and we had money to burn in our Fsa account so I Poas and it was negative as expected lol. We are very careful.

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    I think it's very normal to feel this way while we're still tired and caring for a little baby. There's a reason most kids are 2+ years apart.
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    I used to say I wanted 3 kids, now I think I want 2 lol. And I don't want another for at least 4-5 years. I love Clara more than anything, but it's hard work raising a baby!
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    I thought the same thing as you "maybe I'm good with just 1" and just when I thought that God blessed me with another baby! My LO just turned 8 months and I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second. My due date is April 23rd and my LO's 1'st birthday is April 24th. I am absolutely scared to death to have another one so quickly as, like you I am completly exhausted. I work about 45 hours a week as a Kindergarten teacher - with 18 very rambunctious 5 year olds. Life exhausts me right now. But, to make a long story short....this is God's plan for my life! I feel very fortunate to have a hubby who is so supportive and helpful and to be able to have another baby. We tried for over 2 years with our first and did fertility treatments so I feel fortunate to have a second. Anyways, you'll get there...and if/when it does happen for you I'm sure you'll feel the same way as I do - scared and anxious and overwhelmed....but God's plan is always bigger and better! :)
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    Absolutely felt this way.

    I know that in reality, I'm NOT done with having babies but I am definately done for a while. I'm going to give it at least a 3-5 years until we try for another.
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    I might be done. Jared is a SAHD, and there's NO WAY we can afford another one anytime soon, and my career is really demanding, and I'm just now figuring things out with one. When we're ready to TTC again, I'll be at least 38 (unless I win the lottery, one of my books is optioned for a movie--you know, realistic stuff that writers/English professors dream about ;-)

    I have two publishers each waiting for me to finish writing a book, so that's the next thing on my plate.

    So, when I'm 38, and we're TTC if it happens it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

    Mac and cheese lover!
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    It's funny that you posted this, because my DH and I just had this conversation this afternoon!

    I am beyond in love with my LO, but she is still so exhausting & demanding, that it actually scares me to have another... And with full-time work and the costs of having children, it can be a bit exhausting. I guess I hope that the 2nd one around isn't quite so high-maintenance.

    I really don't want to stop at one. So in the end, I think (**HOPE**) they get easier with age, and eventually I won't be so overwhelmed. I have to think this happens, otherwise I don't think anybody would have more than 1 baby! LOL :)   

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    I had a grueling recovery that including in-home treatments for weeks, and almost needed surgery to correct my bumbum so that it could heal correctly. Thankfully, after three and half months, it healed. However, during that entire time, I told DH that I was never going through that again. Ha

    DD has been awesome from the start, and started sleeping 7 hours at 2 months old, 9 at 3months, etc. She never cries unless shes tired, and is always smiling. I guess that makes me less afraid to get pregnant, and I have been toying with the idea of TTC in the next year or two. However, I had a rough pregnancy and just cant get that recovery out of my head. Ha. We will see!

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    just wait until they get more independent. They can get dressed, eat, tell you what's wrong, then you'll want the quiet baby :)

    and truthfully, you will forget the hard and horrible times....then remember them again when baby #2 does it 

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    I used to say I wanted 3 kids, now I think I want 2 lol. And I don't want another for at least 4-5 years. I love Clara more than anything, but it's hard work raising a baby!


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    image~Traver and Alicia~:
    I thought the same thing as you "maybe I'm good with just 1" and just when I thought that God blessed me with another baby! My LO just turned 8 months and I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second. My due date is April 23rd and my LO's 1'st birthday is April 24th. I am absolutely scared to death to have another one so quickly as, like you I am completly exhausted. I work about 45 hours a week as a Kindergarten teacher - with 18 very rambunctious 5 year olds. Life exhausts me right now. But, to make a long story short....this is God's plan for my life! I feel very fortunate to have a hubby who is so supportive and helpful and to be able to have another baby. We tried for over 2 years with our first and did fertility treatments so I feel fortunate to have a second. Anyways, you'll get there...and if/when it does happen for you I'm sure you'll feel the same way as I do - scared and anxious and overwhelmed....but God's plan is always bigger and better! :)

    Congratulations to you!! 

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    just wait until they get more independent. They can get dressed, eat, tell you what's wrong, then you'll want the quiet baby :)

    and truthfully, you will forget the hard and horrible times....then remember them again when baby #2 does it 

    I can imagine this is true. :) 

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    TheBump ate my profile. Oh well. New and improved.
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    I have always wanted at least 2 babies. And I know that I do want (maybe) 1 more in the future. But the thought of it right now terrifies me.

    DS is such a sweetheart, but he's an absolute handful. He's very high need and before 4 days ago, was still up every 2-3 hours at night (we're doing Ferber now). I seriously cannot imagine taking care of another baby right now and while I had a great pregnancy, I am really enjoying NOT being pregnant. I work from home and take care of DS at the same time and I'm exhausted. (Happy, but really worn out.)

    The thought has absolutely crossed my mind that maybe I'm just good with 1. Smile And I can't even believe that would have ever occurred to me. Anyone else feel this way?  

    I could have written this post word for word. I'm a WAH mom too and it is SO HARD. I constantly feel like I'm neglecting my job (and truthfully I probably am a bit). Sometimes DH and I think we're good with one, but I think we will end up with 2; however, I definitely want to wait until DS is 2 or 3.

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    I think most people don't have baby fever when they're in the midst of these kinds of phases. When you get past the tough parts, you really forget how hard they were and only remember the good times. When your DS gets past this phase and is in an easier (but more independent) one, you may find yourself wanting another one.

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    We waited to have the second. There is 3 years between DS#1 and #2. I was a bit nervous but once we got into a schedule everything has been great. DS#2 is a great easy going baby. Definitely fortunate. Now we are onto #3. The only thing I am worried about is taking attention away from DS#2. He will be starting the toddler preschool program this coming September (it is a co-op so I have to participate). Friday mornings will at least be just the two of us :) Oh and DC#3 was planned.

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    This was me exactly.  When DD was born I was so tired that I was pretty sure we were done.  Even when we started TTC (DD was about 3) I wasn't convinced that I was ready.  I do have to say that now DS is here I am happy that we have two.  Thankful for the gap between them and POSITIVE that we are done!
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    I always envisioned life with two kids but now that we have one, I think one might be the magic number. I can't wait to travel again, to go out to nice restaurants, to sleep in, to dedicate more time to my career, etc. etc. etc. And I'm afraid that while I can "have it all" with one, I would be stretching myself with two. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with having one, especially if it means being the best mom you can be.
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    DD is growing up waaay to fast! She doesn't want to be held like a baby anymore and I miss the days when I was her favorite place to sleep. So the hubby and I have discussed trying for another one but we're going to try to be in a situation where I might be able to be a stay at home mom. My biggest worry about having another baby is that DD is an awesome baby...always smiling & happy, she rarely cries and even latched on right away with very little problem but what if our next LO is a terror? The only issue we've had with DD has been that she fights naps and sleep like its her job but I consider us lucky that that is our biggest worry. I alwayshear that the 2nd LO is a terror compared to the first but maybe its just cuz there's 2?
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    I really cant imagine having another baby but I really dont want DS to be an only child. We will probably have another one in about 5 years. Im not mentally ready to think about it yet!
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    Yes, I totally feel this way.  I honestly don't know if I am cut out for more than one.  There are things DH and I want in life that would be easier to achieve with just one child in tow. 

    I was also sick with horrible morning sickness for 25 weeks of my pregnancy and hated the newborn stage.  So, I'm one and done as of now.  Also, I just turned 37 so I don't have like 5 yrs to wait and see. 

    Who knows?  Maybe my feelings will change, maybe they won't.  Either way, we know we are lucky to have this beautiful girl.  And I won't be sad if she's the only one. 

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    8 Months is pretty early to be thinking about another one in regard to whether or not you ever want another one.  Wait a while.  When your kid is feeding themself, etc. it doesn't seem like such a leap.
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    I always envisioned life with two kids but now that we have one, I think one might be the magic number. I can't wait to travel again, to go out to nice restaurants, to sleep in, to dedicate more time to my career, etc. etc. etc. And I'm afraid that while I can "have it all" with one, I would be stretching myself with two. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with having one, especially if it means being the best mom you can be.

    This is me exactly! 

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    Eh, I knew I wanted 2 in my heart, but DS is HARD. He's just a needy, fussy, difficult baby. I always feel bad admitting this, but I was afraid that once I got to a point where he was more independent then I would NEVER want to go back to this. I long for the days of sttn, no more bottles, no more diapers, etc. So we made the leap and decided to get both of their sleepless baby years out of the way in one bang. :) So I guess I kind of felt the same way, but knew I would personally regret just 1 so decided wth, let's just get this over with. 

    ETA: And yeah... I'm terrified for April 4th, the day of the c/s. DS is still sleeping in bed with me now and that's the only way I can get anywhere near decent sleep. He usually doesn't need a bottle during the night, but is teething (and I'm telling myself it's because of that to keep some  sanity) and wakes up crying at least 4 or 5 times a night. When he's in bed I can just roll over and soothe him and he goes back to sleep. NO idea what we're going to in 3 months.... 

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    I can't even imagine being pregnant right now.  It was so hard, between the fatigue, vomiting, bleeding, bed rest, etc, etc.  I would have a little breakdown if I found out I was pregnant.  Let alone then caring for another baby, DD is still BF every 2-3 hours, day and night. 

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    EcyEcy member

    I battle with this thought all the time. I know it's still early but for personal reasons, I will be done with any child bearing after the age of 35. So, at 33 now, I will have to make the decision to have another LO soon.

    As of today though, we are one and done. I am fine with this. It's the thought of my DD not having a sibling that bothers me.

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    This is why mine are 3 years apart. I just wasn't ready any earlier. I honestly do not know how people manage 2 under 2, but they do!
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    I go back and forth about this constantly.  For me, it is more that I honestly do not know if I have enough to give to a second child.  Or, maybe that I don't want to take any of my attention away from DD.  

    At first, I had said I would be one and done, even before I was pregnant.  But, I feel almost selfish not giving her a sibling.  My dad, who is an only, begs me to give her a sibling. I feel like I could give so much more to DD if she was an only- we could travel and have all kinds of experiences (well, hopefully some day!) that we may not be able to do with more than one.

    Adding to my doubts on a second is that I have zero relationship with my brother. So a sibling is no guarantee for her to have a lifelong buddy.  Plus, if I  do have more than one, I want them to be about 2 years apart so we'd be TTC within 6-9 months.  Also, pregnancy was really rough for me, so while the end result is the best, I am not in a hurry to do it again.  DH and I have a LOT of discussions to have over the next few months. 

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    I felt that same way for the entire 1st year of my sons life. He has always been my sweet handful. I had horrible PPD with him which also scared me big time when it came to the thought of another baby.

    We waited a good while before trying again. He was almost 2 when I got pregnant w/ Cece. I have to say, the timing was absolutely perfect for us. They get along really well so far, and he dotes on her all the time.  

    My perspective from my DS also helped me cope with the changes of another baby. The PPD, the lack of sleep etc. Yes, 2 kids is TOUGH until you establish a routine. But, knowing what I knew with him re: sleep training and all of that, I vowed to start sooner and it paid off.  My DD is a super easy-going babe which also helps even things out a bit.  

    So, getting pregnant now? Yeah, I felt exactly like you did. But once you have a toddler, and life is in a rhythm, you might change your mind. I'm so glad I did, because now my family is perfectly complete and I couldn't be any happier. <3

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    I felt that way for 2 years after having my first and I was terrified throughout my entire pregnancy about adjusting to life with a new baby. My boys are 3 1/2 years apart and life with 2 has been pretty close to perfect. All of my fears and anxieties about having another quickly went away after I had my second. You will probably never feel completely ready but just wait until you are sort of ready. It will work out. Having 2 is awesome!
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    I suppose I may be the only one that was ready for #2 pretty much right away? Stick out tongue We have been actively trying for a while now. I guess it helps that DS is a WAY easy baby. DH says I'm going to jinx us & #2 will be difficult. FX that won't be the case! LOL. I'm jealous of those ladies on here that are already PG!!

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    BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
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    Yes. Having another terrifies me. But my cousin says after DD is a toddler, I will get major baby fever. We will see!
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