
Failed 1 hr glucose test...

I failed my 1 hour glucose test yesterday and am waiting to hear what the next step is...though I am sure it is to have the 3 hour test.  Assuming I do have gestational diabetes, would that mean my chances of VBAC are gone?  My MD has been very supportive so far.  

 For what it's worth, I am overweight (I was with my 1st pg too, and passed the 1hr test), also have a pretty significant family history of type 2 diabetes.  I ended up with  c-section last time because DD's head was turned just enough for her to have a hard time descending far enough for me to push her out - pushed for 1.5 hours.

 Thanks for your input! 

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Re: Failed 1 hr glucose test...

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    I failed the 1 hr test, and passed the 3 hour test.  They way my OB had talked, GD doesn't have to be a big deal, if it can be kept under control.



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    The vast majority of people who fail the 1 hr. screening pass the 3 hr.  I ended up with GD this time around and had my VBAC, so if you do end up having it please feel free to PM me or page me with any questions! 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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