Birth Stories

Our special - unexpected gift

I'll give a bit of back story: We TTC for a few years and several rounds of IUI treatment with no success (unexplained infertility). We decided to stop trying until 2012 when my dh would be out of the police academy and I was okay with that.

Now to my story: We were sitting at the river with my family on Saturday before Memorial day, shooting the breeze on the porch. I said "I can't believe I'm going to be 30 and not a mom... how did that happen?" and then my BIL piped up and said "Kelly, as fast as you are, you could decide to have a baby now and pop it out before your birthday" and I said "Tim, it's less than 2 months away, even I'm not that good......" 

Well, that was at 9:30 at night, and we got home, sitting with my dh on the couch and at 10:30 I got a text from my cousin that I'm not all that close with that read: "have a friend who's daughter is having a baby soon, can't take care of it, do you want it?" I seriously about fell out of my chair, but didn't want to tell my dh just yet b/c he isn't as open to new ideas as I am. I continued to text my cousin for a long time that night along with the birth grandmother. Then the next day I text the birthmom which was very hard, but exciting at the same time. She told me that she wanted a good family for her baby and wanted us to care for it. I was terrified, I mean petrified that the bmom would change her mind and decide to parent, we were afraid to get too excited and hopeful...

There hadn't been any prenatal care so we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, if the baby was healthy etc but exactly 50 days later, we were able to go to the hospital (even though we weren't in the delivery room) and got her about 90 seconds after she was born.

I know that's not a typical birth story, but like all the biological moms out there, that's how our precious Hadley came to be! 

(we are just so thankful for adoption and the gift that it can bring to a family, so blessed and thankful to the birthmom who was so selfless)

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