Attachment Parenting

if you were team green with baby # 1...

are you going team green again with baby # 2?

I loved not knowing and so did DH. As we get closer to our target TTC # 2 date, DD has expressed A LOT of interest in getting a baby sister, but definitely not a baby brother. We've tried to explain that you can't choose (and obviously, have made it very clear that we're not having a baby at all right now), have pointed out how much fun baby brothers can be, too, etc., but this does not seem to dissuade her. She even told me to consult with a friend of mine who recently had a baby girl. "She knows how to get a girl baby in her tummy," DD said!

It makes me think it might be better to know ahead of time and prepare DD. But maybe an extra 20 weeks wouldn't matter anyway if she doesn't get what she wants.

I have no reason to be pondering this right now except that DD just told me for the 900,000th time how much she wants a baby sister.


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Re: if you were team green with baby # 1...

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    My H reeeeally wanted to know but he reluctantly went along with me not finding out. He has always been very vocal about wanting to know with a second, so I think we'll find out with the second.
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    My H reeeeally wanted to know but he reluctantly went along with me not finding out. He has always been very vocal about wanting to know with a second, so I think we'll find out with the second.

    This was my DH & I. He was upset that we didn't find out, so I promised we would find out for any other children we may have. I would much rather not know- the surprise is so much fun!

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    This is huge topic in our house right now. We had our anatomy scan this week and are still team green. However it is SOOOOO much harder this time, I tried to peek and failed, and I didn't foresee DD having such a strong preference or wanting to know so bad. I think it would be nice to prepare her and didn't consider that before hand. Also, since this is our last baby I'm so much more curious about this final piece to our puzzle. The first time I was ambivalent but now I have a very concrete idea of what having a daughter is like and the thought of a boy makes quite nervous.

    We stuck to our guns for a few reasons. The first is that DD so badly wants a sister and I do not want to spend the next 20 weeks dealing with her disappointment. The second is that finding out that she was a girl was the positive memory I have from my c-section. If this VBAC doesn't work out I would regret finding out now. And, not to sound selfish but, we give so much and sacrifice so much for our daughter that I'm just kind of not willing to short change my moment for her curiosity or ease of adjustment.

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    I am torn on this, and need to decide by my ultrasound in early January. My daughter is a little young to have a preference. She doesn't quite get the whole pregnancy concept, so I am not taking her needs into consideration.

    Wanting to know the sex was great motivation for pushing as long as I did (almost 5hrs), but the way I found out was really anti-climatic. Before they whisked her away they presented her to me genitalia end first. She was so swollen, and I was so tired that I had no idea what I was or wasn't seeing. I wish they had just announced "It's a girl".

    So I have no idea if we will find out or not.  

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    Team green with DD1 but this time we found out simply for the "other experience".  I will say that it was much more fun finding out in the delivery room than via ultrasound.  BUT it has been fun knowing that I'm carrying another little girl.  DD1 is too little to have a preference.
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    Love how she thinks this other mom will be able to tell you how to make a baby girl! :)

    We were team green with L, and we'll definitely be team green next time, too. There were lots of times I wished I knew what he was, but in the end I loved finding out in the delivery room. I agree with HarpersMom that that was the best part of my (also c-section) delivery.

    Does she have any baby boy dolls? Maybe, as you get closer to ttc again, she could dote on a little boy doll and that might help in case #2 is a boy?

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    I not only hope to be team green again, but I hope to be able to convince DH that this time, he needs to be team green, too. (Last go round, DH knew and I didn't. At the end, I made him tell me, and I SO wish I hadn't done that. I mean, I was happy to know, but I really wish I hadn't found out. And I know myself - if he knows, at some point, I will also want to know.)
    MandJS- I love your new siggy pic! S is a doll!

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    I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
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    We were team green for both. DD did want a sister, but I thought that hearing month after month that "maybe it's a boy, maybe it's a girl, it's a surprise!" made it easier for her when she got the dreaded baby brother. I don't think that knowing would have helped DD at all, I think it would have been horrible hearing about her disappointment for so long. Once she actually had a baby brother it was easier to focus on the "baby" part and ignore that it was a boy.
    - Jena
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    I not only hope to be team green again, but I hope to be able to convince DH that this time, he needs to be team green, too. (Last go round, DH knew and I didn't. At the end, I made him tell me, and I SO wish I hadn't done that. I mean, I was happy to know, but I really wish I hadn't found out. And I know myself - if he knows, at some point, I will also want to know.)
    MandJS- I love your new siggy pic! S is a doll!

    Ditto! I didn't even recognize you at first :-) 

    Single mom of DD (2010), TTC #2 since June 2013.
    Occasionally I'm blogging about my life with flybaby.
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    I was team green with #1 and not again. I did like the surprise, but I had fun finding out and buying the cute little outfits in the right color.
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    We were not team green either time, but DD was insistent that it was a girl prior to our anatomy scan.  For weeks after we told her it was a boy she would argue with me and insist that it was NOT a baby brother, it was a baby sister!  She was definitely not happy about it.  But, she has adapted to the idea over time (although she now insists that she has a baby sister in HER belly).  Of course, she's a lot younger than your DD, so it's hard for me to say what I would do in your shoes, but in our case I'd rather deal with the objections before the baby is here rather than after.

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    When we finally granted DD1 with the sibling she had been asking for every day she was so excited.  We knew we wanted to find mostly because she always asked for a baby sister, and since we had adopted DD1 at 2 yrs old we didn't have any infant items in our house.

    She did however say on the way to the anatomy scan "if we're having a boy can you give it back and try again?".

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    When my mom was pregnant with my baby sister, I said I wanted an older sister. She explained that's not how it works and I told her she could adopt one. I adjusted :)

    We will be Team Green again for #2, but there will (hopefully, probably) be a #3, and I think we might find out then, just for a different experience and for knowing ahead of time what our complete family will look like. That's not 100% decided, but it's something we've talked about. 

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    We were team green 2x. DD now expresses that she wants a baby sister and several times has said stuff like, can we trade baby DS for someone else's baby girl, or take someone's baby girl, etc., but she was thrilled when he came home. 

    My dad is an MD and I gave him access to view my first anatomy scan online and he thought DS was going to be a DD and TOLD my DD this, but my DD argued with him and thought all along that the baby was going to be a boy. Turns out she was right.

    If we go for #3 I will be very tempted to find out, simply from the "purging of baby stuff" side of things. 

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    I loved the surprise.  DH wanted to know with #1.  but since it may have been our only, he let me have my way.  When IVF #2 worked, we agreed to find out, for him and for DS1.  We asked DS1 once what he'd prefer, and he said a brother.  We told him it might be a sister, and he said, "uh, ok."  he was 2.  We took him to the u/s, and DS2 was posing like a madman, with all his bits out.  So DS1 took one look at the money shot, and asked why the baby got to have his penis out when he couldn't.  Yeah.  It was that obvious.  I think it helped DS1 connect to the baby, as he then talked to his baby brother, and helped us pick and reveal the name later.  I'd have liked another surprise, but loved being able to have DS1 be in on the whole process.
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    My DH convinced me to me team green with DS #1 and I loved it so much that we'll be team green everytime.  :) 

    TTCAL Siggy Challenge: "He's my favorite.  His birthday is the same as mine almost"

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    Missing my little one lost at 9 weeks on 2.24.13. brokenhearted but not broken... 

    d&c 5/21/13... Still Healing, Still Standing... 

    MMC discovered 10/2/2013, TWINS... d&c 10/7/2013.  I still miss you, little ones. 

    Surgery December 2013 to remove a 10+cm fibroid... Open myomectomy. Benched for 3-9 months... 
    Will TTC summer Summer 2014 we hope!

    Dear God, Since I couldn't hold my little one in my lap and tell him about you, could you hold him in your lap and tell him about me? 

    PgAL and PAL always welcome...
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