My baby shower is tomorrow and my daughter who is 4 will be there.
We along with her grandparents on both sides have gotten her a gift just for her to open so she doesn't feel left out. I've also told her that she can open a majority of the babys presents.
She's perfectly fine with this and is absolutely thrilled to have a baby brother.
I however am feeling slightly guilty and can just see her having a meltdown when we play games and there will be a few prizes..obviously it's not very likely that she will win so i'm wondering what type of game could we play that she WILL win?
Made up or not, i'm just drawing a blank about the whole thing lol
Re: Baby shower question about DD
Honestly, I would either set up a sitter for her or have someone at the party entertaining her.
If you absolutely want her there, then have her pass out the prizes. give her a job and put her in charge of something.
Explain to her that this is not a party for her. If she has been to another child's birthday party before, surely she would understand. Also, unless the surprise is already ruined, I wouldn't tell her she's getting a gift. If she doesn't know to expect it, she won't get as grumpy at the baby gifts. Then she can open her gift before you start playing games so she has a new toy to keep her occupied.
I do agree with PP about asking someone to give her attention while you play the shower games. If she won't be distracted, having her hand out the shower game gifts is a great idea too.
I agree.... Explain to her how it is, and that's that. You don't want to raise her to think that every party is about her, and she will win every game. She is getting to the age where she'll be attending other kids' parties... what then? And what happens when you son is older and kinda wants to open his own Christmas presents, but you've all ready raised your DD to think she is entitled to do so?
I agree with what everyone above said.
My niece was at my shower, she's 3 and had a fit during all the games. Even though we let her help me open gifts, for the games she was trying to play but didn't understand them. You could tell she was getting frustrated and wanted to win a prize. She got really cranky and had to be sent to her room because she started throwing temper tantrums and even kicked me in the stomach while trying to take a teddy bear given to me for my soon-to-be daughter.