Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Thanksgiving and a cousin with mono? WWYD?

My grandparents have rented a huge beach house for Thanksgiving week and to celebrate their 50th anniv. All the family is coming (around 20 people) - it's been years since we've all been together. Well I just went on Facebook and one of my cousins has mono (saw her chatting about it with another person) and was chatting about how she is still coming to the beach and hopes she feels better by then. Well now that I know this I don't want to go! I don't want to risk my 5 month old getting sick. There's also going to be a 3 month old(my nephew) and a 3 year old. I don't know what to do! Would you go? Should I call/email my grandmother and tell her why we won't be there? We live only 2 hours away so I thought we would just go over for thanksgiving day if anything...WWYD?? (FTR - I don't know if grandma knows that she has mono)

Re: Thanksgiving and a cousin with mono? WWYD?

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    I would still go. Mono is only transferable through saliva transfer. Thats why it is known as the kissing disease. Just keep her away from that cousin. 

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    I agree that you can go and just keep her strictly away from mono cousin.
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    Ditto pp.  There is very little chance your DD or anyone else will get mono from your cousin.  Just make sure you don't kiss, share drinks, etc. and you will be fine.
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    Ditto pp's.  You can only get mono by sharing saliva- kissing, sharing a toothbrush, cup, straw, etc  So I would go and keep your baby away from anything that comes in contact with that cousin's mouth, fingers (just in case she licks her fingers)

    I actually got mono when I was in college.  A friend of mine and I split an order of potato skins, she double dipped in the sour cream. She didn't know she had Mono though.  It sucked. 

    FYI- Once you have it, you're always a carrier of the disease.  But it lays dormant in your body.  HTH.

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    I also think that once one is dx with mono, one is no longer contagious... I would go, but be sure that mono girl stays away!

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