This morning was the second time I had this sharp chest pain that stopped me in my tracks. I've had these before, but they usually only happen once a month or less, and this is the second time over the weekend. This time I couldn't take any large deep breaths without out it being sharp and stopping my inhale of breaths. It feels like a stabbing sharp pain at first ..out of nowhere, and then after that when I try and breathe again it does it slightly.
What should I do?
I don't want to be a worry wart and be one of those people who call their OB every little symptom?
Re: Scared......
Photo/Family Blog
Ive had this before... its not a pregnancy symptom. What I had was called a "pleural effusion". Everytime I took a deep breath, it felt like I was being stabbed in the chest. Scared me so bad one day, I dropped everything at work and went to the hospital. I thought I was having a heart attack at 22 yrs old! They did an EKG, and my heart was fine. Turns out, it was because of an infection (I worked with children, so I probably caught one of they're colds) They gave me antibiotics and I was back at work the next day.
I know it can be really scary, so at least get checked out so you can know exactly what it is. Especially since your preggo.
Hope this helps!
Myomectomy 9/2009
TTC#1 10/2009 - All BFNs
HSG 12/2010 - All Clear; More BFNs
11/5/2011 - BFP!
12/6/2011 @ 9w3d No HB/Growth
Natural M/C 12/10/11 (or so I thought)
12/15/2011 D&C