Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

do you give juice? if so, when did you start?

was wondering when to start giving my daughter juice. i actually don't want to until at least age 2, but wanted to see what others have done/are doing.

Re: do you give juice? if so, when did you start?

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    I don't plan on giving juice.  Maybe when she's preschool age and at a party, but not now. 
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    I haven't given her any and don't plan to for awhile.
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    Daycare gives it to him 1-2x per week.  He gets it at home maybe 1x every other week.  He does love apple juice, but I am with everyone else in that he doesn't need it that often.

    He started around 1 year when we went to regular milk because that's when daycare offered it.  We dilute it usually, though daycare doesn't.

    Big Kid Jan 2010

    Littlest Man Sept 2012

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    I would suggest not giving juice. I gave it to my DD very young (she had constipation issues) and now she won't drink anything but juice so I have to water it down majorly...
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    We don't give juice at all and plan to keep it that way for awhile.
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    We don't do juice. I don't really plan on it becoming a habit in our house, because he really enjoys drinking water. So if he enjoys water then I am not changing that.

    Edit because do and don't are two very different things. 

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    Nope. My 3 year old and 19 month old have had juice a very small handful of times. Only special occasions. I don't want to start a bad habit. Juice doesn't offer anything fresh fruit does. And it's generally bad for the teeth.
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    I give my guy water with a splash of pure apple/peach/carrot juice (not from concentrate/no added sugar) pretty much every day. 

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    I started giving both of my LO's a splash of juice mixed with mostly water at 6 months old, partly to get them started with a sippy and partly as a beverage to wash their food down with.

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    We give him a splash of apple juice in a sippy of water when it seems like he needs something to drink with his meals. It's probably 5-6 parts water to 1 part juice, and he only drinks a couple of ounces of it, so I'm not worried. He likes the little bit of flavour. I started when he had his 12 month shots and the nurse said that it was good to give him lots of fluids afterwards.
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    he gets it if we are at party or something adn there are juice boxes for everyone, i'm not that mom who doesn't let him have one, but he doesn't get it at home and never asks for it so why bother, he has maybe had 3-4 juice boxes total at this point in his life and thats it
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    We give DS a sippy of V8 splash (it has a serving of fruit and a serving of veggies) about every other day. He gets other juice (orange juice, etc) if we are out to brunch, at a family members house, etc.
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    We started offering watered down prune juice around 14 months as a last ditch effort to ease her constipation. Now I sometimes also offer watered down blueberry juice as well. Kid's still crapping pellets. 
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    We give my son apple juice every day, about 2 oz juice with 2oz water.  We started when he was a year offering it every day with his afternoon snack.  He has been getting water from a cup since about 6 months offered at mealtimes.
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    Tegan gets 1-2 sippies of watered down juice, about 2 ounces of juice to 7 oz of water, every day. She's been offered a sippy with this mixture since she was 9 months old.

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    I didn't want to give her any for a long time, but then she started getting extremely constipated after switching off formula and onto milk. She didn't drink enough water and milk throughout the day, no matter how many times I offered it. This past week I've given her about 1oz of juice to 8oz water in her sippy a few times and she drinks it much more quickly than plain juice. It's helped a great deal and I'll probably continue to give her a little juice in her water when she gets constipated again.
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