Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What to say when people ask "How can I help"?

As moms of newborns, what sorts of things would you appreciate help with?


When friends/family ask "How can I help?"  How have you responded?


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Re: What to say when people ask "How can I help"?

  • Bring dinner.
    July 20th, 2012: Never forget the day the fb douchebags tried so hard, but ultimately failed. Viva la October 2011! Yeah, I called you douchebags.


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    "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

  • imageHappyAardvark:
    Bring dinner.



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  • Also my parents live close and I ask them to pick up things at the grocery store for me when I know they are going there.    
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  • Cleaning.  My mom came over the other day when my husband had to run errands and cleaned the kitchen while I napped with the baby.  It was awesome.
  • Bring dinner/groceries.

    Do the laundry.

    Clean the bathroom or kitchen.

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  • Food.  Definitely.  And also offering to pick things up at the grocery store before you go over.
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  • imageMrsEllis10:

    Bring dinner.



    Let me add to this, bring dinner and then leave! No sticking around to be entertained or overstimulate the baby.
    And picking things up from the grocery store is uber helpful.
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  • imagekaustin2010:
    Food.  Definitely.  And also offering to pick things up at the grocery store before you go over.
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  • As everyone is saying, anything food related is great!  Try to have your SO coordinate days for people to bring things, that way rather than having 5 casseroles in the freezer you can have home made fresh meals every night! 
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  • "Watch the baby while I take a long, hot shower/bath."
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  • Here are a couple of my answers to family and friends....

    Frozen dinners

    Shopping (especially heavy,bulky items)

    Cleaning: Laundry

    Pet care:Walking the dog or petsitting

    Childcare: Taking our toddler to play or even better for an overnight 

    Don't be afraid to tell people what you want or need. People really want to be helpful especially those who have kids..... I didn't think twice when a friend asked for toilet paper.

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  • I'd say eating wholesome food was difficult, as was shopping. So I'd say if you can bring a home cooked meal or take care of my grocery list it would be awesome!

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