
If you have twins and wanted more children...

If you still felt like your family wasn't complete would you risk another set of twins? My twins turn 4 in December. I would like to have one more, but unfortunately trying on our own hasn't worked. I used clomid for my twins and my doctor suggests using that again if I am serious about getting pregnant. WOuld you go for it?

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Re: If you have twins and wanted more children...

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    I think that is a very personal decision.  I would not.  But that is because I have to look at our financial situation and what is best for my family.  I know the risk with clomid is low, but my luck I would have a second set...and I am exhausted, yet very happy with my little family of 4.
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    I understand exactly what you're saying. I think that's why my twins are almost 4 and I still haven't been able to pull the trigger on doing clomid again, sigh. I wish I felt "done."
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    I agree that it is a very personal choice. I think I would risk having twins again to have another baby. I know so much more now that I have had twins than before. I know exactly what I would do different the second time around if twins happened again. I would prefer to only have one more, but I want at least one more.
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    First pregnancy was identical twins.  When I was pergnant again....we were NOT ready and found out we were expecting another set of identical twins.  My doctor never thought that a person would get so lucky to have two sets of identical twins.  I'm not going to glamourize it, I had four babies under the age of 3.  My first set of twins just turned 2 when my second set was born.  It was hard work!  I thought two was challenging but 4 was deffinately hard!  I made it through but our marriage only lasted until our second set of twins were 10 months old. 

    Now, me and my current husband our pregnant with our baby and its NOT twins (tytytytytytytytyty).  We debated on whether or not we wanted a child of our own and having twins was something we talked about.  Now my twins are 9 and 7 and we are only expecting one baby this time.  Even though multiples are exciting and fun, we are happy to know that we are having one simple pregnancy and we are glad to be expecting one instead of two. 

    If you are considering having more children, just think of it as having at least two more....that way you are prepared for the news and lifestyle it brings.

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    Saying "yes" to this better not jinx me......

    Yes I would.  I want more kids.  I'm SOOOOO ready for singleton pregnancy, but if I had to "risk" twins (mine were spontaneous), I would do it - even though I'm praying it doesn't happen. 

    I'm sure I could do it better than I did the first time!!!

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    I am in this very same boat. TTC for over a year now, with one m/c along the way. Our twins were the result of one cycle of clomid. My dr said we could do the clomid again if we want, but I too have been reluctant to "pull the trigger". If we have to do it, I would/will, but not quite ready to take that plunge.
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    That was me, and now I have 2 sets of twins (the first through IUI/meds, and the second completely spontaneous) 16 months apart.  It is very very challenging for me at the moment.  Very challenging.  All I have to say is, crazy things can (and do) happen! 

    7/2009 - Gonal-F cycle #2 with Ovidrel trigger and IUI #5 - BFP! Twin boys born at 38 weeks 3 days! 8 months later...spontaneous BFP! And twins again! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Ours are spontaneous, so we know we could possibly have twins again. We really want three or four chidren, so we will be TTC soon knowing full well that it could happen again (but hopefully just a singleton!). I will probably lose my mind if we have another set, but it will be fun too.....right?!?
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
    BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
    BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
    BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
    BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d

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    We had sponteneous twins and we did try again knowing the chances were slim of having another set of sponteneous twins, we were ok if it did happen again so we went for it and I'm pregnant with only one baby this time.


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    We want 3-4 children so when the girls are 4 we will probably start trying again. Knowing that it took help with the first 2 I have to be willing to accept that help will most likely be required with the second two and thus, twins is a strong possibility.

    I will say though that even if you use clomid, you can and should be monitored to assess the number of follicles present. Nothing would be more challenging than wanting one more and getting 4 more!

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    I knew the moment my babies were born that I wanted more.  They're only 4m now, and we're probably going to wait until they are almost 2 to TTC.  Ours were not spontaneous and I know we could have a chance of twins again if we transfer more than 1 embie.  Of course, I'd be happy with twins again, b ut a singleton would be nice too.  The problem with us is that we don't have many embryo's left, so we may only have 1 more chance for a pregnancy, and would we do a single FET or put back in whatever is remaining.  It's a really hard choice since we want 4 children.


    I actually have my own question to those with 2 sets of twins.  Mine is a medical question.  If you had a c-section with your 1st twins, was it dangerous to carry a second set of twins?  I'm just concerned that the scar would re-open with a uterus that big again.  I was huge with my twins.  

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    Personally, I would not want to risk having another set of twins.  I had a difficult delivery with my twins and I would not want to run the risk of having another set of preemies.  Plus, we spent $460 per week on daycare and about $175 per week on formula/food/diapers as it is...another set of twins would kill us financially.

    Having said that though...we do have frosties and will be doing FETs with one embryo only when we try for #3.  I know that there is no guarantee that the embryo won't split, but the risk of multiple will be as low as they can be if we only transfer 1.  We won't go back for #3 until the twins are at least 2 though (again for financial reasons...daycare is cheaper once they hit 2). 

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