
Stupid Freakin Pacifier! :)

So my girls are almost 2 weeks old, this Friday and I am having a HUGE problem with the paci.  I want them to be able to have a paci, but it seems as though during the night they will spit it out every 15 minutes and whimper and whine until I put it right back in.  What is the point in me going back to sleep when I know that they are going to have me back up in 15 more minutes to put their paci's back in again. 

How can I let them have them during the day when they really cry, but after they fall asleep for the first time at night and it falls out, that it is okay to keep it out?

During the day they can do this with naps, but not at night. Perfect for me, huh???  :)

Should I just let them whimper and whine until they sooth themselves without the paci?  Unless it is a full on cry?  I feel horrible because they are so young and little.




Re: Stupid Freakin Pacifier! :)

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    I had the same experience with paci's at night.  After a few nights of trying to keep them from whimpering at night I just gave up on paci's all together.  They stopped after a few days, it was tough because they were crying( little cries) or making sounds that made me want to get up.  You gotta get your sleep and if you are up every 15 minutes putting a paci in their mouth you won't be doing anyone any good.   I tried to keep nights simple, no talking, low lights, just changing and feeding and back to bed.  Thankfully by 3/4 months they were sleeping through the night.  I didn't rock them back to sleep or make the moments "special" because I needed to be able to function during the day, especially when my older twins were 2 and into everything! 

    Hope it works for you! 

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    The only suggesstion I can offer up is to maybe try other brands of pacifiers.  My kiddos could never work the soothie, didn't care for avent but did real well with MAM pacis.   

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    Had the exact same problem.  You can try switching types.  Eventually they learn to hold it in their mouth.

    I wouldn't let them self soothe at 2 weeks old - wayyy to young.  I just kept putting it in at night and eventually they were strong enough to keep it in- it pays off in the long run.

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    My boys had the same problem, too.  I slept with my arm in the bassinet (which was right next to our bed) and just re-pacified when needed. 
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    Try the Nuks. Only one of ours can keep a soothie in even now (I think the NICU trained her, lol), but they both like Nuks. For what its worth, neither of ours particular loves the pacifiers and they only take them about 1/3 of the time that we offer them, and I don't mind a bit since they won't care when we ditch them entirely!
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