
If you EBF........ Cluster feeding?

We are NOT. Sleeping..... I plan to start sleep training in 2 weeks. The women in my mothers/ bf group say cluster feeding has def helped sleeping longer and the lc who runs the group encourages cluster feeding to be a natural thing for bf babies. So.... I have been encouraging the girls to do it BUT it totally SUX, if thete was ever a time to hate BF this would be it, i loathe cluster feeding. I am not ure if it is making a difference either but they are fussy in the evening and i wonder if is because yhey want to cluster feed. Did you cluster feed? What are your thoughts
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Re: If you EBF........ Cluster feeding?

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    I did not for all the reasons you described.  At least, I never did so intentionally (where I was driving it).  Occasionally during growth spurts there would be a bit of cluster feeding, but I really managed it.

    I'm actually confused on why cluster feeding would HELP them STTN?  I would think if you are intentionally doing it, it would become habit forming for them, causing them to want to nurse even more than they are- can you explain why others suggested this?

    How often were your girls nursing before you started cluster feeding?

    I started the girls on a schedule from Day 1 using Babywise.  I love, love, love it.

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    Second what PP said--starting a cluster feeding habit is not going to help them STTN, but reading BabyWise and implementing a 3 hr schedule WILL !!
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    My boys were clusterfeeders.  It did help us to get long stretches of sleep early on. I just fed them on demand.  It seemed to work for us.  
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    My boys were clusterfeeders.  It did help us to get long stretches of sleep early on. I just fed them on demand.  It seemed to work for us.  
    This. I would be hesitant to force them to cluster feed if they don't want to (I'm not sure it would even work, you can't really make a bf baby eat more than they want). On demand feeding works for us, and they do naturally cluster feed a bit in the evenings. I also like what I've read about on demand feeding for babies being the first step in teaching them healthy eating habits for when they are older (basically knowing how to eat when hungry and stop when full, even if there is more on their plate).
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    My boys were clusterfeeders.  It did help us to get long stretches of sleep early on. I just fed them on demand.  It seemed to work for us.  
    Us too. I BF'd my babies every 2 hours starting right after dinner (6-6:30ish) until they went to bed. One of them started STTN (6 to 7 hours straight) at 6 weeks old and the other started about 2 weeks later. I don't cluster feed anymore and my babies sleep from about 9pm til 5/6am now. Not sure if cluster feeding helped or if I just got lucky!
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    Thank you! I am not going to push it, its not helping. Back to babywise, i do feed more often in the pm but not a cluster feed. I wish they would naturally sttn! But i dont think it will happen without some training, they are still waking every 3, 4, or5 hours at night. Wish me luck with sleep training, i am going to need it
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    also, not STTN is normal for their age. Mine went through a short stint of it at around 3 months, but it really didn't stick until 6 months. totally normal and all babies are different. agree with PPs, just go with their cues for now.

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    IMO: babies with full bellies will sleep through the night for the longest stretches. It doesn't matter how that is accomplished (cluster feeding or full feedings every 3 hours) as long as their bellies are full when they go down for the night. Different babies will accomplish that in different ways so do what works for you guys. If it's not working, try something new! GL to you!
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