Pre-School and Daycare

Has anyone used Kumon?

DS is in preschool but has had some difficulty with writing. We have worked with him but we are thinking of sending him to Kumon. Has anyone used it? Comments??

Re: Has anyone used Kumon?

  • I had an education professor who was also a Kumon teacher, so she used a lot of their materials in our class.  I like it and you will see results.  However, a preschooler with "problems" writing is likely just not developmentally ready for it.  He isn't behind.  I would do lots of fine motor activities with him (cutting, coloring, sorting small objects, etc) to build up the strength in his hand.  Once the muscles are built, kids have an easier time holding a pencil and getting it to do what they want.  I would not force writing or reading on a preschooler who isn't ready.  It is a sure-fire way to make him feel inadequate, frustrated and resentful toward school.  Sorry if I'm over-stepping.  I've just done a lot of post-graduate work in developmental readiness and feel very strongly.  
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  • I worked at a Kumon for a while and would not recommend it to anyone. Preschoolers worked with letter boards and did very little writing anyways. I'd try looking for another tutor or just do a lot of activities at home like pp suggested.
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