My hubby and I just found out tonight that my son is doing very well and as long as he keeps feeding on his own and gaining weight (he's 3 lbs 11 oz now) he'll be home before Christmas. What a awesome Chrismas we will have. I'm soooooo happy
That is so exciting and I'm so happy for you! We're praying for the same for our girls.
IUI # 1 on 1/19, Beta 2/1 = BFN, Hysteroscopy on 2/15= 5 polyps removed, and cervix cleared, IUI #2 on 4/15 = BFP, Beta#1 on 4/30 @ 15 dpiui= 279, Beta #2 on 5/9 @24dpiui = 10,154, U/S on 8/5 = TWO GIRLS! Born 10/16 at 28 weeks.
Re: I just found out my son will be home before X-mas!!
that is great news!!! That is the best gift ever.
DS was in the hospital due to FTT last year and we came home on christmas eve.
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07