3rd Trimester


How do you tell someone politely not to kiss your baby without them taking it personal??
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Re: Kissing??

  • "It's flu season and the Dr told us not to let people get to close to the baby's face.  I know, I just want to kiss those cheeks, too."


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  • LOL, good one :-) 


    "It's flu season and the Dr told us not to let people get to close to the baby's face.  I know, I just want to kiss those cheeks, too."


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  • Ive been trying to figure this out too. DH's mom smokes literally 3 packs a day.. I honestly dont want her even holding the baby because she has horrible hygeine issues and doesnt wear deodorant anyways, but Im not evil so Ill let that slide i guess.... but absolutely NOT do i want her kissing the baby. I would die.
  • I've been so worried about telling people to wash their hands before holding the baby I hadn't even thought about people KISSING my baby! Now I'm worried about that too! I guess I'll just have to smack them on the nose and tell them "NO!"
    ?imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Don't most people know not to kiss a baby?

    We're thinking about posting a friendly little reminder at the front entry--asking that guests use Purell, not kiss the baby, and keep their distance if they're experiencing cold and flu symptoms.  It could very well turn into a parade in our house, and I'm sure I'll be too overwhelmed to "check up" on each and every guest.

    Besides that, you're a new mom.  You're allowed to be freaked out.  If you see someone going in for the kiss, grab the baby and run.  lol

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  • People do that???
    Waiting for #3!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • People are weird.  I've never kissed anyone else's child, not even my nieces and nephews.
  • I have made it clear to our immidiate family that I dont want them kissing him. They already know that I'm a germ freak so that kinda helps. Our friends kinda know too so hopefully we dont have to say anything. I also plan on having some purrell by the entry. I would hope that any family or friends that are sick are smart enough to not visit untill they are well.
  • imagelaurenhallmark:
    Ive been trying to figure this out too. DH's mom smokes literally 3 packs a day.. I honestly dont want her even holding the baby because she has horrible hygeine issues and doesnt wear deodorant anyways, but Im not evil so Ill let that slide i guess.... but absolutely NOT do i want her kissing the baby. I would die.

    Not evil...smoke is dangerous for your baby! We don't let anyone around our kids while they're smoking. My grandpa still smokes, and I don't care if I hurt his or my grandma's feelings...but if he plans on visiting me and the new baby at all, he needs to not smoke on his way over, and have a clean shirt to put on. I don't want my baby to breathe in nor smell like smoke. If they want to ruin their health, fine...but you won't ruin mine or my kids health.

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  • imageMrsG.060708:

    Ive been trying to figure this out too. DH's mom smokes literally 3 packs a day.. I honestly dont want her even holding the baby because she has horrible hygeine issues and doesnt wear deodorant anyways, but Im not evil so Ill let that slide i guess.... but absolutely NOT do i want her kissing the baby. I would die.

    Not evil...smoke is dangerous for your baby! We don't let anyone around our kids while they're smoking. My grandpa still smokes, and I don't care if I hurt his or my grandma's feelings...but if he plans on visiting me and the new baby at all, he needs to not smoke on his way over, and have a clean shirt to put on. I don't want my baby to breathe in nor smell like smoke. If they want to ruin their health, fine...but you won't ruin mine or my kids health.

    i totally agree with you on the no smoking around my baby. I doubt my MIL, FIL, and DH's grandma will adhere to or like my rule. I have never been a smoker, don't see the appeal in it and can't stand the smell of it on people's clothes. I have a feeling DH and I will have a few arguments on this subject. His parents still smoke in the house and his mom didn't quit smoking for her last pregnancy. She also doesn't believe that smoking causes cancer.
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  • When you are out in public, always bring a large thin blanket (like a swaddler) with you, I used to put this over the carseat in stores to prevent any random strangers touching my baby.

    and YES some weirdo strangers will try to touch your baby, just step away and explain if you have to. Its way more important to protect them from germs than to be polite! Esp this winter.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • It still throws me for a loop when a complete stranger comes up and gets in the baby's face.

    I actually was walking around Target right after my daughter was born and had her in the sling when she was nursing. Some lady came up and opened the sling, exposed my breast and feeding baby and then started talking about how it was inapporpriate that i was doing that in public. Ummm, and you coming up to me and putting your hands on me wasnt inappropriate??

    I would be completely blunt with them. They have no right to just kiss your child, especially given the kind of germs and illnesses that are out there now.

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  • To random people/people we aren't that close to, we say: 

    "Oh careful! DD might be sick and I don't want you to catch it."


    People we are close with, or random other people who may kiss on the lips:

    "WE don't even kiss her on the lips. That's gross."


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  • Do you mean kissing on the lips or something? Do people even do that? I've only ever seen people kiss babies on the top of their heads so that's what I was thinking you meant and I was wondering why that would really be a problem. It seems like it would be totally awkward to try and kiss a baby on the lips since they are so tiny and you'd probably feel like you were suffocating them. I didn't think people kissed kids on the lips until they were old enough to kiss you back.
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  • I won't be just putting hand sanitizer at the entry - I basically attack people with it before they touch the baby. 

    As for kissing, frankly I'd be more worried about people touching your baby's hands (which will go right into his/her mouth). We may do a little sign on the carseat when going out like this one: https://www.prematurity.org/shops/shop-mytinyhands.html 

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  • I would be shocked if someone tried to kiss the baby.  Nobody ever tried that with DD. 
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  • Depends on your family I guess. I think I come from a pretty affectionate family and the only people who have ever kissed DD are my parents and DH's parents. And actually DH's parents never kissed her (in front of me at least) until she learned how to kiss and started giving them kisses.

    It probably wont be a big issue

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  • imagelaurenhallmark:
    Ive been trying to figure this out too. DH's mom smokes literally 3 packs a day.. I honestly dont want her even holding the baby because she has horrible hygeine issues and doesnt wear deodorant anyways, but Im not evil so Ill let that slide i guess.... but absolutely NOT do i want her kissing the baby. I would die.



    YIKES.....print out the research that talks about 3rd hand smoke (that is all the yucky stuff that gets on the clothes and skin of smokers) and SIDS.  They feel like there might be a connection.  My rules are if you smoke you must have showered and have on clean clothes before holding baby.  If you smoke after the shower and clean clothes are put on no holding baby. 

    As far as kissing goes I tell them that if they need to kiss baby they should direct their lips to their feet, which have socks on them :)  I was so worried about offending ppl but once baby arrives your filter does not work as well b/c you have to put baby first and you become more out spoken about these things that seem way akward prior to baby. 

    I even told any out town family staying with us after baby is born they MUST have a flu shot! :) I gues by baby number four you become more out spoken LOL

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  • imageklovesd:
    I've been so worried about telling people to wash their hands before holding the baby I hadn't even thought about people KISSING my baby! Now I'm worried about that too! I guess I'll just have to smack them on the nose and tell them "NO!"


    I don't ever ask ppl to wash their hands I just tell them too LOL...... As soon as they ask to hold baby I just say "there is handsanitizer right there or you can use that bathroom to wash your hands".  So I don't ask I just direct them to the nearest washing station LOL I make sure to place large bottles of hand sanatizer around the house so they are easy to get to. :)  People get the idea pretty quick!

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